Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 173 - Terran Traitor (ask yourself)

Chapter 173 – : Terran Traitor (ask yourself)

Almost in an instant, the ground shook loudly, the sound resounded, the air wave rolled, and the ground was cracked in a radius of one thousand meters.

Open, endless red light rushes out.

He rose from the ground in an instant and rushed into the sky. It turned into a huge red beam of light, covering the source of the river.

The clouds in the sky were instantly crushed, as if going straight out of the planet and into the starry sky of the universe.

And in this blood-colored beam of light, countless words began to appear, very old, not belonging to this world, as if

From another world.

The dense combination of each other forms a complex formula.

Constantly making a clicking sound, it became like a red chain, flashing bright red, like blood

The color entangles all the joints of Jiangyuan’s body.

Then crazily shrink.

It is also mixed with the pulling power of the horrible “January 20”, pulling Jiang Yuan’s flesh and blood a little bit.

Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows jumped, and he felt it.

This is a peculiar refining power, like a legendary big formation, which has been arranged in advance, just waiting for him to jump in.

Activate it all at once, trap him to death,-refine him step by step.

This is a conspiracy.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan looked at the White Moon Emperor.

The White Moon Emperor’s heart beats, and there is fear in his heart, a little flustered, he turns around and ran, turning into a golden light in an instant.

Going towards the big tear. “Damn treason_”-

The emperor finally reacted, roaring again and again, his blood surging crazily, his muscles exploding, his clothes

Torn it directly.

The breathing effort turned into a ten-meter giant, violently in the air, stepping out in one step, spanning a kilometer, and suddenly appearing in the white moon

In front of the emperor, a crazy punch came out.

“Get out of your waste.” Bai Yue’s face is hideous and crazy, and the blood all over his body explodes frantically, forming a blood in his hands.

The sharp blade, slashed down frantically.

Suddenly, the sky is full of swords, lights, swords and shadows, densely packed, overwhelming, thousands of thousands,-attacked by subordinates, abruptly

Hit the opponent’s fist.

During the crackling, the emperor’s fist was chopped to flesh and blood, revealing white bones.

“Baiyue, you traitor to the human race.” The other two human emperors also reflected, roaring and ranting frantically.

It’s all kinds of killer tricks directly-

The ancient ship was thrown out, trembling crazily, absorbing the power of blood and energy, rising in the wind, and turning into a hundred meters in a blink of an eye(Read more @

On the ancient ship, a statue on it moved directly.

Like a heavenly soldier, his whole body is shining with silver light, in groups, like a large army, coming from below to kill.

There were attacks everywhere in the sky and the earth, flooding Baiyue all at once. Let him show a trace of horror and yelled frantically

Come: “If you don’t come out yet, do you want me to die?”


As his voice fell, a horrible roar suddenly came from among the big cracks, and it spread all of a sudden,

The power that contained extremely terrifying energy, turned into a circle of sound waves, spreading crazily.

All at once rushed to the top of the battlefield ↓ swept everything violently.

The ancient ship was swept by one, and it swayed directly, making a broken sound, thousands of fights against the army, the brilliance of the body

It was dim, and raindrops fell one after another.


Almost for an instant, a terrifying big hand stretched out from the big tear.

It’s just a palm, which is a full 100 meters high, with countless black scales on it. It stretches and joins, like fish gills-

In this way, it makes the scalp numb at a glance.

Hundreds into the sky, and then slowly fell towards the ground in the horrified eyes of everyone, accompanied by a huge boom

Sound, grab the earth at once.

Then the whole earth trembled, and a strong sense of shock continued to pass.

Everyone can feel that, under that huge crack,-the extremely terrifying, extremely terrifying creature has to crawl

Coming up.

At the barracks not far away, countless soldiers opened their mouths, staring blankly at the palms of the Optimus Prime, and patted them all at once.

It hit the ground and threw up terrifying dust, rolling and spreading.

However, this is only the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, an even stronger rumbling sound resounded across the world, and another palm of the same pitch black came from the earth.

Stretched out from within, and once again fell on the ground

“Countless people took a breath of air, and their entire body was horrified. They looked at the distance in horror, their legs were a little weak.

Everyone knows that a terrifying existence that may shake the world is about to climb up.

In the military camp, the documentary was in a hurry. He rushed out of the camp door with the camera and saw under the ground, a

Half of the terrifying head was exposed.

“Quickly turn on the live news function, China Unicom headquarters, the coastline has undergone major changes.”-

The reporter yelled frantically, shouting at the colleagues around him, and awakened all the sluggish people.

At the same time, the war commander in the barracks also woke up and issued various orders quickly.

No matter what is drilled out of the big crack, it is definitely not a good thing and will not be friendly to humans.

Soon, a large number of armored tanks were launched with a bang, and they drove out of the barracks quickly,-missiles

The launch vehicle was also waiting in full battle, slowly rising, aiming at a distance, and launching a long-range strike at any time.

“Bai Yue, you scum, you betrayed the Human Race?” A human emperor roared angrily at Bai Yue.

How could it be impossible to tell now that all of this is Baiyue playing tricks behind her back.

It is to bring Jiang Yuan here, and then launch a trap to get him deep in it and kill him with a certain positional method.

As a result, the human race will lose one overlord, and the morale of the human race will be dealt a heavy blow.

“Haha, survival of the fittest, as far as 1.6 is concerned, who is to dominate this planet? No matter how human beings are, he

Either we are fierce beasts, as long as I live comfortably, no matter if he will be flooded and tragedy in the world.

Bai Yue was very dismissive and said: “Don’t tell me what race is righteous, what race is not race, race has given me

What I am, on the contrary, is a clan of fierce beasts, which gave me a second life. ”

Yuebai became more excited as she spoke, and even got a little mad and said: “What do you think made me reach the realm of the emperor so quickly?

If it weren’t for a fierce alien, I’m just a martial artist, a mosquito-like thing, after a war, I

Do you know how many such ants will die? You don’t even know!”

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