Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 193 - Your dad calls you to go home for dinner (78)

Chapter 193 – : Your dad calls you to go home for dinner (7/8)

Just released consciousness, his hands were ready to move, but Qianhuan Moju grabbed her by the neck and directly lifted her up.

No matter how she struggled, she couldn’t shake a single bit.

Qianhuan Motu grabbed the opponent like this and walked to Jiang Hao step by step.

Then in the eyes of the great master, it suddenly turned into a silver-white liquid, which directly wrapped around the woman’s hands and feet

Tie it to the ground.

“How can you, you, you, you, you, you, you, do you have a star-level township?” The woman exclaimed, looking at Jiang Hao in amazement, but

There was no fear in his eyes.

Jiang Hao smiled and squatted down, suddenly feeling nasty,-a finger deliberately picked on the opponent’s jaw, light

Ran smiled and said, “I’m surprised, isn’t it? You still want to blame me, I’m not too timid. Seeing you are so proficient, I’m afraid it is too.

A veteran “four zero seven”, I didn’t expect this time to capsize in the sound ditch!”

The woman shook her head and looked at Jiang Hao fiercely, saying: “I warn you, I am a freshman ancient city.

Female, let me go quickly, or wait for my father to notice my situation, and he will be able to reach this place in no time.

Here, when the time comes, it is too late for you to beg for mercy. ”

Jiang Hao suddenly started to look at him with Cheng Qiming’s eyes, and finally couldn’t help laughing.

The laughing girl looked inexplicable. She didn’t know if she said this, the other party was actually afraid to laugh.

Suddenly said: “I just ran out secretly, my father must have found out by now, let me go quickly, I am in a good mood

Maybe I won’t hold you accountable.

Jiang Hao squashed his mouth, shook his head and said, “You really are my son! If you are the daughter of the emperor, you will follow our scavenger team.

The blood and flesh of the town robbing general, is it your brain teasing, or you are all fools? You can fool us in just a few words

Cheng Qiming also looked at each other with stingy eyes, as if he was looking at a fool.

Compare their identities and backgrounds. As long as there is a grain of peanuts, it will not be so drunk.

Competitive strength, maybe not your opponent, but better than identity background, in the world, except for the overlord, who can be higher than them

One is the son of the hegemon, and the other is the disciple of the hegemon.

Who can compare.

But the great master next to him was shocked, his complexion became a little pale, and he looked towards the woman’s waist and saw

A small golden sign.

Regardless of squatting on the woman’s body, she picked up the small golden sign on her waist, and when she took a closer look, she was even more horrified.

The brush became extremely pale.

Sincerely and fearfully said: “It turns out that you are the daughter of the emperor, why did you come to such a place in person? You said, we are not even both.

Shouzhuzhen offered his arms and hands.(Read more @

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Hao and others and reprimanded: “What are you still in a daze? Let the eldest lady go quickly.”

Now it’s Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming’s turn to be in a daze. They really don’t understand this, and it hasn’t been long since they came to the ice field.

I don’t know the trajectory.

At this moment, looking at the grandmaster’s face, it didn’t look like a lie, and he was immediately stunned.

Jiang Hao raised his brows, and said with some uncertainty: “You really are the daughter of the emperor? But how come I don’t believe it so much? You

How could you be so poor that you came out specifically to grab our things?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let this lady go quickly.” The woman’s eyes suddenly became proud, with a trace of triumphant spirit.


Originally planned to release the opponent’s Jiang Hao. Seeing the other person’s undue beating expression↑ I suddenly got upset and said: “You said yes.

Really? Think of us as idiots!”

As soon as his voice fell, the little girl next to them and all of them pulled the corners of her clothes concealedly, her little face was a little bit

Pale whispered: “Hurry up, this is really the daughter of a human emperor, not something we can afford.”

But the slightest violent temper has also risen, and he perfectly inherits his father’s temper: “Even if you are the daughter of the emperor, it’s like

He, after the guy was given to us, his strength was not as good as that of others, and we were arrested. I still want us to let you go. You are really daytime.

! Daydreaming.

The woman’s eyes suddenly widened, staring at Jiang Hao fiercely, and suddenly said: “I’ll ask you, will you let go?

Hold on.

Jiang Hao also had a temper, and said very stubbornly: “I won’t let it go today, why can you bite me but not? Then you can bite.

“You, you,” the feminine voices were trembling, and they broke out completely at the last moment, facing the great master next to them.

Said: “Get me grabbed them two, give me a slap in the face, pissed me off, pissed me off

The great master was taken aback, his complexion was hard to look at for an instant, but quickly, his gaze became sharper.

Staring at Jiang Hao

“Let her go, for the sake of the same human race, I will let you go.”

Jiang Hao’s expression also became cold and severe.

Although the human race is very united in the general environment, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, and fights are strictly forbidden in the city.

But outside the city, it is a place outside the law.

It is a place where countless people resolve their personal grievances and fight each other.

In an instant, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming looked at each other in the air, and they both understood what was in each other’s hearts.

Jiang Hao is now a senior martial artist, and Cheng Qiming has reached the junior master under the accumulation of infinite resources.

And they are all the proud sons of heaven.

They all have unknown trump cards. If they really fight together, they will be able to compete with each other with confidence.

Grandmaster, not even weaker than the other-

In an instant, a tense atmosphere filled the air.

At this time, I was always in Jiang Hao’s wrist, as if Gu Yuan was falling asleep, but at this time he suddenly spoke.


“Jiang Hao, your dad is here↓ I guess you are calling you home for dinner.” 5.3

At the moment Gu Yuan’s voice resounded, Jiang Hao’s eyes suddenly widened, and the blood all over his body suddenly seemed to be shocked.

As it spread out, the momentum suddenly closed.

He looked around, trying to find Jiang Yuan’s figure.

When Cheng Qiming saw Jiang Hao’s appearance, something sounded suddenly, his complexion changed, and he quickly stopped his momentum and stood very well-behaved.

In situ.

Seeing the two Jiang Hao’s appearances, the woman who was tied up on the ground immediately shouted and said: “Why? Now I know I’m afraid

Yes, I know I’m afraid, don’t you let me go?”

But both of them ignored her, looking around.

At this time, a voice suddenly resounded.

“Go home for dinner.”

Accompanied by the sound, a figure walked slowly from the darkness, with a calm expression on his face.

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