Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 553 - The Great Horror (77)

Chapter 553 – : The Great Horror (7/7)

Cang Yun and Guo Fu spoke in unison, their hearts bursting to pieces.

Yanglong is really bold enough to limit himself, and he has already sinned when he criticizes the son of the gods in public.

The evil is monstrous, so it has become so much worse, even the gods dare to humiliate, and become extremely frantic.


Both of them were trembling with fright, and their souls were about to come out.

“I am looking for death, I think you are looking for death, Cang Yun, you are not trying to catch jade quickly

Letter? I’ll give it to you now. “Yanglong grabbed it with a big hand, and immediately there was a gold

The chromosphere condenses into a golden scroll.

Spread out all of a sudden, there are countless golden texts inside, which are constantly flying out, condensing in a blink of an eye

Gathered into a scary face.

As soon as this person opened his eyes, his eyes instantly enveloped the blue clouds, a terrifying breath, like a mountain

Generally,-come under pressure, except Jiang Yuan, everyone’s complexion immediately becomes pale


Both knees bend unconsciously, almost kneeling down.

It is actually a half-step deity who has reached the Nine Suns Consummation and the Power of the Hundred Suns, strong in strength

Incomparably fierce, these characters also don’t walk in the three thousand domains.

Each one is a living mythical legend.

Their stories have been circulated for a long time, compiled into secretaries, and stored in the treasure chests of the major star courts.

Hidden deep, read and watched by non-mathematicians, understand the truth from it, and determine the future direction.

Almost a kind of pioneer, a leader.

In the next second, his gaze slowly turned towards Jiang Yuan, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and there was

The light of thinking is racking our brains and thinking is also calculating.

I want to know who Jiang Yuan’s heels are.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something, his eyes widened for an instant, with no

A look of horror, even a breath of air-conditioning, the golden ancient writings suddenly fell apart


It seems that the soul has received a shock.

Yanglong was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the elder was going to say something, but he didn’t expect to say a word.

It smashed directly, but he quickly reacted.

Now that the elders have come forward, everything is easy to say, and the meaning is clear.

He suddenly pointed his finger at Cang Yun and said, “Cang Yun, the elder’s order has been issued.

Thinking is already very clear, I will stop talking nonsense with you, I will enjoy you directly, and go to the elder’s house to recover


As we spoke, the breath of the whole body burst out suddenly, the golden light from the center of the eyebrows shone,

Form a long spear-

The spear pierced through, the space was completely torn, and the sound of Jin Ge erupted, full of magic

, There even appeared a figure of a demon with a thin body and a round head, and his face was covered with dense lines

eye.(Read more @

One by one spreading teeth and dancing claws, the demons danced wildly, their faces were painfully distorted, thousands of them, nothing

Endless, as if bound by a spear: unable to escape.

“Devil Spear

Cang Yun’s expression changed, and he exclaimed, “You actually built the Demon Slayer Spear.

You. You actually slaughtered the demon clan and condensed the soul of the demon in the gun! You are simply


Above the square, many Jiuyang leading the team also became quiet, their eyes cast one after another.

Countless qi and blood ideas collided alternately in the void, making exclamation sounds.

“This Yang Dragon is worthy of being possessed of ninety great Yang powers. It is so cruel, it is really true.

Was created by his Demon Spear. According to legend, it requires at least a large

Demon tribe, all the sacrifices have the opportunity to be created.

“A large-scale demons tribe, at least owning a number of statues in the Nine Suns Great Realm

Now, there is even the existence of Ninety Great Yang Power, how did he break into it,

Killed a tribe?”

“It seems that Cangyun is in trouble now, Yanglong came here prepared, and burst out as soon as he came up.

Demon Spear is to hit Cangyun hard and teach him a lesson, but it’s a pity that he brought the people

“Then Jiang Yuan, I have heard, is a person who has just entered the Nine Suns, such a character,

There is also a supreme existence in the Three Thousand Domains, but it is a pity that when I encounter Yanglong today, I will also be affected.

Countless tutors sighed again and again, but no one stood up to speak.

Among academies, strength is king. As long as you have strength and do not involve the institution of learning, you

Even if you form cliques, form small teams, act unscrupulously, and oppress others, no one dares

Say you what.

Cang Yun was shocked, and immediately started to stop the opponent from attacking.

A deity, placed in a school, is to enter the realm of the apocalypse, ranking among the elders

The existence of the above, once it spread to Jiangyuan, then the matter really became a big deal.

Immediately go up to the sky and listen,-the elder Zun Zun Taishang will be alarmed, and his eyes will be projected.

That is simply a disaster.

Suddenly rose to the majestic face of the deity.

If the following crimes are committed, he will be affected, even on the entire square, regardless of the pedigree

The son or the mentor will all be punished, only Jiang Hao, as the son of the gods, can avoid



But just when he was about to do it, the void suddenly shook,-Dao’s terrifying voice was fierce.

However, it passed through, with a crazy roar, and even the sound was filled with fear.

1 Yanglong. You are looking for death

Accompanied by the sound, a figure suddenly walked out, actually half a step from the previous one

Elder of the gods.

He was so angry that he roared: “Whoever Yang Long gives you the courage, who gives you the right,

You dare to do it directly, you think you are too elder, you are a trash, straightforward

court death. ”

Tai Ting roars constantly, five fingers one by one, it is enough-kind of terrifying moves, tengu swallows

On the day, the entire palm of his hand turned into a terrifying wolf dog, and his whole body was covered with hair-

When he slapped it out, the world suddenly went dark.

It is not that the sky and the earth are really dark, but a kind of spiritual shock.

It hits directly on the Demon Gun, knocking the whole gun out, and it’s powerful

The power of the surplus remains undiminished. It is shot on the body of the dragon, which directly shocks him.

The fly fly out.

The blood rushed out from the center of the mouth, the abdomen collapsed directly, and the armor on his body was completely shattered.

Shocking cracks appeared.

But he has ignored the injury extension-

The eyes were wide open, terrified, almost sluggish, the brain was muddy, I don’t know

What’s going on, why did the elders come and see themselves as if they saw the enemy of life and death?


Directly attack him, with a single stroke, there is no room to leave, to cure him and die


But in the next second, he saw a scene of extreme horror.

Tai Ting unexpectedly carried an expression of trepidation on his face, but he was stubborn and hurried in a hurry.

Flew down in the sky, respectfully, and even walked carefully to Jiang Yuan’s side-

He opened his mouth and said something that made countless people in the entire square horrified.

“Your Majesty the God.”

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