Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 138 - The whole city is angry (27)

Chapter 138 – : The whole city is angry (2/7)

He understood why, he could hear a roar in the air. Full of unwillingness, and that thick

Depressed and unable to dissolve, love for one’s own race.


That is the death of our human power 1.

Dead, just die like this.

“My human race is too capable” Zhang Dong screamed frantically, looking up at the Canggong, his face turned hideously, tears rolling, sad.

The breath rose in the body.

Jiang Yuan’s expression also stiffened, his heart seemed to be grasped, and his eyes were congested in an instant.

The thirteen human beings are too powerful. 2 They are used as ice-suppressing grounds, just like the eternal mountains=, straddling there to block the fierce beasts and alien races.

The invasion defended the human race’s tens of millions of compatriots.

Without them, the tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of fierce beasts, would rush like a tsunami into the cracked “Two Nine Zero” cracks.

l Swept the whole world, flooded all continents, slaughtered-cut, Joe bite = cut.

Every human power is selfless, using his own life to suppress-cut and quell all disturbances. Use themselves without them

Body resistance-: Cut. People Lou had been extinct decades ago.

Everything ceases to exist a

right now. A Wei Tai, nearly unselfish existence, fights on the front line for the sake of the human race.

he died

The blood rains from the sky, and the earth and the sky feel sadness, crying for him, and seeing off this heroic figure, let him

The road is easy.

Jiang Yuan’s fists were gradually clenched, and his bones made a crackling sound. In his chest, two angers seemed to explode. gas

The blood boils to the extreme in an instant 2

The terrifying golden light spread from the center of his eyebrows, enveloped his whole body, and instantly turned into two Tairi, hanging horizontally.

Exudes fiery radiance a

The horrible aura made the two human kings unable to resist taking a few steps backwards.

On the earth, countless people have also received news, and it has been passed on by word of mouth. More and more people know the whole story, countless people are sad

From the heart. ,

The sadness that is so strong that it can’t be removed blooms on the faces of countless people.

Jiang Hao is eating at the restaurant. Just put down the chopsticks, I suddenly felt a pain in my heart. Before he could react, he heard

There was an unwilling roar a full of despair and helplessness.

He still doesn’t know what happened or what, but tears fell down the corner of his eyes, = drops.

It’s not just him. Countless people shed tears uncontrollably at this moment, with a deep feeling of forgiveness in their hearts.

Rise up.

It seemed that the person closest to him had left.

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand and touched his tears. Moonlight looked around. Everyone’s eyes were returning-= time, shed inexplicable tears.(Read more @

“What’s the matter?” Jiang Hao stood up in amazement, the sadness in his heart became stronger, and the words he said trembled.

The sad emotions of the heart are very depressed.

Fatty and Bai Liu had the same expressions full of sadness and doubts. The emotions in his heart broke out in an instant, and he couldn’t control it.

The more sad and uncomfortable.


Suddenly at this time, downstairs in the hotel, someone snarled hysterically, with a very miserable voice, as if their parents were all

Die, sorrowful.

They hurried to the window and saw a martial artist with fifty or sixty shots wearing silver medals, distraught and sorrowful.


“My human race. My human manifestation power is dead.” Dead 22. He died one after another. The sky and the earth are seeing him off, the hero

No more, no more

The martial artist knelt on the ground at once. Facing the sky, his voice was very sad, and his tears flowed, all kinds of kowtows, long

Can not afford to kneel.

In an instant, Jiang Hao, Bai Doudou and the others, tears opened, the flow continued violently, their hearts seemed to be pinched, and there was almost no pain.

Method breathe

“We.” Bai Liu choked with tears on his face, unable to cry. “Our human being’s manifestation power is dead for a little while”-

Respect and show the saint Tai Neng, the real high-level human race, the existence of the heart, a hero, the soul of the human race, guarding the forefront

Countless years are like a day, never slack in the slightest.

It’s them who wasted their youth, gave up their lives, guarded there with their own everything, for the thousands of people behind them

Compatriots, in exchange for a hundred years of peace, so that people can live happily under sunny days.

Let parents and children be together, let grandparents and grandchildren, four generations live in the same house, and enjoy the happiness of family.

All human beings lead a good life. Enjoy the beauty of life, get up every morning to see the clear sky, sweet

Bird c

That’s because someone has been carrying the burden for you for a hundred years and dare not relax at all.

Each of them is a human hero, using their own flesh and blood. Carrying the fate of thousands of human beings, working hard, and countless

The family is happy.

They are truly selfless.

Now, = Respect and show the saint, z just fell like this, dying for the sake of mankind, heaven and earth are seeing him off. Praising his great wife,

It was raining blood.

At this moment, the whole world, continents, cities, wherever there are people, it is raining blood.

“We” Jiang Hao clenched his fists, his two eyes rolled red and looked at the fat man and Bai Liu beside him, and said three words, “We want revenge.


Bai Liu also roared in an instant, and the voice passed out and was heard by the people in the box next door. Also by the clothes in the hallway

The attendant heard.

In an instant, there were roars of anger.



“Complex 1”

“Our Terrans want revenge to offer our Terran heroes 2”

The sound radiates from here, and it spreads rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, and the area is getting wider and wider, spreading to the highway. Spread to the market

Up. Spread to the community.

The cry of revenge l became more and more violent, and the voices of tens of thousands of people were all 0. 8 sounds converging, becoming a billowing torrent, boiling.


Together, we work together.

Countless news channels have switched live broadcasts, aiming at the world, and from inside comes the anger that is gathered by people.

Roar and roar.

That’s revenge

This sound is like a tsunami. In a blink of an eye, it swept to the Wuji Martial Arts Hall, and then spread it all the way frantically, echoing throughout Haoran City.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes rolled red and stared into the distance.

There, = the roaring sound. It passed in an instant, getting closer and closer. More and more fierce.

I saw a colorful changhong, with a bang, piercing through the sky and shattering the clouds. It’s like a bridge between heaven and earth, arriving in an instant

When I came to Haoran City, I smashed in the direction of the North City Gate.

The whole Taidi was shaken.

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