Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 343 - King Gu Shuo Jin

Chapter 343 – :King Gu Shuo Jin

No one else, but Wang Teng Xingting’s current chief of affairs, Bai You, the father of Bai Hong.

Bai You’s gaze also looked at the battlefield, and he saw Jiang Yuan’s phantom body of tens of millions of blood, blood, and suddenly his gaze suddenly

It freezes.

His brows suddenly wrinkled, and he wondered: “What is this that can change so much? Could it be a kind of illusion?


But in the next moment, as if thinking of something, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said unbelievably: “Is it in the secret law?

Gain, but how could it be so huge!”

His eyes are so harsh, he scans everything, he can measure the world, the error is not more than a cent, and the next one scans.

Just saw it.

This is actually a golden body with tens of millions of energy and blood.

“Ten-million-level qi, blood and golden body, how can this “Five Seven Three” even if the talent is in the evildoer, even if it is Tianyi Golden Core

With such a talent, you can’t learn such secret gains!!!!”

“. Is this a secret gain, or is it still a tens of millions of blood and golden body?” Bai Hong’s expression was stunned, and his eyes widened.

Looking at his father strangely.

She has limited knowledge, so today she called her father to come and let him see Jiang Yuan’s details, so that her thoughts would be more stable.

Not afraid of accidents.

But my father opened his mouth, it was such a shocking secret.

Even she doesn’t know much, she just knows a little bit, which belongs to the real secret and involves the ancients.

Antiquity or even eternal antiquity, several great eras.

“Don’t say anything.” Bai You’s eyes were extremely severe for an instant, and his gentle and elegant aura was one of the sides, abandoning his writing and using martial arts.

To win the pen and ink is to kill the gods.

Her eyes were extremely sharp and prickly. Looking directly at Bai Hong’s eyes, her eyes turned red all of a sudden, and her heart was aching.

This is my father’s warning. Don’t let her talk too much. The things involved are too horrible. You need to shut up.

Will cause great cause and effect.

“Father, I know.” Bai Hong immediately stabilized his heart, his brain shook, and countless brain cells were directly shattered.-Next

The son will clear countless memories.

It is self-shattering, forgetting past memories, and letting oneself know nothing.

Bai You nodded slightly, his breath suddenly changed, as if he had become a scholar again, with a smile on his face and endless knowledge.

Know the bottom line in the mind, full of carefulness.

Everyone looked into the field.

In the next second, between heaven and earth, three blue ancient runes changed and disappeared one by one.

When the last rune disappeared, the sky and the earth suddenly burst, and the sound of rumbling continued,-the next and next it resounded, one(Read more @

Dark rays of light soared from below the earth to the sky, soaring for ninety thousand miles.

A plain suddenly burst, and a terrifying breath suddenly appeared.

Suddenly the ocean is rolling endlessly, the whole sea is boiling, bubbles appear, as if it is boiling, all of a sudden

A horrible figure emerged from it.

Even in the city, the ground suddenly cracked, a tall building collapsed, and a terrifying figure, as if black

The colored light group lifted off little by little.

Carrying a terrifying atmosphere of mighty evil, extremely bloody.

Invisible and invisible,-under the impact, countless creatures instantly opened their eyes in terror, and died directly, as if suffocated to death

It seemed to be scared to death, and saw something extremely terrifying.

In their eyes, there even appeared a scene like the abyss of hell, there was an endless sea of ​​blood, countless white

The color soul, ups and downs inside, screamed constantly.

More and more horrors are constantly rushing into the sky, like gods and demons, standing on the clouds, step by step

Out, overlooking the world and everything, high above.

The generals of the heavenly soldiers are general, and all of a sudden, they occupies a layer of clouds in a circle, and the steps are up, the more

The presence of upward, the breath on the body is even more terrifying.

At the very top, there is a horrible existence, with ten golden rune apertures floating above his head, nine small and one large, the largest

Is wrapped with nine small rune apertures.

On the top of the head, it is constantly spinning, ticking, and exuding a buzzing sacred sound, as if the war drum is thundering and shaking

The human heart and soul, the cells in the body are boiling.

Very rhythmic, just a moment.

Sitting high and high-end above the infinite clouds, a golden throne was condensed under him all at once, mighty and extraordinary, as if

Heaven and earth supreme, look down at the dress, looking up at Jiangyuan. “It’s actually the ten largest rune aperture Lan Liangliang-Time cried out in amazement, his eyes shrank suddenly, and the inside

Sunken down, extremely horrified 0.

The whole body was trembling, and he yelled in amazement: “The power of the tens of millions of stars is comparable to the elders of the star court, yes

Shattered Starland Title Wu

A peerless existence that is countless times stronger than Wusheng, he, he, and his battles,

There will be such a terrible existence

When Lan Yue’er heard her brother’s words, she paled with fright and couldn’t say a word.

Bai Hong also opened his eyes wide, very shocked, he looked at his father all at once, and saw that his father was

The corners of his mouth trembled, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes. “The talent of the world, the past and the present, the invincible posture” Bai You’s voice is hoarse, trembling extremely: “This

People, talents and sentiments, almost reached the first person in history, what eight universities, what 72 purple houses, the younger generation

Who can have such a wicked and domineering man!”

“Right bet! Right bet!!! Who can fight against Wuzun within three days of entering Tiansuke?” Bai You was excited.

Come, his eyes are inexplicable, his mood is extremely complicated, and his fists can’t help being clenched.

“Regardless of whether he wins or loses this game, he uses his actions to understand his value.”

While everyone was talking, Jiang Yuan controlled his qi, blood and golden body and let out a boundless roar, his voice vibrated, straight

Rush into the sky, the shock wave is average, sweeping 0.3-cut-

Pieces of clouds were directly torn apart.

“Let me see the second increase of the Sutra of All Things, the second form is powerful!” Jiang Yuan’s voice boiled and roared in his mind


Almost at the moment when his thoughts fell, his whole body qi and blood suddenly shook. At the center of his eyebrows, the fifth page of the Sutra of All Things, all of a sudden

Turning over, there are three heads and six arms inside, a figure with golden light all over.

Opened his eyes.


In an instant, a roar like a beast burst out of his mouth, and he woke up.

It seems to be announcing his arrival to the whole world, the infinite star field.

In the next second, he stepped out and left the fifth page of the Sutra of Everything, instantly turning into a stream of light, which directly took over the Qi.

The first form of blood golden body. ,

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