Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 547 - Thousand Hands Demon (17)

Chapter 547 – : Thousand Hands Demon (1/7)

The east face of Nanpu was ruthless, and he opened his mouth and vomited, the ground was like a golden lotus, and the endless golden air flow

Gushing out, turning into golden fluffy sky, slowly drifting away, and falling into the army.

Thousands of troops all over their bodies, their speed soars suddenly, murderously, their bodies are huge

Crazy, not afraid of death-

Coming down, the sky will be torn apart, and the ground will be shattered. The power is more powerful than before.

Add fierceness.

Jiang Yuan saw that the golden air flow he spit out was actually fragments of laws.

It is extracted from the silk thread of the law of the body, and contains the supreme magic.

However, Jiang Yuan is not afraid at all. He is lofty and motionless, and he exists forever, suppressing the true god of heaven and earth.

Very majestic, sacred and mighty, a thousand big hands arrested the past.

Pushing the endless army horizontally, all the native soldiers touched his arm and broke directly into gas.

Dissipated, leaving behind a trace of golden rule fragments.

This is a good thing, how could Jiang Yuan let it go.

Infinite arms, suddenly changed, and Zhang Suipeng appeared like a big mouth, swallowing heaven and earth.

All the fragments of the law were swallowed in 08; condensed in Jiangyuan’s body, slowly forming

Into a new law of silk thread.

“You actually feel like swallowing my law, you are so rebellious and lawless.


“I was going to capture you, break into Shenmai Mountain, live forever, and mine honestly.

Exempt you from death, but now you dare to swallow my law, it’s a taboo

You must die, you must never be detached.

When Nan Zhendong saw that Jiang Yuan dared to swallow his own law face to face, he roared immediately.

Than furious, there is gas flowing away from the top of his head, turning into a golden angry dragon, roaring more than-

Rushed over and walked through the army, even because the speed was too fast, the space

All are compressed layer by layer like paper, forming continuous folds.

“Put me into the Shenmai Mountain, so that I will never be detached, then I will fight to death now

You, wait for you to become a dead dog, how mad I think you are?

Jiang Yuan has a thousand arms,-he hits the sky overwhelmingly: densely, every punch

There is a legal principle inside, forming endless golden shadows in front of you, whistling bursts

The sound blasted into the sky.

The body moved completely, and layers of phantoms appeared, and the lotus roots were broken and the air was overwhelming.

The land swept across the oppression all at once, like a sacred mountain forever, oppressing upright.

Bombard the golden dragon body, smash it to pieces, turning the body into pieces of gold

The colored fragments, including a white thread, flew out immediately, and it was necessary to escape into the void

Run away.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes glared suddenly, as if glaring at the Buddha, Bing Dao’s golden light passed his eyes, and immediately

The laser shot out, penetrated the space, and instantly enveloped the law, turning into a cage.

Square and square, with countless golden words on it, circulating constantly.(Read more @

The power of the law rushed wildly, silently screaming, humming the cage

Sounds, shaking constantly, almost falling down.

“Damn you dare to imprison my power of law, give it to me”

Nan Zhendong’s complexion is even more ugly,-roaring, a connection is formed in the dark,

It is necessary to detonate the power of the law to self-destruct and re-consolidate in the body.

However, Jiang Yuan’s big hand-with a grasp, the white law of the finger is constantly entangled,-cut it down

Cut the contact with each other, grabbed the cage,-smash it and turn the palm into an abyss


I didn’t even look at it, and swallowed the strength of the law in one bite.

Almost instantly, the power of the law automatically burns, directly refining, forming a river

Source of the power of new laws.

At this time, the power of his basic law suddenly changed from one to two, directly translated

Times, equivalent to 20,000 positive power.

What’s more terrifying is that he now opens the third form of the law of the golden body, a full 30 times gain

The madness broke out and doubled again, directly from the power of the three laws to

Sixty Roads.

All of a sudden, his breath became different.

Incomparably thick, more terrifying, and the breath of the body is like a deep sea, vast and endless

The environment, like a true god, is majestic beyond words.

The body broke out with a continuous roar of shrinking, and the sound passed on, and the whole Tenghong

All the creatures in the city felt dizzy and their brains buzzed.

A strong person, like raindrops, loses resistance one after another, directly from mid-air

Falling down, the earth shook more than ever, and countless buildings were smashed and collapsed.

“You, you” Nan Zhendong’s expression suddenly turned horrified, and Jiang Yuan was frightened.

Sub changes, the power explodes, and now he can’t see the changes in Jiang Yuan.

Just like

A trembling giant across the eyes

What kind of magic is you, you can actually devour my law directly, and you can practice it in an instant

You, you, you”

He was almost speechless in horror, his complexion changed wildly, and a trace of fear rose in his heart.

But I don’t want to go on fighting, as if he was alive.

Although the power of the law can be swallowed, the laws of others contaminate the breath of others, thinking

How difficult it is to refine, even if it is a kingly god who wants to refine a law of others

The power is very difficult without tens of thousands of years.

But Jiang Yuan plundered his law on the spot, and it can be refined immediately, which is crazy crazy.


This is simply a monster: it is impossible to resist.

Just swallowing one of his own laws, his strength soared to the point that he would look up,

If you continue to fight, you are devouring yourself-the power of the two laws.

Then who else can control him.

But soon, 103 East of Nanzhen reacted. After all, it was a statue of heaven and latitude.

Existing, he directly scolded: “Jiang Yuan, I admit that I didn’t study your information well before.

Kill me directly, this is my negligence, you swallow my rule, this is the generation


“But don’t be proud of you. I can’t stop you if I want to leave. I will take you

When the situation is reported, countless strong people will look sideways, will come to catch you, and take you

As a guinea pig, explore your secrets, then you will still be dead.

As Nan Zhendong spoke, a huge golden picture and text appeared under his body and feet.

Incomparably mysterious, two-dimensional three-dimensional drawing, in which countless extinct beasts are transformed

Come out, strutting, and walking.

In an instant, half of his body sank into it, and immediately wanted to escape.

“Want to run”

Jiang Yuan’s voice was transmitted in shock, extremely ferocious, and his aura even more violent.

One head of black hair, dancing one by one, like a group of demons, sending out one after another


Passing his voice.

(Cavin has been stuck for a few days, the way is filtered out, and I will continue to keep it for seven chapters.

Thank you for supporting me all the time. I like you guys. ).

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