Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 392 - Observe the suns condensed cells

Chapter 392 – : Observe the sun’s condensed cells

With a large number of elements rushed into this cell.

The color of the entire cell began to change, gradually changing from black to gold, and at the same time, the feeling of burning heat began to slightly

Broke out.

“Is it feasible?”

Jiang Yuan was overjoyed and continued to cautiously control the elements between heaven and earth to rush in little by little.

But as a large number of elements drilled in, the cells began to become uncontrolled, the volume began to grow larger, and sometimes flattened.

Sometimes elongated.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly stopped his movements. Observe the cells carefully.

But in only one ten-thousandth of an instant, the cells burst into pieces, and even the bursting power made his brain

There was a roar-

The wave of air was even more transmitted within the center of the eyebrows, and it immediately collided with the Zhentian Bell and the martial arts map.

The weapons shook in a shock.

“Failed?” Jiang Yuan’s “Zero Fifty Three” had some regrets flashing in his heart, but he didn’t care, as he had expected it a long time ago.

If the cells in the Nine Suns Realm can condense so well, then the Nine Suns Realm is worthless, so it’s not angry.


Start to summarize the reasons.

“Just now, I added a total of eight elements, starting from oxygen, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc., the first four are also

Good, but when the sodium is placed, changes begin to occur.

“At the end of the explosion, the power contained in it surpassed the power that should be contained in my cells, almost

Turned ten times.

Jiang Yuan kept calculating and thinking: “Maybe the order is wrong, you can change the order again and do it again.

Afterwards, he started a new experiment and became unyielding.

This time, he still started with the four stable elements in the front, and added elements in the back.

Each element was reintroduced once, and basically when the fifth element was put in, the cell began to change

Out of control.

“Is it because the first element at the beginning is different?”

Jiang Yuan was thinking again. This time he shuffled the order again, and started from the beginning again, arranging them one by one, and

Speed ​​up.

This time, tens of thousands of cells were directly used, and each one was separated separately for testing.

But in the following time, the sorting time and time again, the explosion time after time, the best time, reaching the sixth element

At that time, the cell still exploded.

The number of dead cells is also increasing geometrically.

When the night passed, Jiang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, but his face was extremely pale. For the first time in his heart, he felt tired.

a feeling of.

When the body stands up, there is a feeling of shaking.

In one night, the number of cells killed in the experiment was as high as tens of billions, which was a huge loss for him. Fortunately, his strength(Read more @

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but give himself a head. The Nine Suns Realm turned all the cells in his body into a big day.

There are as many big days as there are cells.

So how can I build a car behind closed doors at home and create the sun by myself, how can I compare with the real sun?

And the sun is right in front of him, with his current strength, from the water blue star to the sun, one ten thousandth of the breathing effort

Can be reached.

“It’s really dark near Mo!

Jiang Yuan laughed mockingly, his body shook, and the whole person turned into a golden light,-and then he entered the space.


Fast travel through the space at the speed of light.

In an instant, I arrived far away from the water blue star and came in front of the sun. The distance from the surface of the sun is only ten thousand.

The distance of kilometers.

Watching the sun so close, Jiang Yuan’s heart was shaken.

The radius of the sun is nearly 700,000 kilometers, and the half catty of the water blue star is only more than 6,000 and a little more than 6,000 meters.

One million and three million times.

In other words, 1.3 million water blue stars are tied together to have-too

Yang so

Even if the Yunhui City of Tianjie’s Yunhui area is inhabited by infinite races and a trillion people, it is only tenth of the sun.

It’s just one size.

Watching the sun so close, even if Jiang Yuan’s heart is extremely shaken.

He is nearly a billion-grade gold body with blood, blood, and blood, and he looks a little insignificant in front of the sun.

Even if it is still tens of thousands of kilometers away from the sun, but the hot breath rushes towards his face, his clothes transformed with blood and blood

It was sizzling toasted.

“As far as I know, the Sun of Aquamarine, recorded in some of the remnants of Tiansuke, is not really huge.

It is not even considered the real sun.

“My current strength can easily smash the water blue star’s sun, and the real sun, unless the existence of the nine suns

Otherwise, it can’t be broken at all.

“Not to mention that I am in such close contact now, I am afraid that I will be roasted to death in an instant.” Jiang Yuan felt clear in his heart.

In the universe, there are no objects or shapes, or even galaxy clusters, that dare not claim to be the largest.

Because in the universe, there is no biggest, only bigger.

If you haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have it. It’s even the size of a planet. It’s not an exaggeration to surpass a galaxy.


Even all races in the universe know it.

The larger the planet of life, the stronger the race will be. Even the baby has a layer of Sifang town generals just after the birth.


But such races are a minority after all.

Standing at 0.0 in situ, Jiang Yuan stared at the huge sun, watching the huge sunspots at close range, expanding,

It exploded like bubbles one by one.

Every time there is an explosion, the entire universe will burst out with a loud roar, even more than the collapse of Jiangyuan-a huge continent

The plate is still louder.

At a glance, the volume of the huge waves erupting from many sunspots is larger than that of the water blue star ocean.

Jiang Yuan quietly observes, the origin formula is crazy deduction.

The body is also approaching the sun unknowingly, as if there is a voice in his heart telling him, the closer he is, the understanding

Will be more.

Before he knew it, the cells in his inner body began to change slightly, absorbing some elements autonomously.

And these elements are constantly erupting from the sun.

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