Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 409 - Tens of millions of golden bodies deter northern Xinjiang

Chapter 409 – : Tens of millions of golden bodies deter northern Xinjiang

The potential in the cell is activated frantically, and the combat power soars frantically.

And every alien race was suppressed and fell on the ground, and their bodies were unable to move, as if they dared to move, the next second

Will be suppressed to death.

They looked around in horror.

As far as I can see, the breath of all races is climbing, and their strength is increasing crazily, as if there is no end.

This situation has continued for more than ten seconds.

Only then slowly stopped.

This is an unprecedented evolution, all from Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan didn’t expect everything on the Aqua Blue Star. He didn’t expect to stimulate his vitality, blood, and golden body, which would actually affect the human race.


In the case of the same root.

Every human race has gained countless benefits, and it has saved countless human races countless cultivation time at once.

Even many people have made it to the sky in one step-

Zhong Mingwu emerged in Jiangyuan: “Perhaps when I become strong to a certain extent, the human race is also strong to a certain extent, the whole species

The clan will give me unimaginable benefits. ”

Such thoughts passed away in a flash.

At this time, the bright golden light on Jiang Yuan’s body gradually dimmed.

A 70 million-level gold body with vitality and blood, like gold, with three heads and six arms, just towering in the universe.

Compared with just now, the breath is countless times greater.

At the center of his eyebrows, an ancient text appeared.

It’s a big word.

It is the third stage of the Supreme Being, the Great Realm, a symbol of the battle power surpassing 10 billion stars.

Above the water blue star, the Terran triumphantly saw the image of Jiang Yuan at this moment.

This-looks very shocked.

“Three, three, three heads and six arms, isn’t that the image in the ancient myths?”

“Jiang Yuan’s great ruling can actually be transformed into such a myth-like existence. Has it become a god?”

“Is it true that the myth has three heads and six arms?”

Countless human races can’t see the incomparably terrifying figure, with three heads and six arms, terrifyingly terrifying, and extinction all over the body.

Everything, the breath that suppresses everything.

The most frightening is the alien race on the Aqua Blue Star.

They grew their mouths wide and dared not look directly at Jiang Yuan, they only dared to take a look, and quickly looked away.

Even so, they were trembling with fright, and cold sweats kept falling.

They have a feeling that this kind of existence absolutely surpasses the broken star realm, and is not achievable by the broken star realm at all.

What is the realm beyond Broken Star Realm?(Read more @

They don’t need to know, but they know that with such power, the entire Honglian Empire can be destroyed.


At this moment, all the pride in their hearts disappeared.

Looking at the human race around me, my eyes are full of envy and jealousy.

With this kind of great existence guarding the race, how strong this race will be in the future, absolutely surpassing

The dynasty dynasty.

Will it create a scene of worship of all nations?

The more I think about it, no one of the alien race will feel more shocked, and even a trace of inferiority appears in his heart, which is a low-level civilization.

Facing higher civilizations and races in general.

Jiang Yuan didn’t stay in the starry sky for long,-step by step, the entire universe starry sky burst into a strong air current, booming.

The sound is endless.

One step surpassed the speed of light, and within a few breaths, he arrived at the northern frontiers of the Honglian Empire.

At the moment he appeared, countless great races in northern Xinjiang, countless powerful people looked over, especially those in northern Xinjiang.

Three big families.

Three broken star ancestors.

He came into space for the first time, looking at that huge body with horror.

In the starry sky, like a supreme giant, walking step by step, stepping on the starry sky, extremely huge, with shining gold

The light makes people tremble.

Countless races, countless people, stood above the atmosphere of their home planet, staring at the figure that seemed to come from a distance.

Beside the Jiangyuan route not far away-

A life planet that is more than ten times larger than the water blue star is the strongest race in northern Xinjiang, the He Yong race, the ancestor of the race

The strength is infinitely close to the level of the invincible ancestor.

He arrived in the atmosphere for the first time, and he saw Jiang Yuan’s stalwart body in the distance.

Like an invincible giant walking on the galaxy.

Beside him, a strong man of the same clan also arrived one after another, and even his daughter appeared beside him, shocked.

Looking into the distance.

Everything is quiet at this moment.

“Father” the woman’s voice trembled, her eyes shrank, and she spoke in fear.

Her father didn’t say a word, his eyes slowly moved up, and finally he saw Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows, a huge ancient text.

Words, big characters.

At this moment, his whole body trembled extremely, more terrified than his daughter-

The next son bowed down on the clouds, and his voice resounded in horror: “The He Yong race represents the whole family Xiang Wei

Greetings from the Great Supreme Lord. ”

His voice trembled extremely.

His voice also alarmed all the people around him.

Everyone opened his eyes wide, and saw his almost invincible ancestor, kneeling on his knees, and his whole body trembling in fear.

They reacted and knelt down one after another, with cold sweat falling on their foreheads.

Jiang Yuan seemed to hear the sound, turned his head slowly, glanced at the other person with indifferent eyes, and then slowly shifted his eyes.


All the people of the He Yong race who were swept by Jiang Yuan’s sight all felt the creeps, as if there were endless waves all at once.

It’s overwhelming and oppressive.

But this feeling comes fast and goes fast.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Yuan’s body moved away from Northern Xinjiang and disappeared completely.

Although he disappeared, the shock left to countless races could not be diminished in a short time.

Everyone of the He Yong race did not stand up after their ancestors hadn’t gotten up for a long time, and the more they thought about it.

The more terrifying.

What is the supreme majesty, what kind of realm it is, can scare the ancestors of one’s race into this.

It wasn’t until Jiang Yuan left for more than a minute that the race ancestor stood up slightly trembling. When he turned around, everyone

Difficulty breathing.

Because they saw that the ancestors of their own race were sweating profusely and their complexion was extremely pale.

As soon as he spoke, he was filled with endless panic and horror: “Have you seen the giant’s appearance clearly?”

As soon as his words fell, everyone was stunned and glanced at each other. Soon, his daughter was a little uncertain and said, “Look.

It looks very similar to a person!”

“Who is benevolent?”

The first ancestor is almost exactly the same as the human race that has just emerged not long ago. “.

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