Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 239 - Twenty-five times the Sutra of Everything

Chapter 239 – : Twenty-five times the Sutra of Everything

“Hello, distinguished guest, is there anything I can serve you?” Ruisi’s voice is very sweet, facing Jiang Yuan

A peculiar, but very pleasing etiquette.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: “Help me contact Ruikang. I want him to wait a while after he shuttles out of the gate of the starry sky before entering

Into a trip. ”

“Okay, dear guest, I will pass your words to the commander.” Reith made another etiquette again.

The body slowly dissipated.

At almost the same time, Ruikang received a message from Ruisi, and couldn’t help but be puzzled. I don’t know why Jiang Yuan wanted it.

Shuttle back.

However, he didn’t think too much, and directly issued a new order to Reith.

Ten minutes passed by, the huge size of the battleship suddenly rushed out of the huge starry sky door and appeared in

In a whole new star system.

But soon, the warship turned its direction again and rushed in again toward the Stargate.

At the moment when the battleship rushed into the gate of the starry sky again, Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly lit up, a strong sense of oppression, and a strong force.

The feeling of pushing back suddenly poured into the body.

The aura that flashed by 28 in my mind brightened again.

This time, he caught it.

Without the slightest hesitation, the origin formula in the brain ran wildly. With the support of one hundred thousand times the talent, in an instant

The running speed in between reaches a kind of extreme.

Through the force of the first stage, everything skips directly and enters the second stage.

The perfection that I thought before is now full of loopholes and problems everywhere, but now, under his modification

Numerous loopholes and problems are constantly being remedied.

The increasing effect of the second stage momentum of all things instantly exceeded ten times.

Then eleven


Thirteen times

Fourteen times

Fifteen times

When it reached fifteen times, Jiang Yuan was shocked. He wanted to continue the deduction, but there was a follow-up fatigue, as if

The fuel used by the car is the same.

“No, the sentiment is still not enough.” Jiang Yuan shook his head.

But he was not in a hurry, and continued to understand and dig.

Time passed by bit by bit, and soon the warship crossed out again, and then crossed in again.

This time through, Jiang Yuan opened his mind and tried everything to feel the momentum in the space, everywhere, full of

Change makes people have nowhere to explore.(Read more @

In the next second, he entered a kind of sentiment and was completely immersed in it.

Time is still passing by.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed, and the battleship entered the second starry sky portal, followed by the third and last one.

An interstellar portal.

Starting from Aquastar, three days have passed in a flash.

It was also from this day that the number of warships flying in the starry sky increased day by day, and from time to time, one could see one after another.

Line the same battleship, flying by from a distance.

And the number of surrounding planets has gradually increased.

It gives people a feeling of entering a big city from a remote place in the countryside. The first thing you can feel is the excitement.

There is prosperity.

Also on this day, Jiang Yuan opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips.

After the second stage of all things, he was finally perfected by him.

Similar to what I deduced before, the second stage of the Sutra of All Things is completely different from the second stage of the previous Shenmai Meridian.

The limit increase can reach twenty times that of horror.

It’s a completely new field.

Adding the power of the first stage and adding the two stages together, Jiang Yuan can burst out thirty times the power in an instant.

His basic combat power is one star, thirty times, that is the power of thirty stars. This kind of power makes him face the fierceness of the broken star realm.

The beast has enough confidence to entangle it.

Even if there is a huge disparity in combat power, and it is not an opponent, but if you want to leave, you can calmly.

“I really didn’t expect that the increase in the second stage of Wanwujing would be so exaggerated and terrifying.” Jiang Yuan couldn’t help whispering inside.

After he perfected it himself. All were taken aback.

Two stages, the explosion of thirty times the power, what a terrible combat power this is.

With this kind of combat power, he can completely claim to be the first person under the Broken Star Realm, and the calamity emperor of the same level may bear it.

I can’t help myself.

The power is completely crushed.

At this time, he looked outside, and couldn’t help being shocked.

Very far away, there are eleven planets in full, lined up in a row, showing aqua blue aperture, very regular

Suspended in the vacuum of the universe.

Especially the middle one, which is a full circle larger than the surrounding planets, the light curtain of the atmosphere is the brightest.

In addition, the volume of the five stars on the left and right sides is not the same

Big, almost the same color, as if it’s an enlarged version

Aqua Star.

Jiang Yuan’s naked eyes are so powerful, he can see the autobiographical speed of these planets, even as small as milliseconds.

Almost all are consistent.

On the back of these planets, that is, far away, a planet like the sun, suspended there, exudes strong

The fierce brilliance is extremely dazzling.

The sun is much larger than the water blue star.

And beside it, there is a much smaller satellite, which is also a sun, and the country slowly orbits around it.

Turn around.

“The universe is so big, there are no wonders.” Jiang Yuan muttered to 857. Such a vast scene gave him a broad vision.

The feeling of having a new understanding of the universe.

The speed of the warship began to decrease continuously, and flew towards the most central planet.

From afar, Jiang Yuan’s line of sight was projected over.

On this planet, there are countless prosperous cities, all appearing silvery white.

There are sharp and towering buildings, almost upright among the clouds, all kinds of suspended aircraft, between the buildings and the city,

Shuttle constantly.

And in the city, green plants can be seen everywhere, on roads, streets, parks, and even residential balconies.

Covered with green vegetation.

What’s more shocking is that between these eleven planets, there is a huge and wide space elevator connecting everything.

Cargo and aircraft are constantly coming back and forth.

“The Sky Elevator Project was proposed by the Aquastar in the last century, before the cataclysm, but the cost of resources

The manpower and material resources that Jinhe mobilized were simply too large. ”

Jiang Yuan’s brain was thinking, and he sighed sincerely: “Later, such a plan ended up staying on paper. Unexpectedly,

Witnessed here with my own eyes, it is really a strong civilization!”

And because of his eyesight, he saw it at a glance.

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