Chapter 438 – : Space curtain

After doing all of this, Jiang Yuan said to the bloody Great Lord and the others: Return to the military account.

The moment the voice fell, everyone turned into a golden light and disappeared in place.

When it appeared, it had come to a huge military account.

The internal space of the military tent is extremely huge, with a huge compass in the center and blue projection equipment, covering a radius of tens of light years

Everything is presented.

This kind of equipment is extremely advanced and can even unilaterally zoom in to see all the details, even dust.

The ups and downs.

There is also a long jade jade table beside the sand table with more than one hundred black seats.

This is where the senior generals of the whole army hold meetings.

Jiang Yuan walked boldly to the main seat and sat down, and the people around him squatted down on both sides, looking with piercing eyes.

With Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes swept across everyone.

There was a hint of excitement in my heart.

Who could have imagined that in just a few years, he went from an old man whose vitality and blood had declined and half of his foot into the soil, step by step to the present


Become the big ruling of the human race, and now he is sitting on an army of tens of millions, and he is the chief affairs officer of the star court.

As far as the eyes can be seen, there are a total of thirty-eight people without 15 great masters.

Life ups and downs, tides rise and fall, but that’s all.

He didn’t sigh for long,

The bloody Grand Master couldn’t help saying: “The Chief Secretary, we have destroyed the headquarters of Gu Rongxingting, the Gu Rongxingting on the front line.

The army is bound to take action against us. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up when he talked about it.

He has just joined the Tenghong Star Court and must show up more. At this time, he analyzed: “One hundred and twenty great universes in the Universe

Little Star Court, each Star Court dispatched millions, even tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of troops. ”

“Under the leadership of the Ninth-Rank Star Court, attacking the city and continuously expanding the territory, any Star Court army wants to withdraw temporarily.

It’s not that easy.

“It needs to be reported layer by layer and approved layer by layer, before finally getting permission, you can withdraw from the front line in a short time.

So don’t worry about it for the time being, but I have to guard against it. ”

Discussing the analysis: “Now I am more worried about Xingying Xingting and Donggong.”

“The person in charge of the East Palace is Sima Chongxiang. This person is vicious and vicious, with extremely violent personality, and extremely powerful.

He is the strong man in the fourth stage of the Supreme Lord. ”

“Moreover, I heard that this person’s race was slaughtered, and there is no racial worries, causing him to act unscrupulously.

Afraid not to be afraid. ”

“Even the chief executive of Xing Yingxing Court can’t help him.”(Read more @

“Moreover, we have killed tens of thousands of law enforcement troops now, and the hatred is buried. This person will certainly not be so easily offended.

This matter.

Everyone nodded slightly, and fell into deep thought, with some worries.

The bloody Great Master slowly said: “The biggest problem in front of us is that we must arrive at the East Palace within three days. I am worried about going there.

There are many crises, the other party obviously has no good intentions!”

However, he shook his head and said: “This trip seems to be full of crises, but there are no dangers. Sima Zhongxiang, the power is not enough.

Covering the sky. ”

“Nine-Rank Star Court has its own set of conviction mechanisms. Now that Gu Rong Star Court has been destroyed, there is no evidence for the death. There is no need to worry about it.

“If you don’t go, you will blatantly defy the nine-tier star court’s order and regulations, and the matter will be more serious.

A matter of the East Palace. ”

“But to face the anger of the entire Ninth-Rank Star Court.”

“What I am worried about now is that the other party deliberately makes things difficult.”

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, his brain thinking quickly.

The source formula is crazy deduced, and there are countless future directions flashing past my eyes.

at the same time.

In Xingying Star Court, east of the Four Great Halls, in the East Palace, Sima Chongxiang suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, the golden light suddenly projected in from the window, turning into a line of golden words and patterns, accompanied by

Follow if the magnificent loud voice.

As if resounding from the bottom of people’s hearts.

This voice directly and majestic orders: “Sima Zhongxiang, in a moment and a half, someone will arrive.

We Xingying Star Court, it is not convenient for me to show up, you personally receive it.

“This person is an inspector sent by the university to represent the university. He has a distinguished status. You must remember to receive him well.

Request, do your best to meet. ”

“If it can’t be satisfied”

The voice suddenly became abrupt, and murderously said: “You can change the position of the person in charge of the East Palace.”

Sima Zhongxiang felt a forehead, suddenly raised his head, and said in amazement: “Great Region Inspection Envoy!!!”

Three thousand domains, borderless territories, infinite forces, can

Only the real Big Mac was given the title of inspector.

The forces of terror, eight immortal universities.

And in every immortal institution, ten inspectors will be born every million years. They are the true core disciples of the institution.

Like a holy son, the status is noble, it is simply unimaginable

The power is so great that even a single word shakes a large area.

Just like the ancient dynasty, the top ten princes were entangled in luck, carrying academic luck with them.

When things happen, they turn into good fortune, surrounded by all kinds of powerful people, making suggestions.

Comparable to the protagonist of the times.

What shocked Sima Zhongxiang was the significance of the appearance of the Great Domain Inspection Envoy.

That would be an earth-shaking change!

Whenever the Great 823 Domain Inspection Envoy appears, it means that a new era is quietly kicking off the grand curtain.

It was also when countless big domains, countless star courts, and even Zifu stood in line.

The eight immortal universities control over three thousand domains, aloof, just like the eight supreme immortal dynasties.

The purple mansion is like a prince, and the star court is like a general, sitting on countless large and small areas, but they must stand in line to support the inspectors.

A Zun Dayu inspector is a Zun ancient prince.

When they start to walk the big domain, it means that the bright curtain of the future is being opened.

Started to wander around, shuttled between the Purple Mansion and the powerful star courts.

Win the forces.

Over the course of time, countless star courts and purple mansions will stand close to these inspectors.

It can even be seen that in the near future, countless forces will begin to shuffle the cards, which will truly affect the entire three thousand domains.

The disputes between the two countries are about to break out in an all-round way.

Even the universe will oscillate.

War is inevitable.

The collision between the star courts, the collision between the purple houses, and even the collision between the big domains.

They will all break out due to different teams.

The vast curtain has been opened, and the forces that do not stand in line will be purged in the first wave.

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