Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 404 - All suppression

Chapter 404 – : All suppression

Man made it so, the sound has been madly roaring, the river is coming across, the mighty power, extremely ferocious, as if loud

Day arrival

Smashed over.

The power of terrifying energy and blood rushed out of the body, and in the midair, it turned into a huge palm.

The above text is clear. “Do you dare to do it

The man scolded abruptly, his eyes widened, inconceivable and unexpected.

Tenghong Xingting’s mourning dog is so bold, who does he think he is, is it a 9th-grade Xingting? Just come up and do it.

First, it is a big kill, and it is endless.

The power contained in the palm of the hand surpasses the power of more than two billion stars.


“Damn it! You are looking for death, every one of you is guilty of death!”

The man roared and roared, his body trembled frantically, and a martial arts supernatural power appeared above his head.

A huge array emerged.

In the formation, a roar like a wild beast, resounding continuously, burst out of endless fierce all at once.


All of them were ancient alien beasts, and even giant dragons rushed out.

The whole body is pitch black, and it is a pure blood black dragon.

Crazy hit the palm.

But Jiang Yuan’s murderous intent has moved, and his voice suddenly roars and roars: “My star court with shameless people, today you will die

suspect. ”

Jiang Yuan is roaring, and he is also making a great wish, and he will kill him today.

The bloody Great Venerable’s whole body trembled, and his eyes were full of infinite killing in an instant, and his heart was extremely moved.

For him, Jiang Yuan actually contended Gu Rong Xingting on the spot, and acted directly without any scruples.

Then what excuse does he have for not doing it?

In an instant, the five people were connected, and they heard the voice of the bloody great master and directly commanded: “Xing Ting Da

The army is dispatched. ”

He snarled frantically, “Follow the chief secretary and kill the enemy

In an instant, the tens of thousands of domain boats shook up, and all the terrifying figures flew out, densely packed with tens of thousands of them.


The moment they appeared, there was a loud howl.

“Form a group.

It was an officer’s scolding, courage passed, and it was conveyed to a soldier’s ears.

Thousands of soldiers quickly combined into battle formations.

Combine each other, ten thousand people make up one hundred thousand people, one hundred thousand people make up one million people, and one million make up ten million.

In a blink of an eye, a huge battlefield of 10,000-level battlefields was formed.

The suffocating energy billowed and filled, surging surging, like a tsunami, the tigers roaring constantly, the territories and seas were shaken, and the darkness bloomed


That is the power of vitality and blood in every native soldier.(Read more @

It is red, which contains the intent to kill.


The bloody great master roared, and the five of them directly moved their hands, and their blood turned into various weapons.

“Crazy man crazy

The man was extremely shocked, the face of the great elder he brought with him instantly solidified, and his arrogance could no longer be maintained.

Can’t help but gasp.

“Are all the people in the Star Court crazy? Are they all crazy?”

“We just drove them, didn’t kill them, they just tried so desperately to start the battle and fight with us.

“This is a battle formation! Used on the battlefield! It’s crazy!”

Gu Rong Xingting Grand Venerable’s complexion changed wildly, his voice trembled, and one of the Grand Venerables even turned and left, turning into a light.

Line, rushed out.

I saw it when I walked to Jiangyuan, and his voice was extremely furious: “None of you can go today.”

Jiang Yuan’s body shook, and countless golden figures, broken and disconnected, separated from him and quickly enveloped him.


“what is this?”

Someone got up in shock, but the next second, he yelled in horror.

The clone rushed up, directly suppressed, and his fist came crashing down, and instantly shattered his head, even the gold core

Smash directly.

The army battlefield also rushed over, sealing off the space, and in the center of the battlefield, a huge red phantom rushed out.

He grabbed a great master, and with a click, he squeezed the other’s arm. The whole person lifted up suddenly and used

Strong, fierce tearing.

split into two.

The opponent’s golden core instantly turned into a golden light and was about to disappear.

But the next moment, the Bloody Great Lord appeared directly, his palms turned into sharp claws, and he burst into the air.

Cut into countless fast.

The martial arts spirit inside was wailing in pain, and gradually lost his voice.

And Jiang Yuan’s palm also fell.


Cruelly shattered, yes

Fang’s qi and blood beast, his big hand came directly, and it was suppressed in the gaze of the other’s startled dragon.

“I am the veteran of Gu Rongxingting”

The man snarled frantically: “Kill me, you are going to fight Gu Rong Star Court

However, before he finished speaking, the palm of his hand fell on his head.

His head was directly shattered, and even the remaining power remained unabated, constantly oppressing his neck, his body, and even his

The legs were all crushed.

The Jin Dan at the center of his eyebrows immediately wanted to escape, and the man’s hideous face was faintly visible inside. “. Come here. “Jiang Yuan waved his hand, and the clones rushed out in an instant, drilling into the space of the speed of light. Speed ​​comparison

Fang Kuai.

Blocking in front of Dugang,-punched out.

A man wailed in the golden core, but before a word was formed, he was directly shattered by the clone.

The face of the martial arts soul, directly perishes-

The cut comes quickly, and the one goes quickly.

When Jiang Yuan killed the man, the fighting around him also subsided.

The five great masters worked at the same time, among them the bloody great master, the second stage powerhouse, and even the more terrifying thousand

Ten thousand battle formations.

All of a sudden, the plan can kill a great master. (Of the)

Sometimes the number reaches a certain level, even if the gap is huge, it can still produce extremely terrible power.

Jiang Yuan had a mindful view of the battle formation.

I thought of the millions of strange beasts imprisoned in the martial arts sky map. If you can control the will of these strange beasts,

Condensed into a battle formation.

Tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, directly explode. The power that bursts out may be the third stage of the supreme majesty.

Be wiped out.

Then he didn’t think much, and his whole body was shocked,-among the shattered golden cores, a large amount of blood essence, kept moving towards

Surging from his body.

The man’s combat power is not weak, nearly two billion combat power, the strength and blood in the golden core is the most turbulent.

Almost instantly, the combat power in Jiang Yuan’s body soared frantically.

61 million basic star power

Sixty-three million stars

The power of 68 million stars

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