Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 319 - Star Court Iron-Blooded Wrist

Chapter 319 – : Star Court Iron-Blooded Wrist

At this moment, his ears suddenly shook, and a small voice came, with a supreme aura.

It was the voice of the Supreme Lord, full of endless chill, categorically saying: “Do it with all your strength.”

As this voice fell, Bai You’s face suddenly shook, his heartbeat accelerated, and his eyes couldn’t help widening for a minute.

Know the meaning of this sentence.

This is going to be a knife!

His heart trembled crazily, his breathing became swift, his eyes suddenly turned towards the three elders, and his voice became audible.

Some husky said: “Three elders, please sit down.*

But his voice fell, and the three elders directly turned their eyes away, not looking at him.

Elevation has a stronger smile at the corner of his mouth, with his hands on his back, very confident and proud, Bai You’s facial expression is shaking, and his eyes are

How can he escape his eyes if he shrinks.

He thought that Bai You was frightened, but he did not expect that so many people opposed him, even the three elders opposed him.

It directly caused a chain reaction.

He wanted to see how Bai You solved this matter this time, offending so many former chiefs, his big

Don’t think about having a good life in the future.

“Don’t you really sit down?” Bai You’s voice trembled, asking and reminding.

One of the three elders turned to Bai You and hummed directly: “Bai You, I think you are really lawless.

If you don’t make it clear about today’s matter, I’m afraid you won’t sit in the position of chief secretary, and let’s change!”

“Indeed! Reigning for a hundred years, there is not the slightest feat that can be achieved. If this is the case, the substitution is excellent.

“I think the elevation is good, let’s change it!”

The chief executives who opposed the surroundings all started a round, speaking loudly, looking at Bai You intentionally or unintentionally, that is

Want him to be embarrassed.

“Good, good”

Suddenly Bai You laughed loudly, her voice trembling, and the next second she looked around all the opponents sharply.

The voice became extremely cold and said: “In that case, kill them all!”

When Bai You’s voice fell, everyone opened their eyes unbelievably, looking at him strangely, some even

I thought I had heard it wrong.

“Bai” raised his eyeballs, pointed at Bai You, and suddenly roared: “What do you want to do, Bai You?

Do you still want to kill all our opponents, you think you have this strength. ”

“Bai You, you really disappointed me waiting for the veteran!” Another veteran became angry, and his body was full of energy and blood.

The son excites and oscillates, as if to do it at any time.(Read more @

Bai You’s words touched everyone at once, and he actually wanted to kill them, completely tearing his skin.

Bai You didn’t look at everyone, but turned around and bowed slightly to salute Lukong behind him, his voice vibrating, one word.

Suddenly said: “Master, you still need to take action in this matter.”

When his voice fell, the whole meeting room fell silent instantly.

Gao Cheng opened his eyes wide in horror, with a bad premonition in his heart, a strong sense of crisis surging, calling

Xiao Da did it, warning him.

All the chief executives who opposed his body instantly stiffened.

“Could it be that this is what the great lords mean, and the elevation voice trembles,-thinking of this, I am amazed

His eyes widened.

In the next second, a terrifying aura of supremacy, like a star and a big day, shrouded in the sky, suddenly forced to come.

In general, everyone under pressure can’t move.

In the void, a terrifying and great existence tore through the space,-stepped out of the void,-double blood red

The eyes are like a bloody demon.

Sweeping the audience all at once, all the chiefs were chilled and their bones were sour.

“Da Zun

“It’s a bloody grandmaster.”

“Oh my God! Bai You. What the hell did Bai You do, the bloody master, he, he, he, he all came in person!!

Everyone can no longer remain calm at this moment, their faces pale and bloodless, especially when they are standing.

Commander, both legs are shaking at this moment.

They finally found out.

This matter was meant by the great lords. They were planning a truly earth-shattering event and fully supported Bai You. In one word

It attracted the appearance of a supreme great deity.

Today is to clean up the discordant voices.

But it was too late to know.

Bai You’s voice was full of killing intent and said: “Great Lord, everyone standing here is

The bloody Great Lord had a strange bloody look in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: “As you wish.”

When his voice fell, his body instantly disappeared in place.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we are not against you


It was the first to roar and panic, but just halfway through the words, the whole person’s head flew high, Wu

Daotian soul, directly collapsed.

But this is just the beginning.

The horror of the great master is unimaginable, it is completely crushed,-every head keeps flying up, and even someone’s body is bombarded.

Split, flesh and blood spread across the world.

After just a few breaths, no one in the room can stand up to 940.

The figure of the bloody Great Venerable, who did not know when he appeared next to Bai You, nodded slightly to him, and said in a hoarse voice: ”

Let go and do it! You are the will and will be the will of all the great masters. ”

When this sentence is finished, stretch out your hands and penetrate the space, just like paper, torn directly toward the two sides.

Then, the whole person turned into a streamer and rushed in.

When the bloody master left for dozens of seconds, the entire venue was silent.

Everyone didn’t even dare to look up at Bai You, because when the bloody Great Lord left, what he said was really terrifying,

The significance is significant, and it simply subverts the three views.

This means that from now on, Bai You can really cover the sky with only one hand, and his will is the meaning of Da Zun.

Thirty chiefs in full! There are also three elders who kill them when they say they are killed, so that the big senior’s brows are not frowned.

You know, there are only five elders in total, and three of them died all at once, which is a great injury to the entire Wang Tengxing Court.

Angrily matters, it hurts one’s muscles and bones.

It can be seen how terrifying the things planned by the great lords will be.

Bai You’s voice slowly resounded at this time, more overbearing than ever before: “Everyone, we continue

Continue the meeting!”.

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