Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 261 - The panic of indigenous civilization

Chapter 261 – : The panic of indigenous civilization


Above the sky, the mortar shells are also constantly falling, falling into the water, often throwing some soldiers diving forward

Alive and shaken to death, blood stained a sea area.

Landed on the transport ship, a team in the entire transport ship, all died in battle.

But soon, a large number of soldiers gradually reached the shore, relying on steel guardrails as a cover.

Keep pushing forward.

Every time they advanced a little distance, countless soldiers died in battle, their corpses spread across the field, their limbs flew everywhere,-huge craters.

The tragic war continues.

Above the ocean, the huge battle regulations, countless huge muzzles, and also aimed at the coastline one by one machine gun burst, constantly

A roar broke out.

As soon as the shell impacted, the sponge shook out of water.


Among ordinary battleships, a purple-skinned veteran in his sixties is holding a telescope and watching

Frontline combat situation.

Suddenly hearing the voice behind him, he couldn’t help but stop his movements and looked over.

I saw that the other party was holding a document in his hand, and there were 307 dark photos in the document.

“What’s the matter?” The old general put down his binoculars, took the documents in the opponent’s hand, and asked casually.

“This is an emergency telegram from the capital, and there is a photo taken by a satellite.” The officer said

During the conversation, the tone was tense and urgent.

The old general’s complexion paused slightly, and he felt the seriousness of the matter. He lowered his head and opened the file, and he saw the photo at first glance.

Among them, a vague figure was suspended in the vast starry sky.

Behind it is the vast and endless universe, and underneath is a huge planetary atmosphere light curtain.

His heart suddenly tightened, as if pinched by something, his hands trembled and his breathing became extremely urgent.

He did not speak and read the text on the document carefully.

About five hours ago,-a satellite accidentally photographed a humanoid creature in space. At first I thought

What kind of object, or optical response.

But after careful study of scientists, a terrifying answer was gradually confirmed.

It’s not an object, let alone an optical reaction, but there is really a creature standing outside the planet, low.

Head, his eyes seemed to be observing the whole world.

Seeing this, the old general gasped, staring at the lieutenant beside him in amazement, and said unbelievably: “This(Read more @

Is this true?”

The adjutant’s voice was also a little hoarse: “According to hundreds of scientists’ research, this is true. It has been confirmed.

Ninety-nine nine is true. ”

The old general’s fingers were trembling, and he put down the file with a slight tremor, pinched the bridge of his nose tremblingly, and his voice became hoarse.

Said: “Also, it is possible that the war launched here has attracted the attention of visitors?”

The adjutant said hoarsely: “Yes! Only this statement is the most feasible at the moment.”

“Furthermore, according to the bold assumption of scientists, it is an existence that should have strong space survivability, even far away.

Cheng strike ability, controls the power that we can’t imagine. ”

“Let’s name it for now

Hearing the adjutant’s words, the old general trembled suddenly, raised his head in amazement and stared at his eyes and said, “How could it be possible?

How could there be a god in this world

After speaking, it seemed as if I thought of something, I couldn’t help muttering to myself: “Yes! There is no god on this planet, and there is no generation.

The watch god does not come from space. Is there really a god in the universe? Or is the power of science and technology far beyond us?

Waiting for civilization?”

The adjutant continued: “According to the picture sent back by the satellite, this god, then his entire body was completely distorted and transformed.

Make a dark (cifb) light, pass directly in, and then completely lose track.

“But based on the calculation of the straight landing data, the place where he landed was within ten kilometers of the sea not far from our warship.

Outside so.

The adjutant lowered his head and said in a low voice: “The above let us pay attention,-as soon as you find something, stop immediately.

This battle saves strength. ”

“. The old general suddenly became horrified and said: “You mean, God might be watching me

We, even what we are talking now, he hears it?”

“Yes. Is it possible?” The adjutant’s head lowered lower. The unknown existence always made people feel scared.

Imagine a terrible existence that is completely unknown and does not know its means, crossing the universe and standing in the atmosphere.

During the observation, the whole world will turn into light in the next second and be rewarded.

Those who are unable to reach the body shape, cannot know his purpose, how to prevent people from feeling scared, as if they are ghosts

It is possible to stand by your side at this time.

Just at this time.

An urgent running sound came from outside, and soon a courier hurriedly opened the hatch and walked over.

His face was panicked.

When I saw the old general, he immediately exclaimed: “General, it’s not good. Suddenly in the sea ten kilometers away from us,

A huge sea cave appeared.

Upon hearing the soldier’s words, the two of them were shocked and their scalp numb, and the color of fear flashed in their eyes.

The veteran was horrified for an instant, and immediately issued an urgent order to the adjutant in front of him: “Immediately pass the order and give up this battle.

In service, all native soldiers boarded the ship and immediately turned their course to leave here. ”

“The adjutant also knew the seriousness of the matter, so the military salute was omitted, and he hurried out.

Soldiers fighting on the front line heard the sound of a huge horn from behind, the sound of retreating across the line, extremely tight.

Urgent, as if something big happened.

Countless soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and landed on the beach. It was a meat grinder. Every minute and every second, countless soldiers were shot by machine guns.

Hit, the body was beaten to pieces, there was no one intact.

Almost the moment the horn blew, the soldiers ran away, desperately retreating.

The machine gun position at the rear suddenly burst into a shout of joy.

The army quickly slid back, and on the sea, the battleships began to adjust their directions, and the artillery fire was temporarily stopped, and there were even some battles.

The ship has already started to leave.

In terms of defensive positions, a man wore countless medals on his body. Following a large number of officers, he walked to the first position on the front line.

Holding a binoculars, frowning, watching the enemy troops hurriedly retreating in the distance…

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