Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 366 - Clone Ten Thousand Masters

Chapter 366 – : Clone Ten Thousand Masters

However, Jiang Yuan uses more of his own boxing techniques.

Pursuing the use of force to control the world, so many magical powers are like decorations, basically unused, this is the most used phantom clone.

Kind of a magical power.

Thousands of avatars were transformed into phantoms at once, each carrying half of its own power, like an army

Can attack a large area.

But now, so many supernatural powers are born.

Jiang Yuan’s understanding of supernatural powers has gone to a higher level. He has more famous things and knows more. With a slight move, all the martial arts gods

The essence of Tongguo.

Continuously flowing into the phantom clone, the volume of the entire martial arts supernatural power fruit is expanding, directly surpassing other martial arts gods

The volume of Tongguo.

Jiang Yuan’s body shook slightly. Behind him, golden figures stepped out one step at a time, standing behind each one.

All have his own appearance.

The number of breathing effort is increasing.

In a blink of an eye, it has surpassed thousands of titles, but it hasn’t stopped, and it’s still increasing.

The number is increasing, and I can’t stand up all over, many of them are flying, densely packed, the position of each eyebrow

There is no word.

After 513 has accumulated Jiangyuan’s base of 20 million combat power, it is superimposed forty times, which is the power of 800 million stars.

The phantom clone, with half of it, is 400 million combat power. It is a well-deserved realm of the supreme great deity, even if every one is

Only one attack can erupt.

It is also terrifying indescribable.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Yuan’s phantom clones were flying everywhere in the sky and underground.

Before his limit, he could only mobilize a thousand, but now he mobilizes the power of other martial arts supernatural powers to continuously infuse them.

It is equivalent to giving the Phantom clone this martial arts supernatural power fruit, in-second evolution.

Now it has broken through ten thousand.

Each one can explode with a combat power of 400 million. What is this concept?

This is equivalent to ten thousand supreme greats, and they shoot at the same time. This kind of power suddenly explodes, I am afraid that Yunhui will have to

The shock of being beaten.

What Wang Teng star court, what destroys the star court, can be razed to the ground in an instant, and the great master will be beaten to death, lifeless

It’s also possible.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light around his body suddenly rose from the ground, soaring into the sky and returning to the clouds.

In the layer, aeaf disappears in an instant.

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect that the power of supernatural power fruit is used in this way.”

Jiang Yuan was shocked from the bottom of his heart: “When using one of these abilities, inject the essence of all martial arts supernatural powers.

One of them, the more it is injected, the stronger the power it exerts.(Read more @

“It’s hard to imagine that if you return to the great domain of Yunhui, it will suddenly explode, ten thousand phantoms with a full blow from the Supreme Lord.

Doppelganger, floating above the sky, what a terrifying scene that would be.

Imagine, when you open the window, you can see that standing in the sky, densely packed and terrifying

The presence.

Each eyebrow is condensed with a wordless, it is the supreme great deity, that is how horrible.

I am afraid that Wang Teng Xingting’s chief secretary will be scared to death.

“This time I can’t imagine it, but without Wang Teng Xingting’s generosity, if you give me the Eternal Stone, I have to

Not such good fortune.

Jiang Yuan is a person who knows his gratitude and cannot be ungrateful yet. It is obvious to all Wang Teng Xingting how he treats himself.

It can be said to be both glorious and glorious,-loss and loss.

When he was weak, Wang Teng Xingting was his protective umbrella, sheltering him from wind and rain, giving him a comfortable environment, and constantly improving his self.

When you are strong, it is time to feed back.

Just like your parents, when they were young, they took care of you, taught you how to be a human, and protected you. When they get old, you become stronger.

At that time, it can support this home.

That’s when you take care of them, pick up crutches for them, push them for a walk in the community, and accompany them to the end.

The last time of life.

Endless life is an inheritance.

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. In an instant, his body was suddenly distorted in place, and instantly disappeared into the eternal battlefield.

When he appeared, he had already returned to the Lan family.

As soon as I came back, I clearly felt a different atmosphere.

The Lan family sisters are busy and very anxious. There are big bags in the living room piled up together.

Sweeping it over, many things in the living room disappeared and were put up.

Perhaps he heard the movement in the living room, Lan Liangliang stretched out his head from the room, and the moment he saw Jiang Yuan, his whole body trembled.

A look of surprise appeared on his face in the next second.

He hurriedly walked over and said, “Senior Jiang Jiang, you have finally come out.”

Jiang Yuan glanced at the package on the ground, a little unclear, so he said: “Did you encounter any difficulties? Why is it so urgent?

To move in a hurry

Leave home?”

Lan Yueer also walked out of the room with a backpack in her hand.

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, the faces of both of them were shocked for a moment, and Lan Liangliang couldn’t help saying: “Senior Jiang, are you?

I don’t know what happened?”

Jiang Yuan faintly shook his head and said: “I have been on the battlefield all the time. I just came out. Could it be that what happened during the month I was absent?

What can’t be done?”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, both of them suddenly realized their expressions and said: “Senior Jiang, go to the window and look at the street outside.

Tao, you almost understand. ,

The color of doubt in Jiang Yuan’s eyes flashed away. When he walked to the window and looked down, he saw the shops on the street.

The gate is locked, and no pedestrian can be seen on the road.

Suddenly, the doubts in his heart became heavier. The blood in Jiang Yuan’s body vibrated suddenly, and everything was quietly activated.

The sight distance suddenly expanded.

While breathing, he crossed the streets, reaching infinite distance, almost light-years away.

Along the way, all the hot streets are quiet, and although some pedestrians appear on the road, they are also very rare, with their heads down.

Leave quickly and cautiously.

Lan Liangliang walked to Jiang Yuan and said in a low voice: “Senior, I’m afraid you don’t know yet! It’s probably the tenth day you left.

Heaven, the front line defenders blocked by the three star courts suddenly collapsed.

“It collapsed without warning, and at the same time, there is also a supreme beast who took advantage of this opportunity to hide in our

In Yunhui City. ”

“No one knows where he is hiding. In the next time, he shot three times one after another, killing nearly a billion people.

It’s making trouble now


Few people dared to go out.

Is it Wang Tengxing i

The Great Lord of the Court

Didn’t make a move?”.

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help it

Suspiciously said: “Da Zun Jielu is allowed to enter Yunhui City,

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