Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 210 - Impossible breakthrough (27)

Chapter 210 – : Impossible breakthrough (2/7)

“What are you waiting for, take all of them and kill this human overlord”

His voice was in Songsty, incomparably crazy, and the power of horror burst out all of a sudden, directly

Burning potential, gushing out unprecedented power, to destroy Jiang Yuan.

Almost at the moment his voice fell, a fierce and powerful man also broke out completely.

The terrifying power of vitality and blood is tumbling and immortal, and all the evil spirits burned one after another, muddy

The body’s breath is constantly rising, consuming one’s own potential and also consuming one’s lifespan.

In an instant, the combat power of all the fierce Zengs almost doubled.

Jiang Yuan’s pressure doubled, his body was stubborn, and he was constantly being beaten to pieces, and countless black substances came from

The body was thrown out, and it was everywhere.

His blood is flowing in the air.

His voice is even crazier, his attacks are constantly increasing, and he has been photographed alive.

Die, as if in the final struggle.

Already powerless. General.

And the strong ground human race brought by Jiang Yuan was completely crazy. Turn into-power, roar

Again and again.

Directly burn vitality and blood, the potential explodes, the same as fear of death, make all preparations, do not hesitate to burn

Burning life, turning into a brighter light group, burning to the limit.

Their combat power is also boiling.

But his eyes were wet and tears were falling.

Because they had already seen it, Jiang Yuan seemed to have reached the limit. His huge body gave him

The power of terror, stronger fighting ability.

In just such a short time, the fierce Lu town generals killed by him amounted to a hundred, and the king of Lu was also killed by the emperor.

More than a dozen of them were killed, and even the supernatural power secret realm powerhouse in the first stage of Manifestation was pinched to death.

But under the siege of the two beast overlords, all the flesh and blood of Jiang Yuan’s thighs were swallowed.

Biting, exposing the dense bones.

They know that Jiang Yuan has reached the limit

One by one, the emperor roared, fighting immortal ↓ so crazy, the world was beaten dull and colorless

The rain of blood kept drinking on the earth, and the strong were beaten to death every moment.

It’s like rain, it’s the rain of the corpses of the strong,

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s body suddenly shook, his eyes widened suddenly.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were filled with incomparable horror.

He saw it. After tens of thousands of deductions, he finally got a seemingly simple

Simple, but extremely dangerous evolutionary path.

“I feel invincible in life and death, and condense my supreme will, the last step, surpassing the emperor

Achieve the emperor, above everything else.

Such voices echoed in Jiang Yuan’s mind.(Read more @

In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s body slowly stood up, controlling the huge black blood gold

The body stopped all movements, with a trace of madness on his face.

Attacking Jiang Yuan all around, trying to dismantle his full body of fierce beast, suddenly felt


The two fierce beast overlords felt something for the first time, and their eyes suddenly became astonished.

In their feelings, an unimaginable invincible will appeared in the underworld, without

Fa Yan expresses, you can only understand it, and only when you reach their realm, you can feel it.

In the next second, the two overlords were shocked all over.

Looking at each other, they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes. Exclaimed:. He he he _.

He actually wants to break through at this time”. How dare he, another fierce beast overlord also got up in shock.

At this time, the two overlords of the human race who came from a distance to support, in a moment, from heaven and earth

I felt a terrifying will between them, and they continued to spread their respect.

It’s not good he wants to be abrupt

A human overlord was horrified, his voice was shocking, his eyes widened, his voice suddenly spread

He handed over: “Don’t break through, we come to support you, and there is still a chance.”

He thought that Jiang Yuan was constantly attacked by the country and he could not see hope. He wanted to break through when he was dying, looking for


But how dangerous is the eternal overlord to break into the realm of the emperor of calamity, and the energy he needs

What a huge amount, it’s almost a further evolution of life forms

The difficulty is almost the sum of all previous breakthroughs.

If it’s so easy to break through, why Human Race has only three overlords for so many years?

An emperor was born.

Because the difficulty is too high, it is almost a death hunt, billions-there may be no survival.

How many civilizations, countless reincarnations, it’s difficult to give birth to an emperor, just because the overlord is

It is a huge threshold, as if a courtier became an emperor.

Unless you rebel, you can’t do it at all.

“Quick Sun

The three strongest human overlords roared frantically, their speed suddenly

Increase in times, enter all at once

On the battlefield, he came directly in front of Jiang Yuan and shot directly, and the force of terror suppressed it all at once.

He wanted to calm Jiang Yuan’s boiling qi and blood and interrupt his breakthrough.

But they don’t know that the external body is just the incarnation of blood, not real

Ontology, the real ontology is ready for everything.

Success or failure begins here.


In an instant, a sound that resounded through the world suddenly spread, Jiang Yuan’s huge energy and blood

The golden body seems to have lost all power.

In front of countless creatures, little by little, the energy disintegrated directly in the air.

Does this matter? Could it be 2”

The expressions of the three overlords were shocked. I don’t know why, Jiang Yuan’s huge body is shattering.

Because Jiang Yuan has already begun to break through, and he hasn’t resisted even one second of breaking through, he has to be crushed.

Broken bones?

But then, a black light (good money) came out in the constantly broken body

Now, it’s just floating in the sky like this.

Everyone raised their heads and didn’t know what happened for a while, but then, there was a horrible meaning.

Zhi, suddenly broke out from Jiang Yuan.

This is his condensing self-invincible will.

The will also needs to be condensed, continuously sublimated, and finally attacked with the power of terrifying energy and blood, turning the void into

In fact, to achieve one’s own invincible realm, at that time, an emperor will be born.

And all the power of Qi and blood in Jiang Yuan’s body has been mobilized, and the sublimation has officially begun.

“Don’t break through. You can’t break through at all. There is not so much energy and blood to break through employment.

The strongest overlord of the human race. The Shocking Dragon Overlord reacted immediately, his eyes were extremely shocked, loudly

He ran and snarled, trying to make Jiang Yuan change his mind.

They all stand at the apex of the overlord, and naturally know the difficulty of breaking through the next realm. ,

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