Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 241 - Racial potential evaluation

Chapter 241 – :Racial potential evaluation

Everyone suddenly accelerated, turned into golden lights, and suddenly descended in front of the huge portal.

Looking around, you can see the entire interior of the whole hall, full of a magnificent atmosphere, and the ground is covered with

Well-known material, there are countless little stars flashing slightly-

The branches are different in appearance, people of different races, more or less, more than a dozen people travel together, talking and laughing, there are

They were very happy, and some of them looked calm and silent.

Jiang Hao’s eyes were wide and he looked at the races coming and going in surprise.

Some are like spiders, with human faces, huge plush bodies, dozens of claws, and glaze on their bodies.

The light flickered slightly.

Is an eternal overlord.

There are also people who look almost exactly the same as the human race, but their whole body is red, and the skin is constantly evaporating with a trace of heat.

There was also the light of colored glaze flashing.

It is also an eternal overlord.

At a glance, among ten creatures, there are one or two eternal overlords.

But the emperor of the disaster could not see at all.

Ruikang led the crowd towards the inside, explaining as he walked: “There is a race qualification evaluation hall every day.

These races come together to test, thinking that they can improve a little bit from the original level. ‘

“Each level of improvement will have huge benefits. 810 is not only the reward of the empire, but also the reputation of the race.

The greater the reputation, it will attract some strong people to join, and even some weaker races will take refuge.

“But you don’t have to worry. There are not as many eternal overlords in the universe as you think.

Ancient Overlords are the backbone forces, but there will be more in the evaluation hall. ”

Hearing Ruikang’s explanation, everyone was relieved.

At this time, a bright smile passed from a distance.

“Ha, isn’t this Ruikang? A rare guest, a rare guest.” Everyone followed the voice and saw-the appearance and the earth

The people are very similar, but the man who is more than two meters tall walks over with a smile on his face.

“Shao Yan!” Ruikang also laughed and said: “It just so happens that I am looking for you too. I came here today to bring a brother race

It was tested for ethnic potential.

“Brother race? Let you lead the team personally. This relationship is extraordinary!” Shao Yan laughed and looked at Jiang Yuan.

The others swept past Jiang Yuan directly, Si Bo did not linger.

In his eyes, the blood on Jiang Yuan’s body was weak, his breath was not strong, and there was no disaster from the emperor.

Evil breath, even without the colorful streamer, it is not the overlord of the ages, there is no place for the slightest brilliance.

Directly summarizing Jiang Yuan, Jiang Hao and others together, it’s just a few square towns.

However, his eyes lingered on the Jinglong Overlord, and there was a look of appreciation in his eyes, and he did it.(Read more @

The long-term evaluation of racial potential.

Sometimes, you can see at a glance that a person’s potential is like this, but without the accuracy of the equipment.


“Not bad! Newly cultivated race! It has potential and potential.” Shao Yan haha ​​smiled and walked directly to Ruikang.

He placed his shoulders and said: “Since it is a brother race, everything is easy to say, let me take them to the test pool.”

“Then it will work.” Ruikang smiled faintly, and at a glance, he could see that the other party was not sincere.

Ben didn’t care very much.

But he didn’t say anything.

Soon, under the leadership of Shao Yan, everyone entered a huge light curtain, the surface of which was as blue as the water, passing through.

Among them, the line of sight in front of him suddenly opened up.

I saw a round lake in the distance.

The lake water is made of a silver material, which is extremely sticky. At this time, there is a race, nine people are standing there, among them

One is ready, stepping on the surface of the lake step by step, and walking towards the center of the lake.

He was not fast or slow, and soon came to the center of the lake. Under his feet, a large amount of silver liquid began to surge.

Come, as if there is life, follow his feet, (ciej) little by little.

“Brother Ruikang, wait for a while. After the evaluation of the level potential of this race is over, it’s their turn.”

Ruikang said that he nodded clearly, and then introduced to Jiang Yuan and others: “The evaluation of racial potential is actually very simple.

Shan, everyone, walk to the center of the test lake one by one, this peculiar substance will envelop you, but don’t worry

It’s just reading the information in your body and measuring your potential. There is no threat. ”

While talking, the person in the center of the lake was also completely enveloped by the silver current.

Suddenly, a light sound like a drop of water,-the next sound resounded, and at the same time, a count of

The word slowly emerged.

is one.

But soon, one becomes two

, Two becomes three, and three becomes four.

The further the number soars, the faster it will be.

It broke through ten in a blink of an eye.





Thirty five


After soaring to thirty-five, the number growth slowly slowed down, and finally the number was fixed at thirty-six.

Seeing this number, Jiang Hao couldn’t help but lower his voice and said, “Awesome, thirty-sixth level. This is the first person to test.

Test, there is such a high potential, hundreds of thousands of Dan! It can produce more than a dozen disasters. ”

Jiang Hao’s words were heard by nine people in the distance, and Qi Ju suddenly glanced over.

They are very similar to Shao Yan. They are tall and square, and their faces are square and square. They have authentic faces with Chinese characters, giving people a kind of knife-cutting.

The majesty of the axe.

Nine people, five eternal overlords, and the others are the existence of the mysterious realm in the first stage of manifestation.

One of them has the most powerful aura, standing among the crowd, full of vitality and blood, and vaguely-

This kind of must break through at any time and rush into the realm of the emperor of calamity.

It is the extreme existence in an eternal overlord.

They looked at Jiang Hao and others, their eyes suddenly showed contempt, and they communicated with each other in strange language.


Some people even pointed at them directly, as if they were looking at a hillbilly.

Everyone’s complexion was hard to look at immediately, everyone is not stupid, how can you not see the contempt in the other’s eyes.

“Shao’an don’t be restless, Shaoan don’t be irritable” Ruikang was startled, his eyelids twitched, his eyes couldn’t help looking at Jiang Yuan, but he stared at Jiang Yuan’s steadily cold eyes one by one.

The heart couldn’t help but tremble.

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