Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 420 - Kill the ancient Rongcheng

Chapter 420 – : Kill the ancient Rongcheng

“Good, good” Jiang Yuan is crazy, his hair is windless, and the roots are like floating in the water, and his eyes are full

Endless madness.

As if incarnate as a madman, he lost his reason.

He is the source of the river, holy to the inside, and king to the outside. No one can provoke or bully his people.

Those who bully him are bullying him, challenging him, and hitting him in the face.

He is so short-handed, so domineering-

Jing Hai saw her heart beating with fear, her head dropped deeply, and she gasped with air-conditioning, terrified.

He knew that a bloody storm was about to begin.

He did not expect that the chief affairs officer of Tenghong Star Court was completely harder than he believed, and his subordinates were a little bit harder than he believed.

Qu can’t defend it.

It’s too short.

I have never seen such a person who protects shortcomings.

Because of this incident, I dared to roar the law enforcement team.

That voice is still reverberating in the city of Beijing, and countless people have heard it with their own ears. It is completely a declaration of war. It has been heard by countless people.

In Jingxiang City, it is not known how many law enforcement team members are hidden in the shadows.

The remarks just now will reach Sima Zhongxiang’s ears in Xing Yingdong Palace within an hour.

Things have broken through.

It is irreversible, this is a real collision of big forces.

Jinghai even saw the corpse mountain in the sea of ​​blood, saw the collision of tens of millions of troops on the earth, and saw 293 in the sky.

Count the broken star realm ancestors, a famous great master is fighting.

The clouds are torn apart, and the earth is cracking.

The sky is dim, the fire is shining into the sky, and the clouds are rolling.

The moment the war fell from Jiangyuan’s voice, it was inevitable.

His whole body trembled in horror, hiding beside him, not daring to breathe, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence.

Very scared.

A slight carelessness will provoke the upper body, and the entire star court will be destroyed, and the body and spirit will be destroyed.

There is no possibility of survival.

“Out of town

Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded suddenly, and his body instantly turned into a stream of light,-soaring into the sky, reaching the sky.

The five great elders, with solemn expressions, all flew up, with a look of unwillingness in their eyes.

At this moment, no matter what Jiang Yuan does, they are willing to follow and live and die together.

The eyes of the five of them collided in space, and they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

The heart is filled with strong pride.

There are no regrets in life at this superior level. They did not choose the wrong person, they chose the right one.

They almost screamed up to the sky

The bloody Great Lord did not misread Jiang Yuan, he deserves our allegiance.

Jiang Yuan flew high into the sky, his gaze looked through, and he was so proud that he saw an army of nearly 30 million outside the city.

A pair of eyes glanced over.(Read more @

They all heard Jiang Yuan’s roar and knew what had just happened in the city.

They knew that the war was about to break out, but they had no complaints.

Soldiers live for war, and it doesn’t matter if they can fight for such a leader.

The Bloody Great Lord is not only the Tenghong Star Court Great Lord, but also the general of all soldiers.

How many people were once disciples of his school.

Jiang Yuan’s gaze swept over the army that stretched for thousands of miles.

Heart surging.

These are all my own army, and with my own order, the army is dispatched to sweep everything.

Don’t hesitate.

“Xing Yingdong Palace, didn’t you let us confront Gu Rongxingting?”

Jiang Yuan began to speak, his voice with endless killing intent,-it was passed into the ears of five people.

The five people’s eyes never left Jiang Yuan, and they heard Jiang Yuan’s incomparably stern voice: “Then kill the entire Gu Rong Star Court.

His voice was suddenly high, and he said frantically: “I want to see what they are confronting me with.”

After Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, the hearts of the five people trembled frantically, and their breathing became rapid.

Domineering, brave.

This is the true portrayal of Jiang Yuan at this moment.

Full of confidence, full of indomitable killing intent, general imperial decree, killing whoever says to kill.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s body was trembling with blood and energy, and he was enveloped all at once, swept no one, and directly turned into streamers.

Rushed into the space and disappeared.

Just a few breaths of effort.

(bdbg) Before everyone could see things clearly, they suddenly shuttled out of the space at the speed of light and came to a vast plain.


In the distance, you can see a majestic city, a city wall that is a thousand meters high, black and black, standing on the ground.

Above the original.

Almost invisible to the end-

Seeing the past, there are a total of eighteen huge gates.

Each city gate is inlaid with gold-like bright text.

Ancient Rongcheng.

They only took a few breaths before they arrived at the city where Gu Rong Star Court was located.

“Dare to rush in with me and destroy the entire Gu Rongxing Garden.

Jiang Yuan suddenly turned around, his eyes full of endless madness.

The five of them were shocked, and their eyes were filled with madness in an instant, their hearts were surging, and their emotions were agitated.

In an instant, he roared frantically, and said without hesitation: “I wish to go with the chief of affairs, without complaining.”


Jiang Yuan laughed wildly, his eyes slowly turned to ancient Rongcheng in the distance, and roared: “Then kill

When the last word fell, his voice resounded extremely loudly, and passed out violently, rolling by, rushing in an instant.

Into the city.

Above the city wall, countless soldiers were startled, their eyes swept over-

The scolding came over: “Who are you, this is the ancient banyan city, and immediately landed.”

While speaking, a team of ten thousand people rose from the city wall and flew over.

Formed a huge four-sided battle formation, one person in front, full of black armor, a mighty face, holding a spear, and awe-inspiring.


Jiang Yuan didn’t even look at it,-slapped it out.

When the palm of your hand swells when you see the wind, it becomes as large as 10,000 meters, carrying the roaring sound, and the head cage.

“You are so bold

Coming, his complexion changed wildly, he was very shocked, his heart was frightened, he felt the destructive power in his palm, and he turned around

Want to run.

But his speed is not as fast as Jiang Yuan.

With a slap, his body instantly shattered in his horrified gaze.

Then the slap swept across and landed on the battlefield. The war instantly collapsed, the armor of countless soldiers shattered and their bodies were directly


A scream resounded instantly.

Breathing effort, tens of thousands of troops, together with the battlefield, directly disintegrated.

Jiang Yuan, with the belief that he must kill, didn’t give them the slightest chance of escape, and killed them all.

In an instant, on the city wall, countless soldiers opened their eyes-

The famous general looked at the sky in the distance incredible.

How dare he how dare they

“This is Gu Rongxing Court, how dare they do anything here and kill tens of thousands of troops in public.”

“This is war. This is war.

“Quickly ring the alarm bell of war”.

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