Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 311 - Four words of domineering

Chapter 311 – : Four words of domineering

After speaking, he walked to Jiang Yuan and said, “Let’s go! I’ll take you to see Class 301.”

Jiang Yuan didn’t say a word, and walked side by side with him, heading downstairs. From beginning to end, Hidden Chase didn’t talk about welfare.


But Jiang Yuan was so clever, he understood the meaning as soon as his brain worked.

The other party didn’t regard him as a real member of Wang Teng Xing’s court at all.

It is necessary to talk more.

Naturally, the welfare treatment has nothing to do with him.

Before long, the two of them arrived at the thirty-first floor of the building. The moment the door opened, there were waves of unbridled words in their ears.

Shameful laughter.

At one end of the corridor, a woman ran over in a panic, followed by a woman wearing luxurious golden clothes.

A student wearing a glass waistband.

“Dare to run for me, you inferior ant native, roll over to me.”

The person behind the woman yelled loudly, and the scared woman trembled constantly, lowered her head, and did not pay attention to the front.

He slammed into Jiang Yuan.

Jiangyuan stays still, like a 10,000-year-old tree, but is automatically rebounded by its own strong energy and blood, 047 is like a steel plate

The same, there was a metal crashing sound unexpectedly.

The woman fell to the ground all of a sudden, whispered in pain-with a cry, when she looked up and saw the chase, she hurriedly stood up in a panic

Come, say hello in a low voice: “Chief instructor.”

Yin chased and snorted: “You go down!” “The woman’s complexion suddenly loosened, and after slightly bending towards Jiang Yuan, she hurriedly left.

In the distance, the man who chased after seeing the hidden chase, did not know how to converge, flicked his long sleeves with both hands, and hummed lightly.

Sound, turn around and leave.

Hidden Chase did not say a word, and said to Jiang Yuan lightly: “Let’s go!”

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, and as the other party moved forward, he soon came to a classroom at the end of the corridor.

The clamor of noise also became louder.

Through the same medium through the windows, Jiang Yuan can see that the interior space of the classroom is huge, no less than a hundred meters, scattered inside.

There were more than twenty people sitting, including men and women.

The face is handsome, like a fairy goddess.

The clothes on his body are extremely luxurious, exuding a faint atmosphere of the day, and it is an even more powerful armor of the day-level town.

It seems that everyone is extremely wealthy, otherwise they would not be able to wear such clothes.

At this time, the inside is extremely lively, frolicking, and things thrown around at random, everyone has an unscrupulous smile on their faces.(Read more @

Rong, sitting without a seated image, standing without a standing image, his body collapsed obliquely.

Hiddenly chasing his face without expression, as if he had already taken offense, standing in front of the door.

The door was buzzing, slowly opening to the sides, the laughter and noise inside, it was quiet for a second, a

Both eyes were thrown in an instant.

It swept past Yin Chai, and all fell on Jiang Yuan.

Among them, Jiang Yuan saw the student who chased the girl before, sitting in the last row, with his legs crossed, leaning in front—

On the white jade table, Zhang squinted his eyes, as if a god from above was looking at a mortal.

With a contemptuous look on his face, his mouth squashed.

Yin chased his gaze calmly, walked directly to the podium, with his hands on his back, the power of blood in his body instantly oscillated, as if

Tao Tao Dajiang, rumbling and making noise.

It spread all of a sudden, and the space formed a wave of air, which instantly enveloped the entire classroom.

His voice resounded loudly and said: “I’m here, everyone should already know that I don’t talk nonsense, my body

This one is your class 301, the future instructor. If you have anything to do in the future, you can directly talk to your instructor. ”

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Yuan and said indifferently: “Okay, in the next time, you will communicate with your students.

Right! If you have any questions, you can report it to me. ”

When the voice fell, Cicd walked to Jiang Yuan’s side but stopped again, glanced at him from the side, and said nothing, directly

go away.

When Hidden Chase left, the voice in the classroom boiled again, what should everyone do, play and make trouble,

Chatting with each other, as if not seeing Jiang Yuan.

It can be seen that this group of students are not afraid of heaven and earth, but they still remain in awe of the strong.

After all, Yin Chase is Broken Star Realm, the title of Martial God, the power of one hundred thousand stars.

However, in their view, Jiang Yuan was just a new instructor, and he became the instructor of their class after leaving the relationship.

What is the strength of an instructor?

It’s just the invincible ancestor of Wanxing Power. The gap is so far that it can’t attract their attention at all.

Like the characters, they are not taken seriously.

How could Jiang Yuan fail to see the thoughts of these people.

He smiled faintly and didn’t care, walked to the center of the podium, patrolled the audience, turned around, said nothing, fingers

Sketch directly in the air.

The force of qi and blood slid the space along his fingers, condensed into a series of words.

The students below, although they go their own way and don’t care about Jiang Yuan’s appearance at all, but this is a nominal instructor after all.

In charge of their 301 class, naturally they will pay more attention to them.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was condensing civilization, and when he wrote, all the students started to interact with each other, and the contempt in his eyes became more intense.


“That’s it! I thought I had something to do!

“What else can I do? It’s just the invincible ancestor of the star realm, and he may be of great importance to his ancestor.

Every word and deed decides everything, but here he is nothing.

“I just want to get some oil and water from us, and it will give him a little bit of benefit, just let it go.”

A total of twenty students, with each other’s vitality and blood oscillating, voice transmission, simple exchanges, they didn’t bother at all.

Who doesn’t know the huge Wang Teng Xing Ting, their 301 class, each student has a big identity, the son of the ancient emperor

Generally, people with rich net worth want to share a piece of the pie and get some benefits.

They’ve long been taken offense.

I thought that Jiang Yuan’s new official would have any new tricks, different methods, at least he had to use his power, explode his vitality, and deter him.

Unexpectedly, it’s not salty or salty, writing there.

In Jiang Yuan’s hands, golden words appeared one by one, continuously jumping and condensing, and opening the first sentence.

“I am the source of the human race, and I came to Tianjie the second day.”

When Jiang Yuan wrote these words, some students’ eyes condensed slightly, frowned, and the mutual voices gradually became quieter.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan also wrote the second sentence…

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