Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 155 - Comparable to an island (57)

Chapter 155 – : Comparable to an island (5/7)

Ben has nowhere to escape.

Among them, the lion is the most frightened, hiding in the army of beasts, shrinking continuously

Trembling. Frightened.

He never expected that Jiang Yuan would rise in adversity, and his body

Terrible, extremely strong.

Looking far away at the fearful colorful body crab. It seems that the unstoppable energy body is unstoppable and terrifying.

It made his regretful bowels all green.

Isn’t it just that one of the most loving sons died? I have so many sons. If I am not so crazy, Human Race may not

This kind of evildoer was born so soon

I will not fall to this point. Can only hide, shivering.

Found on the second day, he was about to be beaten to death by Queer immediately, lifeless.

He didn’t even have the courage to run, and couldn’t run away at all.

Saint. meeting

Will directly pinch him to death.

There were wolves before and tigers behind. He was almost desperate.

The horrible atmosphere envelops the hearts of countless fierce beasts at once

This transformational mustdan hesitated. They are not very intelligent, and they drive away evil and avoid harm. Instinctively feel the fear of that figure’

Just want to escape.


The horrible air currents roared and roared at the moment he moved.


= A step is hundreds of meters away, stepping on the ground all at once.

All collapsed and collapsed one after another.

The fearful air wave spread from Jiang Yuan’s footsteps, and Xi Ruokai came. Thick dust. Give countless people to Tao Wen.

When he raised his foot again, huge footprints tens of meters long appeared on the ground. The sentiment inside is reported

“He came—he came by a name—”

The grass closest to Gao Jiangyuan once opened his eyes wide in horror, and almost the capital couldn’t breathe in fright. A little bit of confrontation in my heart

No, in an instant. Turn around and run.

However, Li Na Jiangyuan’s huge body, who was running away from him, suddenly Di suddenly appeared in a terrifying shadow.

Too hand-grabbed the past and blocked all his routes in an instant.(Read more @

Second grabbed it in his hand.

Countless people heard a slight crackling of the scriptures. Let us pierce through Jiang Yuan’s huge palm. When Jiang Yuan’s palm is open,

People can see the position of the middle finger in Jiangyuan. There are two big pools of blood stains like mosquitoes that were shot to death one day and left after death

Blood under.

No bones left, nothing left.

Even if people had expected it, the overlord-level flesh was terrifying

Invincible in the world.

The two town generals who suppressed the Quartet were directly pinched to death. It’s easy to kill a mosquito.


The two beast-raising animals panicked King Zeng and his eyes were full of endless horror. All gangrene outbursts

Shake down his opponent and headed out of the city frantically.

The town of Yi Cao Tomb of Human Race makes Ren Wang and Du burst into laughter and happily. The eyes are also extremely cold

Can you escape?” Someone burst into laughter when they did it. Crazed the blood in the body and Di killed him to stop him.

other side.

Now every time you kill a piece of grass is a big profit. A good opportunity of a lifetime, no human race will give up such an opportunity.

At the moment when this group of beasts and jade escape trial, the beast Taijun below. Also collapsed.

Without the command of the general, they panic in chaos. The Taijun directly attacked behind him.

There is an extremely wonderful situation.

The army at the back was forced to fight forward, and the Taijun at the front ran back. When a fierce beast tramples on it, it will be good. Keep accumulating

The people have become like a wall, constantly piled up,

Came unexpectedly

The ten soldiers of the human race are on the rise.

Without feeling exhausted at all, gangrenous kills the enemy violently, and tries to kill one more-

In the sky,

There were only hundreds of light groups, leaping directly from the ancient city, and quickly elected to death. Jiangyuan two time can’t


Weng humming

A dull voice resounded almost instantly

Slowly rotating needs to sway the void, and fly to the top of Jiangyuan.

Countless people looked at this big clock, wondering what happened.

The department rushed into the big clock.

The whole Taidu trembled more severely. With a more clear voice, it seems that there is a soul. It is a life, in Xinyue’s

Let go.

Immediately afterwards, Tai Zhong grew crazy, and Ji Ping was already unable to keep up with the speed of expanding Tai.

Between breaths. The king who directly envelops the heavens and the earth, shielding all the sunlight above the sky.

With just a breath, Tai Zhong expanded countless quilts, covering a radius of one kilometer.

But this is not the end, as the blood of Wucai Liuli continues to flow in

go with. The size of the big clock is still expanding rapidly.

West kilometer length is too smalle

Three kilometers

9 kilometers.

Eight kilometers


The volume in the middle has reached an unbelievable degree (good) degree, which really obscures the sky and the sun.

Alien fly than people’s fantasy

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