Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 306 - Tens of Thousands of Ultimate Golden Body

Chapter 306 – : Tens of Thousands of Ultimate Golden Body

He tried his best, tried his best.

In front of us, there are vast and dense, full of-more than 6,000 invincible ancestors, whose breath envelopes the world and overlaps each other.

Plus, the strong smell of blood can make people breathe.

In the viewing area, even Bai Hong clenched his fists, as if he had forgotten to breathe, it was extremely shocked, and the sound was extremely

The hoarseness reached its limit.

“Lost, more than 16,000 invincible ancestors, too many, too much. _ It is impossible to defeat.”

“He is strong enough, he is a genius, he is no longer a genius, this is a demon, he is like a god or a monster.

Cheng Guang’s voice was hoarse, he could see that Jiang Yuan was at his limit, his breath was declining, and he couldn’t breathe.

Every cell is swallowing frantically.

But the limit is the limit.

Everything has its limits, manpower is sometimes poor, and the same is true for Tianli.

To achieve Jiangyuan this step, it is already very difficult, these more than six thousand invincible ancestors, too much, too much! 1! “After all, I will lose!”

The red scales also appeared in the spectator area at some point, and there were no more arrogances on their faces, only endless sighs.

There is also deep awe.

Jiang Yuan’s strength, through and through 057, conquered him, he sighed.

It is a great blessing to be able to fight against such an existence.

“Am I going to fail?

Jiang Yuan looked up at the densely packed opponents, and these words echoed in his heart. From the battle to the present, the expression on his face was the first

Smile once.

“Will I lose? Will I lose? Lost??”

Such a voice kept echoing in his heart.

From low to deep, gradually agitated step by step, the voice is getting louder and louder, more and more fierce, more and more

Rage, more and more unbelievable.

“? What is defeat? When did I fail?” In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s whole body rushed into the Tianling Gai with a chill, his eyes

The dim look of God burned again.

The flame is average. “What is failure? Origins of Zengyi

In the next second, he became completely crazy, and his voice roared and roared, as if swearing to the heavens, it was to prove

Road: “Jiang

When his voice resounded (cidc), at last, he was crazy. When he was mad, everything in the body’s cells was

It broke out, the limit exploded.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The terrifying sound resounded all of a sudden, all the cells oscillated continuously, and a large amount of qi and blood flowed from the pores.(Read more @

The impact came out and gathered directly behind him.

The huge imaginary qi and blood continued to condense.



The terrifying golden giant is condensing, constantly thick and huge, with its feet stomping on the sky and the sky above its head,

Invincible gods and demons, bloody and bloodthirsty.

That is his vitality and golden body.

It has completely changed, the whole body is blood red, it is a blood red color.

How old is he?

10,000 meters?

One hundred thousand meters?

Still a million meters?

It has not reached a height of tens of millions of meters, the top of the head almost penetrates the clouds and enters the universe, unprecedentedly huge, gradually

Gradually agglomerate

It was the first time that Jiang Yuan’s most powerful forces had all exploded, reaching the limit of a million stars.

In just a few breaths, the huge body was completely condensed and formed, turning into a giant with a dignified heaven and earth, the whole body imitated

The red blood of the Buddha is constantly circulating.

“This, this, what is this?”

Almost instantly, everyone in the viewing area was shocked, looking at the terrifying body with extreme horror.

Actually felt tingling in both eyes.

“What kind of means is this? Is this his ultimate means?”

“The endless races in the universe, what kind of magical powers or secrets can they create such giants? What is this?

What secret method? I heard from the end!! !”

“Ten-million-meter giant. What kind of secret is this?”

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were deeply shaken. From ancient times to the present, only the body of a fierce beast can grow bigger.

Natural races can only be achieved by powerful secret methods.

But it is impossible to achieve such a terrifying body of vitality and blood!

What they didn’t know was that this golden body of vitality and blood was the strongest increase of all things created by Jiang Yuan after being pushed to the limit.

What a thirty-fold increase is just a trail. The truly powerful ultimate power is this terrifying body of vitality and blood.

Suddenly, the huge body just towered between the sky and the earth, with two feet trampled on the earth, one foot trampled on this piece

On the mainland, the other foot crossed the ocean, reached the other shore, and stepped on another continent.

Across infinite distances.

Jiang Yuan was suspended between the sky and the earth, his eyes were overwhelming, and his terrifying aura completely surpassed his multiplied combat power.

He didn’t have a concept of how much he surpassed a million.

“It’s over!”

Jiang Yuan spoke. It was not he who was talking, but his huge body of vitality, blood and gold, who was talking, conveying his thoughts.

The imperial decree is average and beyond doubt.

In the next second, the golden body of vitality and blood moved, and the surging force of vitality and blood all over the body,-the next son was boiling, nearly the palm of a satellite.

Lifted up all at once.

The sky and the clouds are constantly in Aurora, the palms are slowly pressing down, and the space is constantly shattering wherever it passes, everything in the sky and the earth.


“What is this?”

“How can the natural race become so huge?”

The exclamation voice kept fluctuating, and more than 16,000 invincible ancestors all looked at the immensely huge hand in amazement.

The palm covers the sky and the sun, oppressing all of a sudden.

As the world was under tense control, the soul was shocked, as if there was a voice telling them.

You have nowhere to escape because of the vastness of the world and the infinite space. There is no doubt that you will die, and you can only wait for death.

“Disperse and Disperse”-

The powerful and powerful Martial God of Broken Star Realm roared and roared, it was an ancient foreign language, and it suddenly shook.

Awaken countless invincible ancestors. “Escape

The panicked voices, constantly ups and downs, oscillating with each other, and instantly turned into a scream in the Daoist song, four

Separated and fled frantically.

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