Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 441 - Sprint into the Nine Suns Realm

Chapter 441 – : Sprint into the Nine Suns Realm

But at this moment-

There was a muffled hum, and the whole picture of the retrospect was distorted.

Immediately afterwards, the entire ancient banyan city was covered with dark smoke again.

The smoke began to gather, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a man in a black robe.

This person was actually a woman with a beautiful appearance. His face was extremely pale at this time, and his body was crumbling in the air, almost

It’s about to fall down.

Jiang Hao’s complexion was shocked, and instantly turned into a streamer, appeared next to the woman and took her-the original poster.

There was a worried look in his eyes, and his voice softly said, “It’s okay!”

The woman’s eyes were like a bright moon, her expression was lovely, she gently pushed Jiang Hao away, lowered her head, and whispered: “I’m fine.

It just consumes a lot of money. ”

“The people who look back are very strong and there are too many. I can’t look back on them in full.”

Jiang Hao shook his head slightly and said: “It’s okay, I want to meet, I can just come to visit.”

Sima Zhonglian hurriedly walked up, and whispered beside him: “Inspectors, actually don’t have to be so troublesome. Two days later

The other party must come to my east palace, and you can naturally see each other then. ”

Jiang Hao nodded slightly, and didn’t care, even if the opponent was the Supreme Lord’s fourth stage limit.

If you don’t comprehend the god lotus of Nine Suns, you have not cast the foundation of Nine Suns, it will always be just a great deity. A great deity is not worth it.

He paid too much attention.

Comprehending the god lotus and not comprehending the god lotus are completely different concepts.

As one of the top ten inspectors of the university, his status is extremely lofty.

Only the existence of Nine Suns can make him respectful and speak politely.

“In that case, wait for two days and don’t rush for a while.”

Jiang Hao waved his hand with great demeanor, not inferior to his father Jiang Yuan.

He was deeply influenced by his father, and every move he does now is to learn from his father.

In his heart, his father is always very stalwart-

Thinking of this, he thought of his confidantes in Shui Lan Xing, and couldn’t help but glance at the girl next to him.

My heart is heavy-sigh.


I don’t know if I behaved like this, if my father knew, would I be beaten up.

But now, his strength has exceeded 100 million, and he has become the Supreme Lord. His father has always been in the ancestor star.

It’s not as good as myself.

Jiang Hao couldn’t help but smile.

I was even a little excited. If I return to Aquastar, I’m afraid I’ll stand there and let my father beat him up, making him tired.

When you lie down, you may not be able to hurt yourself.

The more I think about it, the more excited he becomes, and I can’t wait to return to Aquastar sooner.(Read more @

“When the results of this investigation come out, we can go back to the ancestors, and I don’t know how my father is now.

But okay, have you broken through the Shattered Star Realm title Valkyrie? ”

Jiang Hao’s thoughts moved slightly, and then gently said to the woman beside him: “Xiao Rou, let’s go back first!

The woman called Xiaorou nodded slightly.

In the next second, the three bodies twisted and disappeared in place.

at the same time.

Outside Jingxiang City, the place where the Tenghong Star Court army is stationed.

Everyone also finished the meeting, and went busy.

At this time, in the entire tent, only Jiang Yuan and the Bloody Great Master were left.

Jiang Yuan stood at the window of the tent, looked outside, and faintly said to the bloody Great Lord beside him: “In two days I will

Go to the East Palace of Xingying Star Court.

“If fighting breaks out, you withdraw from the universe at the first time, and I will come and join you later.”

The Bloody Great Master couldn’t help but worry: “According to our calculations, Sima Zhongxiang will definitely take the dead 10,000 law enforcement troops.

Speaking of things, I’m afraid it won’t make us better. ”

There was a flash of light in Jiang Yuan’s eyes, and he was about to say something.

I heard eager footsteps.

The two of them looked at almost at the same time.

I saw Grand Master Luo Ming rushing back, his expression was very anxious and said: “Something happened.”

The bloody great lord’s heart beat and a lump.

I heard Grand Master Luo Ming anxiously: “I sent a general in Gurong City before, and he just came back and said that he saw

Several figures appeared above the ancient banyan city.

“They used some kind of probing ability to make time go back.”

“Back in time?

The bloody Great Venerable’s eyes condensed all of a sudden, and his expression was extremely serious: “Are you sure it’s going back in time?”

“Yes, it’s true, how could I have made a mistake in such a thing.” Luo Ming nodded quickly, with a very expressive expression.

For seriousness.

Fresh flowers


Zun’s brain is running fast, his eyes are looking towards Jiang Yuan, the corners of his eyes are trembling, and he is extremely shocked: “Time

Backtracking is not an ability that Star Court can control.

“Legend has it that there is a race called the Time Clan. The talent is very peculiar. When you are an adult, you can control some time.

The power of power can be used to retrospect the things that happened within a certain range in a short time. ”

“But this race has long been divided by the eight universities, and only they can afford Time-Clan.

The bloody Great Master said, his face getting more and more ugly.

Da Zun Luo Ming suddenly thought of something and gasped in a cold breath: “Bloody, you mean, come from the school

Are you investigating the destruction of Gurong Star Court?”.

“I’m afraid. That’s the case.” The bloody great master said with a headache: “If this matter involves a university, it is really troublesome.

Even disaster. ”

Eight university houses, which one is not aloft, exists like a sacred mountain forever, standing between the heavens and the earth, for infinite years.

It seems to start from the wisdom of beings.

The eight universities have always existed, and they have never been cut off.

“Xuefu?” Jiang Yuan’s brows instantly frowned, his voice muttered to himself, and suddenly he said to the bloody Grand Master beside him:

I’m going to the eternal battlefield. ”

The bloody grandmaster was stunned for a moment: “I will go to the East Palace in two days.

“Two days is enough.”

Jiang Yuan looked outside, shaking in his heart.

Regardless of whether it is the Ninth-Rank Star Court or the Eighth University Mansion, after all, it is still the strength to speak.

If he has the strength of the Nine Suns Realm now, who can say what, who dares to say what.

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself: “My basic standing has reached 1.3 billion now, and the second form of vitality and blood has exploded.

There are also the power of two hundred billion stars, which is the power of the two yangs. ”

“Erupt with all my strength and fight for two days in the eternal battlefield. How far will I be?”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan took out the Eternal Stone, and his fighting spirit soared in an instant.


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