Chapter 370 – : Questioning

This night is destined to be unstable, extremely noisy, and the heavy atmosphere weighs on everyone’s hearts, making people feel the blazing fire when they breathe.


Without special feeling, he can feel all the changes in the entire building under him, the fluctuation of breath, and the vibration of space.

There is also a deep anxiety, panic, suppressing the heavy atmosphere.

Almost every few minutes, or even more than ten minutes, there will be a slight vibration in the space, and some people will travel through the space, which is extremely hidden.

The shield landed.

Some people quietly turned into streamers and left.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s heart was touched, his eyes slowly opened, and his son penetrated the earth and descended instantly.

I saw two people standing in the corner of the hall.

Wearing the costumes of Dahong Star Court students, the blood oscillates, and they communicate with each other.

This is because the two words Da Zun were involved in their conversation, which immediately touched Jiang Yuan’s heart. Naturally,

Aroused his awareness.

“Just kidding! Let a person who does not necessarily reach the level of a veteran, lead a nearly-star elite team to withdraw

Li, what are the high-levels thinking?”

“What’s even more ridiculous is that they have to disrupt the two Star Court personnel, mix them up, and run away, what does he have in Jiang Yuan?

Qualified to lead us?”

Another voice also sighed: “The Chief Secretary Yi Su opposed it on the spot, but it was useless.

To do this. ‘

“I don’t know Jiang Yuan very well. Someone interviewed 117. It seems that I just came to Tianjie not long ago and I don’t know how.

He was mixed up and became the chief instructor, and now he can lead the elite team to evacuate.

“However, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Although we were dispersed and retreated with Wang Teng Xingting’s people, this-

The elder Yicheng came this time, with the power of 30 million stars. ”

“”When the time comes, we will follow in the footsteps of the elders of Yicheng. When we leave the city, we will form a team of our own. If we are really in danger

Elder Yicheng will take us away and meet with Chief Yi Su.

Hearing what he said, another voice suddenly said with excitement: “Yi grows and grows old?”

“Naturally it is here, so don’t worry too much. Everything is arranged by the Chief Secretary Yi Su. He will not give up on us.

Yes, rest assured. ”

The two talked briefly, but didn’t know that Jiang Yuan heard everything clearly.

Jiang Yuan frowned, but didn’t say a word.

Thinking in another way, if you are them, I am afraid they will have such concerns.

The leader is generally the strongest existence in the team, the leader, the soul core of the entire team, and the strength

Only big can give people safety.(Read more @

But he can’t go down and tell everyone in person, my true strength can reach the great realm of the supreme majesty!

Even if I said that, who would believe that it is impossible to display one’s strength?

Shaking his head faintly, Jiang Yuan took this matter to heart, and let’s talk about it when he has the opportunity!

Soon-fleeting in the blink of an eye at night.

Early the next morning, when the brilliance began to envelop the entire Yunhui domain, Jiang Yuan stood up and listened as soon as he moved his ear.

The sound of footsteps outside the door.

“How’s the status adjustment?”

Bai You walked in. With a faint smile on his face, he pressed his palm to make him sit down, and then walked to his side and sat down.

You can see the paleness on his face, and the slightest sorrow.

“Almost there.” Jiang Yuan said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Bai You lower his voice, his blood vibrating. The voice passed over and said: “The staff is ready, I

Now I’m here to tell you.

“When you leave Yunhui City and enter the wilderness, the space will be messy, you can’t shuttle in space, you can only walk forward.

Later, there will be a great possibility of being attacked.

Bai You said cautiously: “Although you are leading the team this time, you are the core. Once you encounter an irresistible force, two

The patriarch will take you away immediately, don’t stay.

Jiang Yuan frowned and said: “You mean to abandon everyone?”

“No!” Bai You shook his head and said, “It is equivalent to fleeing separately. If two veterans take you away, they will definitely attract attention.

I think that you are the most valuable person, so naturally many people will catch up and want to kill you

“This will disperse the opponent’s power (ageg), and then the veteran Dahong Xing Ting Yicheng in Yingzang will suddenly burst out

Kill those people, rushing over to join you, and flanking each other.

Speaking of this, Bai You looked at Jiang Yuan with complicated eyes, and sighed: “But I’m not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, just in case.

For other changes, you must save yourself, and the two veterans will also find ways to save you

. ”

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and was about to say something, he heard Bai You sigh: “Okay, let’s go down now!

If you set off fast enough, you can reach Xinggang at night. ”

Jiang Yuan swallowed again, nodded and the two of them walked downstairs.

When I came to the lobby on the first floor, I saw a dense cluster of students and managers at all levels, each of whom was an elite.

Almost the moment Jiang Yuan appeared, many people looked over.

Whether it is from Wang Teng Xingting or Dahong Xingting, when they look over, they are all worried.

Jiang Yuan’s fame time was too short, not obvious, and many people have never seen him, but only know that there is him.

Now that the task of leading the team is so important, it is more or less disturbing to be the leader of Jiangyuan.

Very doubtful of his strength.

As soon as Bai You appeared, the two veterans of Wang Teng Xingting walked over, and they looked at each other and nodded slightly.

“The route remains the same, let’s go!” Bai You’s voice faintly resounded, and passed it down to everyone’s ears.

Famous instructors, chief instructors, and chief affairs officers all saluted Bai You slightly.

This is a respect for Bai You, because everyone knows that, except for those who retreated, all the people who stayed have been

Prepared for a deadly battle.

Protect the Star Court for everyone.

Under the protection of the Star Court, everyone can come back and continue to inherit their previous glory and identity, as well as many resources.

Source, still aloof.

If it fails, those who remain will die, and only those who retreat will survive.

“Bao Li.” The two elders bowed deeply.

In the next second, the powerful qi and blood power oscillated, and it spread out and enveloped everyone present.

Everyone’s bodies suddenly twisted in place, all turned into streams of light, floating in uncertainty, followed by a stream of light.

Dao rushed into the void.

Shuttle quickly in the void.

In an instant, he rushed out of the Wang Teng Star Court,-soaring into the sky, into the sky, and the scene below was leaping rapidly.

Almost one second is a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Soon, a huge city wall appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

If it is one, it spreads infinite distance, and you can’t see the edge…

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