Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 298 - Wang Teng Xing Ting

Chapter 298 – :Wang Teng Xing Ting

It presents a round shape. The larger the central location, the richer the resources, the largest volume, and the more marginal.

The smaller the size, the greater the quantity and the fewer resources.

The Eight University Mansion sits in the most central area of ​​the town.

The rest of the more top domains are basically occupied by the remaining seventy-two purple houses.

After reading this information at the same time, Jiang Yuan knew in general that the power of the eight university houses and the seventy-two purple houses was almost

Dominate in general, control-cut, everything has them as the center.

While Jiang Yuan kept reading this information, time was slowly passing by.

Sometimes Lan Yueer would give Jiang Yuan a message to ask him where to send the hemolyzed fruit.

Jiang Yuan didn’t care, he took the hemolyzed fruit slowly and went to a household, and delivered the things to the other’s hands.

“Zero” time flies and it’s night.

Lan Yue’er stretched her waist and looked at the large white Tianyuan stone placed on the table with a faint smile on her face.

Can’t help but face Jiang Yuan who is still reading the information later: “It’s a good day. With you joining, the income has indeed increased a lot.

Many, I’ll treat you tonight, what would you like to eat?

Jiang Yuan put down the retention stone in his hand, walked out, and looked at the opponent’s squinting eyes, looking at Ruo Tianyuan intently.

Looking like a fan of Shi Cai, he shook his head faintly: “No, I want to look around and understand the feelings of Yunhui Dayu.


Lan Yue’er raised her head and glanced at Jiang Yuan, then lowered her head again, packed up her belongings and said, “It’s up to you.

Come back early in the evening, I will set your face. ”

Jiang Yuan nodded and walked out, casually walking towards Wang Teng Xingting.

Wang Teng Xing Ting is not far from here, but the guards are tight, a team of strong men who have reached the calamity emperor, three three-group

Form a patrol team to patrol everything.

As soon as Jiang Yuan approached, he was spotted by a patrol, staring directly at him sharply, and his voice was fairly polite: “This

Here is the Wang Court Star Court, you do not belong to the student here, please leave here immediately. ”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, palms shaking, and a simple letter appeared in his hands and said: “I am not a student, I received

Your information here. ”

“Hire a clerk!!” The previous inspector stared at him, his breathing became tight, and the other inspectors around him stared.

I also saw it, projecting it onto the letter in Jiang Yuan’s hand.

“Can you give me a look.” The voice of the inspection became respectful.

For them, being able to become the instructors of the Star Court is naturally beyond doubt, at least they are also the ancestors of the broken star realm.

To the invincible ancestor, Wanxing level.(Read more @

Such characters are respected everywhere, but they cannot be offended by the emperor of their small calamities.

Jiang Yuan handed the documents to the other party indifferently.

The other person closed his eyes with his hand, and said something in his mouth. It was a peculiar melody, and the whole document radiated

A faint fragrance.

Then the inspector quickly opened his eyes and handed the document to Jiang Yuandao more cautiously: “It turned out to be the instructor, this

It’s your paperwork, please receive it. The manager is on the 100th floor. I will take you straight up.

He said and made a please gesture.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and followed the opponent into the Star Court Building.

The moment I stepped in, the strong power of qi and blood came vigorously, and after a breath, there was a lot of power of qi and blood.

All the cells became active after being pulled by the spring bite.

Race against time began to swallow the energy of the surrounding blood.

The power of qi and blood is more than ten times stronger than the power of qi and blood contained in the world outside. I don’t know what hand to use.

Paragraph, increased the concentration here.

Following the inspection, the two Jiang Yuan boarded the same equipment as the elevator, and the position of the 100th floor was almost instantaneous.

Coming here, the inspector did not take a step out of the elevator, but bowed to Jiang Yuan respectfully and said: “Master instructor, before you

Going forward, walking all the way, there is a door at the end, and when you open it, it is the office of the general manager.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, “Thanks for leading the way.”

“You’re polite.” The inspector suddenly had a smile on his face, and his posture was lowered.

You know, they are all people who do not enter the ranks of disciples. If you really have a good relationship with any instructor, then

It is possible to be promoted in an extraordinary way, and it is possible to become a disciple.

Once you become a disciple of the Star Court, there is no benefit

Not to mention the daily supply of resources, it is a huge honor for the family, and the empire dynasty you are in will be heard

While moving, the empire came down and went to the family in person.

Promise countless benefits to the family, grant various resources, divide a wider territory, various preferential treatments, various cares,

There are so many benefits that make people jealous.

Jiang Yuan didn’t say anything,-step by step along the empty and quiet corridors.

He can clearly feel that as the floors increase, the power of qi and blood between the surrounding sky and the earth becomes more surging.

Each level is one level higher than the first level.

The height of one hundred floors is one hundred times that of the first time, and even a thousand times that of the outside world.

It’s no wonder that countless people want to enter the Star Court. Here, even if there is no supply of resources, the speed of strength improvement is impossible.


And this is just a star court, you can imagine what a more powerful purple house, even a school, is such a scene

It’s just unimaginable, it’s extremely against the sky.

When he arrived in the last room, Jiang Yuan stretched out his hand and was about to knock on the door, but the door automatically opened to both sides.

You can see at the very front of the room, a man in black armor squatting on his seat, closing his eyes


Every time you breathe, the force of qi and blood visible to the naked eye is like countless little white snakes, moving towards him flexibly.

The torso burrowed in, continuously increasing his strength of qi and blood.

Jiang Yuan let go of his 5.5 breath perception ability, in the perception of Qi and blood, the other party is like a black black hole, hanging

Where is it floating, absorbing all the energy between heaven and earth crazily.

Even the light can be pulled and absorbed, only entering but not exiting.

He gave Jiang Yuan the feeling that he was actually stronger than the red trout god of war at the end of the fighting arena, with the least combat power.

The more the power of one hundred thousand stars.

The specific number can only be seen unless Jiang Yuan activates everything by a 30-fold increase and surpasses the opponent’s strength.

At this time, the other party’s eyes slowly opened, and in the eye sockets, two golden radiances-flashed and passed,-just bet on the next one.

Seen on Jiang Yuan-

A terrifying oppressive force came surging, like a mountain, trying to crush him.

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