Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 124 - 2 billion peak combat power (27)

Chapter 124 – : 2 billion peak combat power (2/7)

“Don’t fight it, don’t carry it”

Kun Pengniao begged for mercy in horror. _The voice is trembling, the fear is real fear, immense regret, regretful intestines

Green, how could he go to attack Haoran City?

Why should he provoke such a terrible enemy.

This is not a human being, it is simply an ancient alien species, even more terrifying than their fierce beasts, and intrepid and intrepid. In this way,

He will be beaten to death alive.

The two Jiang Tingting in the distance listened to the terrifying Kunpeng birds that could crush them. The begging for mercy was even more shocking

Pour air-conditioning.

The complexion is changing, and my heart is overwhelmed. Numerous complex emotions are rolling over.

Have you ever seen the existence of a beast stem level, beating for mercy? Simply subvert the three views.

However, Jiang Yuan Chundang didn’t hear _ it was another punch and smashed down violently. This blow used stronger power, and thousands of magical magic

Tu, divided into two, turned into two fists, wrapping fists.

There was a sound of Jin Ge abruptly, and countless rain-like sparks appeared.

Under the continuous bombardment, the entire head of Kunpengbird was smashed and plunged deep into the Taidi, and the entire 05 face was a flesh-and-blood model.

Much, consciousness began to collapse.

The begging for mercy became smaller and smaller, and finally lost his voice completely, and his body fell weak.

This thought flashed through the hearts of the two in the distance, and they all saw a look of shock in each other’s eyes.

However, it didn’t take long for the two to panic1 before they saw a more brutal scene.

Jiang Yuan raised the body of Kunpeng bird. The roar roared, the voice undulating, thunderous and vigorous, accompanied by tearing

Cracked sound.

He actually tore off half of Kun Pengbird’s body abruptly.

In this way, in front of the two of them, they opened their mouths too much, and started to eat.

So brutal-: face, the two people who looked at each other looked at each other, and turned into streamers without saying anything, and fled madly, as if there was something behind them

What a terrifying darkness is about to cover.

The two of them were so frightened that their hearts were broken.

Is there anything scarier than this?

Abruptly in front of both of them. Smashing the Beast King to death, it is not enough to die, but to eat it as food.

Horror: Horror to the extreme 1, both of them have their hairs up.

Don’t you run away and wait for death now?

Jiang Yuan didn’t care about the two grass man kings either, An Anxin was devouring the flesh and blood essence that felt the horror, and continued to enter the blood and golden body.

Among them, it was swallowed by glass cells.

Every cell was trembling, pulling these flesh and blood essence crazily, and the dragon drank the river water like crazy, snatching crazily.

Just swallowed = countless Liuli Niu cells surging up with flesh and blood. Scrambling to smash the material structure in an instant, scrambling for each other,

Crazy strong self.(Read more @

A feeling of blazing heat. In Jiangyuan’s body. = rushing out.

Fighting power increased again violently a

Four thousand-million:

42 million


43 million

45 million

Soaring all the way. Crazy increase. It’s never ending, and it’s going to be 50 million before stopping, full of the power of the four dragons, the divine vein meridian

Forty times the explosion is nine out of two hundred giant dragons and two billion combat power.

If it is not for the essence of flesh and blood, it is not enough. The combat effectiveness can also be increased.

At this time, on the earth, there are only two black feathers, supported by the loss of vitality and blood, like dust, following the wind


Only the dense white bone, abandoned, lying on the ground, is more than 30 meters high and more than a hundred meters long, like a white bone

Taishan, let the whole world be quiet.

In this battle, in the mountains, countless creatures were shocked, = some beasts with huge energy and blood, reaching the level of Grand Master. Even Terran

All climb the top of the mountain.

The moon witnessed the terrifying battle and was shocked by words, unable to speak for a long time.

Jiangyuan Nata

Standing huge body. It seems to be the only god between heaven and earth, standing between heaven and earth, majestic and sacred, golden light shining

Light up everything, and swallowed by a few bites of the animal king.

All of this made them take Jiang Yuan’s figure deeply into their minds, and they will never forget them forever.

Next-Engraving. Jiang Yuan’s huge body faded a little bit, and began to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller.

There seemed to be a huge spiral socket at the center of the eyebrows, which sucked in the entire body of Pang Tai, twisted and deformed, and finally was there.

Jiang Yuan’s original appearance appeared.

Compared with the previous qi, blood and golden body. At this moment, he is as small as an ant, but the power contained in his body is even more terrifying.

It is almost impossible to control.

He instantly turned into a beam of light, piercing the sky in an instant, and the speed directly surpassed the speed of sound, reaching the speed of shadow, and it was not doubled

Shadow speed, but hurried to twice the shadow speed a


Wherever the golden light passed by, the space was distorted and deformed, and black space cracks appeared, as if connecting the outer space of the domain.

between. There was a little bit of starlight shining out of it.

At the same time, Zhang Dong and the two are also flying at high speed, the speed is also not slow, = a few minutes, you can see the rumors.

A huge and majestic city.

The two people breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Almost at the same time when the two of them were approaching, on the 100-meter city wall, every way was brilliant. Just like the golden light group with the glory of the sun

One by one rises up.

There are more than 20 797 commanders in four directions. The words are lined up, and the power of horror is boiling.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that these towns would welcome them. A smile finally appeared on his face, just about to say something


Behind him was a terrifying force of blood, violent swept across, the whole world boiled, filled with the smell of blood, as if a

Taishan Mountain generally = Coming from oppression.

Both of them felt that their shoulders were lowered and their bodies dropped by half.

The detection equipment on the wrist broke out a harsh alarm. The beeping beeping keeps on, and the above value keeps refreshing, no

Sudden soaring, just a moment of hearing, reached a number that frightened the two of them.

A full two billion peak combat power.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar. Deafening, whizzed past their ears, and the waves of air were hit like a knife.

On their faces.

A golden beam of light passed across them in an instant and fell into Haoran City. On the north wall of Haoran, dense

There are no dozen soldiers standing there.

They have not left, they are all waiting, waiting for the terrifying figure to appear in front of the world again.

Finally, they waited, ushered in that terrifying figure.

This time, everything is silent

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