Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 397 - Terrans strongest combat power

Chapter 397 – : Terran’s strongest combat power

Even his home planet will suffer.

Peng Wanli and Sun Yongsheng also changed wildly.

Sun Yongsheng’s heart was trembling violently.

“Could it be that my calculation is wrong?”

He can’t accept this reality a bit.

“Death” Gai Yang arrived in an instant, and when his power arrived in an instant, he was about to slaughter Jinglong.

However, after the initial panic, Jinglong’s complexion was extremely calm, and he looked at him with a smile and said: “Look at your side


Almost at the moment when his voice fell.

Gai Yang couldn’t help but look, and he saw a figure, like a ghost, standing beside him like this, with himself

Go side by side.

But the scary thing is that he didn’t even feel the presence of the other party at such close range.

Then there is only one possibility, the opponent’s strength has surpassed his “six or ninety zero” several grades.

Valkyrie is not-sure to be able to do so quietly.

Only the existence above Wu Sheng can do it.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes in amazement, the breath on his hands suddenly spread, and his body exploded.

But Jiang Yuan still follows him like a shadow, like a ghost, extremely relaxed, the two will always maintain a distance of one meter.

no more, no less.

“I am the instructor of Tianjie, Qiankun Dayu, Gu Rongxingting-

In an instant, Gai Yang hurriedly reported his identity with an urgent voice. For fear of speaking slowly, he was slapped to death by Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan looked at him faintly, without saying a word, but at the center of his eyebrows, the golden light of Dao gradually emerged.

Slowly formed-a distorted text.

It’s a top word.

When this text appeared, the terrifying breath of supreme horror appeared.

When Gai Yang saw the words on Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, he gasped in amazement, and his whole body trembled.

“The Great Realm of the Second Stage of the Supreme Supreme Being

Gai Yang almost cried in fright. He didn’t dare to move at all. He knelt down in front of Jiang Yuan in the universe,-put his nose.

Brother, burst into tears and burst into tears.


Too desperate.

Who can tell him what is going on, the little guys who chase after the emperor of disaster, who can think that even the Supreme Lord


He really wanted to cry, he wanted to cry without tears.

Open your mouth, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!-I can’t say a complete sentence, just-kowtow.

This gap is too big!

Even give him a sense of absurdity.

It’s like hitting a mosquito with a nuclear bomb.

The three Broken Stars in the distance also looked over.(Read more @

When I saw Gai Yang kneeling on the ground, he kept kowtow, his mouth was long, and his face looked frightened and stupid.

The eyes of the three people stiffened and moved up a little bit.

Jiang Yuan turned his head and looked at the three of them with interest.

The moment the two sides looked at each other.

The three of them were all over, with no strength at all, standing stupidly on the spot.


Jiang Yuan beckoned to the three of them, his voice was flat, like a teacher on the podium, letting the students who made mistakes come over.

The penalty is the same.

A smile that was more ugly than crying suddenly appeared on the faces of the three of them, their bodies trembling like a sieve, their heads lowered, more than making mistakes.

The students have to be well-behaved.

The change flew towards Jiangyuan, and the change burst into tears.

My regretful intestines are all green.

This is horrible!

This kind of exaggeration can be encountered by them.

The mother star that chased the Supreme Master unexpectedly came, is this a joke? Is it a cosmic joke?

In the distance, the Terran Three Little Dragons, Ren Xiang and others discovered that the space around them had recovered and they could move.

I saw the four horrible existences that could destroy the galaxy and trembled in front of a man.

Very well-behaved.

The three of them instantly recognized who it was from their faces

People from Jiangyuan”

“The strongest of our human race

“Hahaha, I know, I know, Jiangyuan people’s ancestors must be in Aquastar, even if they are not

Will also leave the means. ”

The three of them were very excited, and their breathing was short.

They are all characters born in the past ten years, and they have risen strongly.

When Jiang Yuan rose, they weren’t even the Great Master-

I have heard the myth about Jiang Yuan the most since I have never seen it once.

I didn’t expect to meet for the first time, but it was on such an occasion.


Ren Xiang’s eyes were excited and said, “How far have the ancestors of Jiangyuan reached? They just stand there and nothing is visible.

Lu, let the four of them obey the post. 0&


“Be more clever than a student sees a teacher.”

“Haha” Peng Wanli laughed loudly and said: “More than that! Look at their fearful look, and chasing after them.

Are we high-spirited!”

Sun Yongsheng also smiled and said: “I told them at that time, don’t come to catch up, our human race has a strong decision, life and death

If you don’t believe me, I’m lie to them, now believe it!

The three talked without scruples, as if children were fighting outside and couldn’t beat each other, and then they came to support themselves.

Very excited.

The voices of the words were deliberately transmitted through the force of qi and blood, so that the four people could hear clearly.

The complexions of the four of them suddenly became even more ugly, but they stood in front of Jiang Yuan very cleverly.

Jiang Yuan looked at the four people who were trembling, and his voice slowly resounded: “You chase our human race and want to kill him.

We, seize their good fortune.

At this point, Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly seemed like a sharp thorn, penetrating the past: “This is a capital crime.”

The bodies of the four of them trembled suddenly, sweating with fright, and they did not dare to breathe, as if they were afraid of the sound of their own breathing.

Too big, causing dissatisfaction with the other party.

“Give you two choices, first, tell the power behind you 1.2, I will not pursue your race, second,

Do not say anything, I will track it down myself.

Speaking of this, the voice was extremely awe-inspiring: “Exterminate the clan directly.”

The four of them trembled, and a Broken Star Realm opened his mouth and said: “I

However, as soon as his voice fell, Jiang Yuan slapped him over.

The opponent’s entire head burst to pieces like a watermelon, and the golden core inside was also shattered, and one could not die.

Gai Yang and the others trembled. Cold sweat fell violently.

“I said I”

Gai Yang had no confidence. To choose between star court and race, everyone would choose his own race. Basically

Don’t think about it.

“We are in the universe of the universe, the fourth-rank star court Gurong Xingting, some of them are my teaching assistants, and I am the instructor.

Gai Yang said all about his situation in a single brain…

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