Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 263 - Primal Stone Energy Burst

Chapter 263 – : Primal Stone Energy Burst

The entire inner space of the forehead core, countless primordial stones, instantly shattered and turned into dust, being pulled, one by one white silk

The threads were densely packed, and they drilled directly into Jiang Yuan’s body.

Jiang Yuan’s body was like a black hole, only going in but not going out, swallowed frantically.

Not only is the Yuanshi constantly being swallowed, the huge hot red star nucleus beside it is directly pulled out of a huge four.

The line, poured in backwards along the top of Jiangyuan’s head.

All energy and even matter, all enter the center of the eyebrows.

The black phantom in the middle of the eyebrows is melted and dissolved little by little, and it becomes a nutrient substance, which continuously condenses the black phantom.

In the black phantom, the constantly changing fingers become clearer and clearer.

The essence, and along the five fingers, is still condensing the palm of the hand.

Jiang Yuan’s breath “Seventy Four Zero” is also constantly increasing, and his life situation is undergoing tremendous changes.

His whole body began to become illusory, as if it would turn into a dark light at any time, suddenly suddenly

Time is void, blending with the universe.

When Jiang Yuan’s whole body was completely turned into black radiance, and it was no longer a matter of matter, it was the moment when he achieved Broken Star Realm.

Broken Star Realm is the real powerhouse in the universe. It transcends the planet and breaks through the constraints of the parent star. It no longer needs warships to carry it.

Flight can be transformed into the speed of light and shuttle in the universe.

In the universe, only light can surpass light.

When the speed of matter reaches the speed of light, it will generate a strong internal gravity and become a huge source of gravity.

Where, any matter will be pulled over.

Even passing by a planet, a star ball is pulled over, and once it hits it, the battleship will explode.

But light will not.

In a blink of an eye, the soul of qi and blood at the center of the eyebrows has condensed out of the palm, and the condensing speed is still accelerating.


Then the arms, followed by the body and feet.

As Jiang Yuan continues to improve, the star core around him rotates more rapidly, and a large amount of matter and energy is lost to Jiang Yuan.

Pull and swallow, causing the gravity of the entire planet to decrease continuously.

First, above the entire planet, some small particles on the ground suddenly rose up.

This is just the beginning.

But then, some substances visible to the naked eye slowly drifted up, showing an anti-gravity phenomenon.

Some substances weighing more than a catty are also floating.

Some people are reading books at home, looking at them, and the books in their hands suddenly float up and rise continuously, directly

Hit on the roof.

Countless people were shocked.(Read more @

Then I saw a lot of furniture, pots and pans in the kitchen, also floating uncontrollably, one after another

Rushed to the roof and was blocked.

Many people rushed out of the house in horror and saw countless small stones on the road outside the house slowly drifting.

Levitating, one by one floats towards the sky.

And this is just the beginning.

Substances weighing more than ten kilograms then began to float, and the children’s hands were all kinds of things, even sheets,

Also floated up.

“what happened? *

“Oh my God! What happened?”

In an instant, such a thing happened in countless places on the entire planet, as if the entire world was changing.

At the same time, about a tenth of a light-year away from this planet, on a battleship, a group of students looked like

Suddenly heard the siren inside the battleship.

“Didi Didi found a high-energy reaction, and the detection is that the Yuanshi energy explosion is undergoing further testing

A huge intelligent voice resounded all of a sudden, countless rest hatches opened instantly, and young students walked out one after another.

Come, with an excited expression on his face.

“The energy of Yuanshi bursts out! !!”

“Hey, what a huge reserve of yuan stone is needed to cause an outbreak! My hometown has such a high reserve of yuan stone,

There has been no outbreak. ”

“But the front is the territory of the Honglian Empire. Let’s go over like this. Wouldn’t it be bad if we didn’t report it?”

A person like a famous student was talking, and every breath was extremely powerful, almost all exuding eternal tyrants.

The breath of the Lord, even some students even exudes the breath of Die Emperor.

Just after this, a more terrifying breath came from the bow of the ship, and there was a lot of discussion around.

Yin was quiet for a moment.

Countless pairs of eyes looked into the distance.

There, three terrifying figures and a neat costume came slowly-

Left and right, standing behind a woman in front, her eyes sharp, exuding an aura completely different from that of the emperor.

More vast and majestic.

These two are actually the ancestors of Broken Star Realm, and in the forefront

The people facing me have a stronger aura, and the two of them have been


“It’s all quiet-everyone yells, how decent they are.”

One of the Broken Star Realm ancestor Ba Jin directly scolded, his eyes sharp like a goshawk,-swept across

Go, all the students he saw immediately bowed their heads.

“It’s just a Honglian Empire. It’s their honor to come to their Star Territory. What kind of notification is needed?”

The ancestor of Broken Star Realm Guang Dezi also scolded.

Then the three of them walked directly through the long corridor.

Soon they came to the main control center, and the internal control personnel stood up, baggage, and politely said: “Welcome

Three instructors. ”

The woman Liu Yue nodded slightly, and said indifferently to the two behind her: “The purpose of this time is to collect 10,000 talents.

Strong students, there is still a year before the deadline, but the goal is only half to half achieved. We have to speed up, otherwise we will return

At the university, I am afraid I will be ridiculed 5.9. ”

“Would you like to speed up and leave Honglian directly. I heard that the Honglian Empire is making puppets, which is a little talented.

The individuals of the clan were all captured, forcibly enhanced their strengths, and made into puppet warlords. I am afraid that there are no individuals with good talents here!”

Ba Jin’s voice slowly resounded, his voice full of disdain for the Honglian Empire.

“But we can’t blame the Honglian Empire for this matter, offending the strong university mansion, killing the elite disciples of the institution, and being blamed, every hundred years

It would be pitiful to hand in a broken star-level puppet for thousands of years. It would have emptied this empire a long time ago. ’

Guang Dezi said lightly.

“This is just self-blame!” Ba Jin sneered.

Liu Yue slowly said: “I heard that there are already several teams that have completed the mission of the academy.”

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