Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 534 - Budo Myth (27)

Chapter 534 – : Budo Myth (2/7)

While talking, a man in white costume walked out of the crowd, raising his hands and feet

With a trace of extravagance, like a child of an ancient family, there is a trace of arrogance in the elegance.

Lan Yue’er opened her mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lan Liangliang hurriedly.

To the people around him: “Everyone, I’m really sorry, my sister is quick to talk, it’s me

We got it wrong, the figure of the senior in the video is really fascinating for us to watch, so

To admit it was wrong.

“Brother.” Lan Yueer was dissatisfied, lowered her voice and said: “That’s Jiang Yuan! Let’s work together

After living for so long, I can know him even if he is turned into ashes. ”

Almost the moment Lan Yue’er’s voice fell.

The men in front of him, including the black woman with strong clothes before, suddenly changed their color, their expressions on their faces

It became pale in between.

The two of them closed their eyes almost invariably, muttering words in their mouths, not knowing what they were talking about.

Well, it seems to be repenting.

Not only Lan Yueer was stunned by the weird behavior of the two of them, but many people around were stunned.

I don’t know what happened, how could the two suddenly become so strange.

The next second, the two suddenly opened their eyes.

There was a fierce color in her eyes, staring directly at Lan Yue’er and said: “You are

Nonsense, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth now!”

Watching the huge changes before and after the two.

Lan Yue’er was stupid at this time, and 703 felt that something was wrong.

My heart sank, and I didn’t say anything.

However, the two of them seemed to be angry, and the man directly scolded: “Do you know that your

What are you talking about? Do you know what kind of existence is that you can discuss at will


Lan Liangliang saw that the eyes of the two were wrong, and didn’t want to get into trouble because of the advantage of his tongue.

Persuaded: “My friend, my sister is still young and her mouth is open. She said something wrong.

Please don’t bother me, just give me face. ”

However, as soon as Lan Liangliang’s voice fell, the two of them looked straight over.

The woman sneered directly: “Now admit that your sister is young, then I will ask you

Do you know how that person exists?”

Lan Liangliang’s complexion doesn’t look very good, everyone is about the same strength, so aggressive

Force people, really when they are too bullied.

At this time, Lan Yue’er said dissatisfied: “How strong can it be, isn’t it a great master?

I’m in the Nine Suns Realm, how can I pay attention to us when it exists, even if we say it

What, how would they care!

Lan Yueer felt that she had already spoken out the highest realm she knew.

However, in the next second (afdj), the two of them looked more weird and laughed directly.

At this time, the eyes of many people around were looking over, and they were attracted by this place.(Read more @

Here, most of them are the emperor-level strength of the disaster, and for the horror in the video

I don’t understand his strength, and are full of curiosity.

“Haha funny! You don’t even know how much that person exists!”

“Daha is still great”, the woman looked at the two with cold eyes as she spoke.

Humanity: “I might as well tell you, that person is beyond the Great Lord, and even beyond the Nine Suns

exist. ”

“It’s a martial arts myth! Do you know what a martial arts myth is?”

The woman snorted coldly: “It is God that is the god of martial arts, the god of martial arts, and the Cang that shrouds our heads.

Qiong, you are bold and wantonly talking about the gods, this is simply looking for death. “The moment you were talking about the gods, the gods were already aware of

It can penetrate layers of space, reach directly, and project here. ”

“If it’s not enough to wake up in time before the two of us, we will recite the God Mantra.”

While speaking, I looked around directly and said with a high voice: “Everyone present, today

All are going to die.

Almost as soon as her voice fell, the complexion of everyone around suddenly changed, a pair of pairs

Looking at the two brothers and sisters of the Lan family, with dangerous expressions in their eyes.


Lan Yue’er suddenly-stunned, she had heard of such a realm for the first time, even Jiuyang

Da Jing, she also heard people mention it after arriving in the Qianyuan great domain.

In her opinion, the Nine Suns Realm is already powerful and unbelievable. In one move,

Full of the power of the great sun, full shot, Yunhui Dayu and other big areas will be beaten

The collapse.

Step out in one step, even across the entire large domain.

The terrifying Chaos Sea seemed to them as gentle as a sheep, shuttled at will.

“Above the Nine Suns, the martial god, what is the martial god, plus all the martial arts

Shang is already a myth, so it is called a god. “The man’s voice resounded.

His voice reaches everyone’s ears

In, explaining my own cognition.

“As soon as the gods come out, everyone will kneel down. Naturally, it is the qi in the body.

The bloody pilgrimage, in the previous video, there is a video that shakes because of the descending of the gods

The man couldn’t help being caused by kneeling.

The man said, shook his head and said, “It’s useless to tell everyone that this is our generation.

The realm where the child is within sight, we will never even be able to see the gods in our lifetime. ”

As he spoke, his expression was a bit regretful, and his eyes had a trace of longing.

At this time, Lan Yue’er also realized the seriousness of the problem, and did not dare to say anything.

I couldn’t help but look down at the video playing on my wrist.

I saw that in the video, the person who resembled Jiang Yuan suddenly roared and roared, even if

Looking at the screen, she had a feeling of standing upright and chilling all over her body.

Immediately afterwards, Shunwen appeared in front of a person.

Without saying a word, he bombarded the past with a punch, directly killed him, and then went crazy at the earth.

Attack, every punch fell, the whole earth was shaking, and the roar continued

The entire group of magnificent and luxurious palace buildings were forcibly beaten to pieces, dust filled the sky, and

Everything is obscured.

The video is here and cut to the point.

Because the person who took the video is also crazy and lost, the video scene keeps shaking, accompanied by

With the whistling wind, the whistling continued.

“Go down first, don’t be on the deck.” At this moment, Lan Yueer’s ears rang

A bright blue figure lit up.

She raised her head and was about to say something, but from the corner of her eye, she just happened to see her

In front of the fence not far behind Brother Jia, there was a very familiar figure.

Just stood there, and half of his face was facing himself.

The moment I saw that profile, in my mind, the video profile I saw before, instantly


Na Na Na Na

Lan Yueer pointed to Jiang Yuan’s direction, her pupils widened, her breathing was rapid, her voice stuttering

I can’t say a complete sentence.

Cold sweat kept falling on his forehead.

The brain is almost in chaos, as if there are hundreds of millions of snails flying and buzzing.

“What’s there?” Lan Liangliang looked at his sister’s horrified expression and quickly moved towards

I looked behind myself.

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