Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 351 - Gain secret method 03 times

Chapter 351 – : Gain secret method 0.3 times

“Damn Jiang Yuan hadn’t spoken yet, and a chief of affairs suddenly roared.

The existence of Jiang Yuan is the top priority of the entire Wang Teng Star Court. It is related to the future of Star Court, and it is of great importance to them.

How can the serving secretary not know.

Suddenly, the anger burned,-the next shot, very crazy, the power of the body’s blood and blood was all activated, without any protection

Staying, the whole person twists strangely, and the body is constantly compressed and flat, and it turns into a streamer knife, slashing in the air.

Go down.

The cold light was violent, the space was cut at once, and a trace was drawn, but when it was about to fall on Qingyun’s head, right

Fang suddenly stretched out his hand.

I didn’t even look at it,-I grasped it, pressed my fingers, and made a clicking sound all of a sudden.

Accompanied by the scream of the chief secretary, a hole was grabbed from the bottom, as if his hand was more terrifying than a crystal diamond.

The sharp blade cuts on it, leaving no trace.

“”It seems that you are really important!” Qingyun stared at Jiang Yuan, as if a tiger was staring at its prey.

A strong light broke out in it, like a madman, laughing, opening his mouth and almost splitting half of his face.

In 150 seconds, he shook off the chief executive in his hand, as if throwing away a piece of trash, his palm suddenly opened.

Open, arms are skyrocketing, and arrested in no time.

Just like an eagle catching a chicken, Jiang Yuan is in front of him, as if-catch it and break it.

“Quick Duo”, a chief of affairs next to him was shocked, and he dodged all of a sudden, trying to stand in front of Jiang Yuan, but

It was a sudden shock all over the body.

The surrounding space is actually covered by molybdenum, it becomes a kind of white crystal, extremely hard, and it collides with each other when it moves.

Produce a strong shock rebound.

It made him pale all of a sudden.

This kind of shock burrowed directly into the body, crushing his cells madly, causing his power to decline in an instant.

“Hey. Seeing that the palm of his hand is about to be caught on Jiangyuan, Qingyun’s face is even more hideous, as if he sees a genius

To fall in front of myself, I was extremely crazy and said: “Die!”

Almost when his voice fell, Jiang Yuan raised his head blankly.

With indifferent eyes, he spoke directly, as if the sky was finally angered, and someone was against the sky, and his voice resounded deafeningly.

Come “enough

His voice suddenly fell, carrying a terrifying energy and blood, suddenly broke out, one by one, unexpectedly from his mouth

The horn rushed out.

It is the red text formed by the condensed blood, and it hits the opponent’s hand suddenly, like a hard big clock, a

After the collision, his arm trembles unexpectedly.

His body also flew upside down uncontrollably, falling far away from a thousand meters away, and his body shook and stabilized.(Read more @


His complexion also showed a hint of astonishment for an instant,-flashed past, and then his complexion became more agitated, and his voice was a little bit

Trembling: “I didn’t expect that you are so strong, you can actually withstand my blow, and even beat me” and fly away.

“Yes, yes, among these three star courts, you are the strongest, you really deserve to be the strongest star court in Yunhui Great Territory.

There is indeed a little level. ’

Qingyun straightened her waist, as if she was interested, and the expression on her face became serious.

In the next second, the body instantly disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in the face of Jiangyuan in the horrified eyes of everyone.

Before, with a crazy expression on his face,-slapped over.

There are countless flashing sharp thorns on the hand,-once shot, it can pierce the Jiangyuan Tianling cover and take the entire

The Tianling cover was lifted up.

Just between everyone’s horror.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were indifferent, and he slowly raised a hand, without even looking, as if he was patting a fly flying in front of him.

(acfa) slapped it over.

It was plain and unremarkable, and he couldn’t even feel the slightest fluctuation in the power of blood and energy.

But it’s such a flat slap,-the unstoppable appearance on Qingyun’s face, accompanied by-the clear way


His body, like a cannonball, flew upside down.

This time it was worse than the last time, flying out more than 10,000 meters.

At this moment, the surrounding space seemed to be quiet,-both eyes looked at Jiang Yuan for an instant, as if seeing something

What an incredible thing-kind.

Qingyun in the distance stabilized his figure in mid-air, the craziness on his face was frozen, he touched his face blankly, but

With a clear feeling, half of his face was sunken, and an extremely clear slap-e seal appeared.

What’s more terrifying is that his whole brain is buzzing at this moment.

He had to shake his head, and when he looked at Jiang Yuan, he became extremely cold and stern, with thick eyes in his eyes.


The first time he was beaten out, it can be said that it was his carelessness, and the second time he was beaten out, it was his incompetence.

He can’t bear this is his own incompetence.

In an instant, the aura on his body boiled, his complexion became more ferocious, and he said frantically, “I underestimated you.

But do you think it was all my strength before?”

He roared frantically, and in an instant, the space around his body was suddenly distorted, and the blood in his body surged wildly.

Exudes an extremely hot air current.

The combat power also soared in an instant.

His combat power is also at this moment, no longer reserved, a rune halo appeared on the top of his head, one after another, full of six rings.

But at the moment when his strength improved.

A familiar smell was immediately captured by Jiang Yuan.

That is the effect of gain.

At the same time, a roar erupted from his mouth: “The three-stage gain is fully open, 0.3 times the explosion.

Almost instantly, his combat power soared from six million to more than seven million, and another rune appeared on top of his head.


Breathing effort, his combat power soared by nearly one million stars, making his breath even more terrifying, and his eyes were burning.

Scarlet airflow.

“My God

“It’s actually a secret method of gain type. Yaguai is so arrogant. It turns out that he has learned such a secret method.

Benefit, increase the burst by a factor of 0.3, this is an extremely top-notch gain secret!”

“Unbelievable, the secret method is recognized as the most difficult secret method to learn. Innate talent, sentiment, understanding opportunity, one is indispensable, only accumulation

Only those who have air transport have a certain chance to learn.

“Such a character, who is not a superior existence, how come to Yunhui Domain?”.

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