Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 390 - What a terrifying concept

Chapter 390 – : What a terrifying concept

The three of them took a deep breath, and the ancestors of Cangyuan said: “Jiangyuan, tell me! Believe us, we are all in a cataclysm.

The people who resisted, we have not seen any scene, we can bear it. ”

“Okay!” Jiang Yuan shrugged helplessly and said: “Break through the disaster, the emperor, the combat power will instantly soar to the power of the hundred stars, yes

A kind of essential change, like the ancient legend, standing on the ground to become a Buddha, is separated by heaven and man.

“At the time of Hundred Stars, this realm was called Broken Star Realm, the title of Patriarch

Jiang Yuan said slowly, everyone’s breathing became heavier and heavier, and their heartbeats accelerated. They all knew that, it’s not a big deal.

What a secret.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan continued: “When you reach ten thousand stars, you are called the invincible ancestor. It is the invincible existence among the ancestors.

in. ”

“Further up, breaking through the power of one hundred thousand stars, is the title of the god of war, after the god of war, the fighting power surpasses one million, and it is called martial arts.

Saint. ”

“After Wu Sheng, he surpassed tens of millions and was honored as Wu Zun.

At this point, everyone’s eyes are trembling, and their bodies are slightly trembling.

They vaguely guessed what the realm mentioned by Jiang Yuan before.

Jiang Yuan continued: “After surpassing tens of millions, reaching 100 million is another brand new realm, which is called the supreme great master.

The great statue is divided into four small stages. ”

“The Great Realm of Nothingness, the Great Realm of Upper, the Great Realm of Great Realm, the Great Realm of Respectfulness 773.

After Jiang Yuan said, he said to the four people: “And if I break out normally now, it is equivalent to the second stage of the Supreme Master, the highest

Great boundary. ”

When Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, the three of them finally couldn’t sit still.


Both eyes lost focus and looked at Jiang Yuan sluggishly.

Each one is like wood, the muscles of the whole body are stiff, and all the cells in the body are in a static state.

This news is really amazing.

It simply subverted their imagination, and they couldn’t imagine it even if they were killed.

It’s only been two years! It’s only two years!

Jiang Yuan came back again, unexpectedly reaching such a terrible level.

Especially the Cangyuan Human Ancestor and Xingyue Human Ancestor, who thought that Jiang Yuan hadn’t reached the power of one hundred thousand stars before, still wanted

Advise him not to be sad.

Fortunately, I didn’t say it, otherwise I would be really embarrassed.

People’s combat power is more than tens of thousands of units. It has reached the hundreds of millions that make them desperate.

The gap, the unimaginable gap.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan’s aura suddenly recovered. At the center of his eyebrows, there was an extremely bright, sacred, and supreme

The ancient words of majesty appeared.(Read more @

It is the wordless of the Supreme Master.

Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded again, but this time, his voice was filled with speechless majesty: “This kind of text

Words are words recognized by the universe and the recognition of this realm by the universe. ”

During the speech, the wordless began to change, slowly twisted, and turned into an upper word.

All the eyes of the three of them were attracted by the words on Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows. For a moment, they felt that the golden core on the eyebrows was violent.


Even the martial arts spirit contained in it will be pulled out.

Jiang Yuan moved in his heart, and instantly received the text from the center of his eyebrows. When his breath swayed, it became plain and unremarkable.

There is no fluctuation.

The golden core at the center of the three people’s eyebrows slowly stopped shaking, and the martial arts spirit, who was about to be pulled out, slowly stopped.

Drilled back.

This is a manifestation of the huge gap in strength.

Just like the difference between gravel and stars, one is incomparably small, the other is magnificent.

It took a long time for the three of them to react until Jiang Yuan recovered the supreme aura, their eyes still a little dull, and they trembled slightly.



Ten minutes have passed, the three of them took a deep breath, and the Cangyuan ancestor lifted it up slightly trembling-cup of tea

Want to take a sip.

I heard the voice of Xingyue Human Ancestor trembling, stammering: “Then how many stars have you reached now?”

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and said, “If you burst out with all your strength, the power of 2.4 billion stars. (aifa)”

Look like.

Murong Xue’s gaze swept across the faces of several people, feeling very strange in her heart.

Jiang Yuan laughed and said, “It’s nothing, but your two uncles and aunts are curious about your father’s current strength and realm.

That’s it. ”

Murongxue suddenly became excited and said, “Dad! What realm have you reached now?” “Jiang Yuan pointed a finger on her eyebrows and said: “Where is the child’s curiosity so heavy, hurry down.”

When they came downstairs, everyone sat in sequence.

Jiang Yuan picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised pork, put it in his mouth, tasted it lightly, and lit it with satisfaction.


Sincerely sighed: “The food in my hometown is still delicious!”

“Jinglong, when I come back this time, you help me select two hundred human races with good qualifications.

You can select a little bit.

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