Chapter 219 – : -Year peace

This is a kind of ability of the emperor of disaster, in the planet where he was born, he can move instantaneously, and his mind can fall.

You can shuttle at will.

In an instant, he returned to his home.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s return, Murong Qingyue rushed forward, and kept him tightly, leaving only a low voice of choking, He Quan

The trembling of the body.

She is proud of having such a husband.

With his own power, he has put down a century of turmoil, suppressed the alien race, and declared that the human race has entered a great peace period.

His greatness is beyond doubt. From now on, his name will eventually be passed down through the ages. As long as the race continues, he

The name will be preserved forever, remembered by the race, and will never be forgotten.

“I’m a high-risk industry.” Jiang Yuan patted her on the shoulder and smiled slightly: “Now our human race has defeated, at least

For a long time, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. ”

Murong Qingyue choked for a while, raised her head to look at him, and finally couldn’t help but laugh with tears, and said with tears: “Who said I

Worrying about you, I am worried about 28 our son. ”

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but laughed, so he said with dissatisfaction ↓ “I almost can’t come back. Once I got back, I just went straight

When I came to you, you weren’t worried about my comfort. You were also worried about that bastard, now you don’t know where you are going. ”

“Who made you so good!” Murong Qingyue said something against his will, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

Jiang Yuan laughed and said with joy: “Now the war is over. After a few days, I will be free. Our family

Take a good trip, what do you think?”

In the next time, Jiang Yuan chatted with his wife about some homework.

In just an hour, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming ran back with two beauties, one big and one small, one of them was the one.

The former daughter of the emperor.

In the evening, the family had a lively dinner.

At the dinner table, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming grinned, their mouths filled with oil, but the two girls only dared to lower their heads and eat in front of them.

The dishes are extremely careful.

The atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe, and he didn’t even have the courage to look at Jiang Yuan-eye.

Not long after dinner, the Jinglong Overlord, Cangyuan Overlord, and Xingyue Overlord, the three of them specially came to visit, especially

Shocking Dragon Overlord, directly apologizes.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t care. He was a human race, and they left a burden on the situation at that time.

After explaining, the four of them came to the top floor and sat at the tea table and chatted. Jiang Yuan also briefly said

The situation in this realm of Edi Zun under the disaster.(Read more @

The three of them listened attentively, just like students, asking questions from time to time.

As soon as the time passed, it was late at night, and everyone’s discussion was over, and they began to talk about the topic.

The overlord of Cangyuan couldn’t help saying: “Emperor, now that our human race has defeated, what are your plans next?”

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, he hadn’t really thought about it, and said directly: “I’m not interested in power and the like.

I’m not good at management even more,-it’s up to you to decide on your own! And”

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan’s brows were deeply furrowed together, and his voice was not optimistic: “Although I broke the two-way passage,

But everything is temporary.

“The power of that fierce beast is beyond imagination and suppresses me to a great realm.

The two-world channel will also be opened. ”

Jiang Yuan’s voice gradually became low and said: “We now have only one to three years of cultivation period. In the past few years, our human race must

More emperors are born. ”


When the three of them heard Jiang Yuan’s words, they stood up in horror, staring at Jiang Yuan with horror, and their hearts jumped.

In my voice.

“This is the most optimistic inference. It may be earlier.” Jiang Yuan’s voice fell in the hearts of the three like a blockbuster.

The Dragon Overlord said in horror: “You mean, it’s just the tranquility before the storm?”

Jiang Yuan nodded heavily and said, “But you don’t have to worry about it. In the past few years, I will do everything possible to enhance it.

Even if that time comes, we humans will not have the slightest strength to fight back. ”

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, everyone nodded in horror, sat down in shock, and frowned.

In a mess, I didn’t expect to get such an answer.

“I don’t know how fierce the Broken Star Realm is?” Jinglong Overlord asked eagerly.

Jiang Yuan slowly said, “The power of a hundred stars, and the power of one star is the power of one billion dragons, that is, the power of tens of billions of dragons.”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s reply, both the Shocking Dragon Overlord and the Cangyuan Overlord’s eyes widened, and the whole body was shocked.

I took a breath and felt my scalp numb.

“Hundred and hundred stars, this and this dragon

Three at once

People are desperate. His eyes were terrified.

The gap is too big, they only have the power of a few million dragons! I don’t know how far they are from the power of a billion dragons

How can distance compete with the existence of the tens of billions of dragons.

The real egg smashes the stone, has softened the stone, there is no chance of winning, no hope.

“This” the overlord of Cangyuan stammered and couldn’t say a word.

The victory just won, the excitement, 187 also fell to the bottom in an instant, and the faces of the three of them were extremely ugly.

Jiang Yuan slowly said, “I remember that there are countless historical sites on the earth of our human race. I want to do everything in the next time.

Law, disintegrate all monuments. Can you find any way. ”

The three of them could only nod their heads slightly, their faces full of grief, and temporarily suppressed the fear in their hearts.

In the past, the three people were the pillars of the entire human race, the central bone, and the survival of the race was pressed on the shoulders of the three people.

I couldn’t breathe, and didn’t dare to relax at all.

But now, with Jiang Yuan’s suppression, the pressure on the three of them is much less.

“Come here today ↑ I also want to stabilize my strength.” Jiang Yuan said lightly.

Everyone nodded slightly, got up and left, leaving Jiang Yuan sitting on the coffee table alone, frowning deeply.

In fact, Jiang Yuan still has a lot to say, is it really that simple?

No, according to his calculations, the peace of mankind is actually only one year, and there is no three years at all.

After that, the two light curtains will open again.

At that time, it will be the real decisive battle, and the real horror will come.

“It must be a year later, to think of a way! Then the Shenmai Jing must be remodeled so that I can now

Just use it.

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