Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 402 - Establish Tenghong Star Court

Chapter 402 – :Establish Tenghong Star Court

And swallowing the sun has too much influence on the race.

Before long, the light swayed in front of Jiang Yuan, and the figure of the bloody Great Venerable appeared.

It’s just that his brows are furrowed and his complexion is not very good.

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that it was not that simple.

Sure enough, I heard the bloody Grand Master said: “We are a step late.”

“Just yesterday, the people from Fengzhan Zifu came to them, directly ordered nine big suns from them, and bought them all.

“They only have a big day now, and their own race still needs to use it, and they cannot sell it.

Jiang Yuan’s brows suddenly wrinkled, and his brain moved quickly-

I thought of a lot in an instant, directly facing the bloody Grand Venerable: “Is a veteran of Fengzhan Zifu buying?”

The Bloody Great Master said differently: “It’s true!”

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly remembered what “Sixty Three” said: “Your suspicion of buying Da Ri is just invading our cloud.

That person in Hui Dayu?”

“It’s not a suspicion, but a certainty.” Jiang Yuan said slowly: “Is there a way to prevent them from selling?”

The bloody master thought, a little uncertain: “I’m not good to say, but you can try it, because my friend

Their race is the alien animal and alien race that they hate the most. ”

“With them, there has always been a huge two-world passage in the starry sky-since the invasion of alien beasts has continued.”

“If you tell them that the veteran of Wind Zhan Zifu colluded with alien beasts, they would definitely not sell it, but

Speaking of this, the Bloody Great Lord is a little embarrassed: “If we make a mistake, then we will really offend Feng Zhan Zi Mansion.

Up. ”

Jiang Yuan looked up at the sky and said, “From the moment we rebelled, we have offended them, so why not offend them?


The bloody great nodded and said, “Then I know how to do it.

While speaking, he was about to enter the martial arts arena again, but was called to stop by Jiang Yuan, “I don’t need to go now, so as not to be surprised.

The bloody Great Lord became puzzled and looked at Jiang Yuan for unknown reasons.

It’s just buying the sun. This is very common in the universe. Even if you buy a galaxy, it’s all normal.

Why is it stunned.

Jiang Yuan slowly said: “You don’t know the importance of the great sun to the supreme great deity, the great realm of the respect.

The Bloody Great Lord looked at Jiang Yuan more suspiciously, not knowing why.

Jiang Yuan’s vitality and blood spoke directly: “The importance of the big sun, regarding the nine suns, it depends on whether it can break through the nine suns.

The strength of the cell. ”

The bloody Great Lord trembled in his heart and his eyes were shocked.

Everything that breaks through the Nine Suns Realm is extremely obscure, and generally will not be leaked to the outside, even in the Purple Mansion

Or a school.

Such news is the most concealed and a huge secret.

Except for the existence of the real Nine Suns Realm, almost no one knows what to pay attention to when breaking through the Nine Suns Realm.

Everything is unknown.

But Jiang Yuan told him such important news.

For the first time, I didn’t believe it, why the sun is related to the Nine Suns Realm.(Read more @

However, after careful attention, I found that there are some connections among them, and the most worthy of attention is often the most easily forgotten.


The Bloody Master of Time didn’t know what to say, and was a little touched, moved that Jiang Yuan trusted him so much and was willing to put such a

Tell him important news.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: “I was not very sure before, but now I am sure, Da Ri and Jiuyang Great Realm have one

These are related, but they are not absolute ones. ”

“Well, you know and I know about this, don’t talk to others.

The bloody grandmaster looked down and nodded quickly and said: “Please don’t worry, the chief clerk, this matter will definitely be rotten in my heart.”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, not talking.

The reason for telling the other party about this is to repay the retention stone that the other party gave to him.

It contains information about the Nine Suns realm of the opponent’s ancestors.

If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t think of the sun, and even if he thought of it, he didn’t know how long it would be delayed.


And because there must be an effect.

At this time, there was a roaring sound from the army ahead.

“Stop marching.

“Stop the March”

One after another, the voices resounded endlessly, passing through the formations of the army.

The army at the forefront began to slow down.

The last army stopped suddenly, and then started from the rear, and continued to spread to the front, nearly 30 million army.

Like a torrent, it slowly stopped.

At the same time, two streamers flew over in an instant.

It is the two great lords guarding the front.

They are also the two great lords of the former Dahong Star Court, Wulong Dazun and Jincheng Dazun.

After the two men bowed and saluted Jiang Yuan slightly, the voice of Great Senior Wu Long said meticulously: “The chief affairs officer, has arrived.



As soon as Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, everyone instantly turned into streamers, and quickly passed over the army, and they saw the front of the army.


As soon as I saw the past, I saw the so-called Yuhai.

The so-called territorial sea, empty and dark, even darker than the starry sky of the universe, without the slightest light.

At this time, above the Yuhai Sea, there are huge Yufu boats suspended in gold, all of them golden, as if they are made of gold.

The general.

The shape is very similar to the ancient wooden boat, with huge canvases standing on top of the Yuzhou boat.

It is neat and tidy, with more than 10,000 ships.

“Let the army land on the Yuzhou!” Jiang Yuan looked down and gave the order directly.

At the moment he gave the order, a long howl was transmitted from the army.

“Start to log in

“The chief secretary, please.”

Wu Long made a please gesture to Jiang Yuan, leading Jiang Yuan and others, and flew towards a Yuzhou.

The volume of this universe is obviously much larger than that of other domain boats. The layout on it is very gorgeous, and the floor is all used.

Well-known material paving.

Stepping on it, I actually feel the warmth, and there is a hint of faint fragrance, coming from all directions, making people smell it.

Down, there is a refreshing feeling.

The bloody great master looked around and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “On enjoyment, we, Wang Teng Xingting, are still inferior to you.

Dahong Star Court!”

“Haha 5” Wu Long said with a smile: “Blood Master is too polite. From now on, he will be his own family, so there will be nothing.

Dahong Star Court is out. ”

“This is nature.” The bloody great veteran glanced at Jiang Yuan faintly, and also smiled: “There will be no king in the future.


After speaking, the eyes of the five people all looked at Jiang Yuan in unison.

“The chief executive, I don’t know the names of our two star courts in the future, what are you going to use?” The Bloody Great Senior asked directly.

Jiang Yuan thought about this problem before, so he said directly: “Just call it Tenghong Xingting! Don’t worry about it anymore.”

Everyone nodded slightly.

This name has Wang Teng Xing Ting and Dahong Xing Ting, which is equivalent to sorting according to strength.

The word Teng comes first, and the word macro comes later.

Soon, ten thousand Yuzhou boats began to drive.

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