Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 555 - Walking does not have long eyes

Chapter 555 – : Walking does not have long eyes

Jiang Yuan glanced at the past, calmly, watching the clothes of these people, everyone

They are all well-dressed, full of majesty, between their hands and feet, full of hot sun, everything

It is the existence of the Nine Suns.

Every one is an absolute great person, easily breaks the big domain, dominates nothing

The destiny of the poor.

Jiang Yuan already felt something in his heart when he heard what Tai Ting said.

A constellation of nine-rank star courts, promoted to the purple mansion, from low to intermediate, to high, receive

The task, to complete the task, is bound to be full of competition, fierce conflict, and various battles.

He has just come here now, he is a newcomer, a stranger.

He received the attention of all parties and thought he was a good bully. They were all unscrupulous, all kinds of discussions, the slightest

Not afraid of being heard by him.

Some people even took a step forward, looking badly, taking the gaze of the older generation to examine the younger generation.

Jiang Yuan looked indifferent and walked towards the center of the hall step by step.

“Is it arrogant! Not saying a word, crazy enough!”

I don’t know that it’s the Ninth-Rank Star Garden in that big domain. I’ve never seen it before, but it’s here.

Don’t say hello to us, it seems very confident and arrogant!”

“It’s normal! The newcomer who just arrived is somewhat arrogant and hasn’t changed his mind yet.

Holding the shelf, thinking that this is still my own star court, in charge of everything, suffer a bit,

Can be honest and honest. ”

“Then let him recognize the reality and accept his temper. I also happen to be short of a front-line battle.

If you don’t do it, let me do it!”

A voice suddenly fell, full of relaxed and freehand brushwork, as if to do something trivial

Little things are the same.

Jiang Yuan saw that among the crowd of more than 30 people, one was three meters tall.

The man with rough looks, sharp eyes, and explosive muscles all over his body walks forward and backward

Every step you take, the earth seems to tremble slightly, buzzing, it is a peculiar

Step on Tiankui and act like Kui.

And Kui, is an ancient terrifying creature, a god and demon, huge in size, and can be eaten in one bite.

Swallowing a large starry sky, and its ferociousness.

When he walks now, his body is beginning to blur, turning into a huge celestial head

A strange beast, swallowing the world, cruel and cruel, with its big mouth open, countless spots of light are constantly falling

Down, was swallowed by him.

Each of those light spots is like a star, full of the mystery of the universe.

Suddenly, his speed suddenly increased, and he was about to hit Jiang Yuan directly.

“Interesting! Interesting! This newcomer is going to be unlucky!(Read more @

“Shen He’s temper is still as violent as ever! Ha, it’s Tian Kuibu.

The Tiankui in the collision, once hit, is equivalent to the power of gathering hundreds of millions of stars, such as

When the same big domain hits, the mountain will be crushed.

“Brother Shen He, this is a lesson for newcomers, with good intentions!”-

Zun Zun Nine Suns, and even half of the gods are smiling, watching a good show.

Even a half-step god in the distance, the elder of Auding Academy, looked over.

His face was expressionless, and he didn’t mean to stop him at all.

This has almost become the rule, when newcomers come, they will be bullied and killed.

Let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

Otherwise, they are all heads of the Purple House, all arrogant and inconvenient to manage.


In an instant, Shen He hit directly, fierce and sturdy, unscrupulous.

“Are you blind? Can’t see me standing here?”

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan yelled, his big hand protruded, and immediately penetrated layers of mystery.

The barrier was caught above the opponent’s head at once, and the entire space burst out with a shocking roar.

A wave of air rolled frantically, setting off a level 20 whirlwind on the ground, and everyone’s body

The clothes were scoured and clashed, and even the whole hall shook slightly.

The sound of creaking, creaking and crumbling continued.

The gazes of countless people suddenly became shocked.

You know, this hall is made of a special material from the Apocalypse Realm.

Harder than, although it is not a god of heaven, but the degree of hardness has reached the top.

It was shocked all of a sudden.

It can be seen how fierce Shen He’s Tiankui hit.

But so fierce, Jiang Yuan grabbed his head, and he couldn’t move forward or retreat.

Instantly flushed, and the cheeks were almost bloodshot, as if being crackled in public-


0 Seeking flowers

He attacked so confidently and vowed to show Jiang Yuan’s color and teach him how to be a man.

But as soon as he shot, he was caught, and the attack was easily resolved. It was ashamed.

When there is no place for self-confidence, especially in front of so many people, it is almost uncomfortable.

Everyone in the front was stunned.-Time brain almost crashed, unable to think.

But Jiang Yuan’s gaze changed instantly, becoming extremely cruel.

Senran’s voice reverberated directly in the ear of the opponent, like a ten thousand demons, terrifying

Straight cold.

“Since you don’t have eyes when you walk, what’s the use of these eyes? Just cut them off.

bring it on!”

While speaking, Jiang Yuan’s palm turned into a buckle, and he buckled it directly into his eye socket.

He buttoned his eyes, bloody, and suddenly became natural.

Immediately turned into countless golden blood golden pills, surging toward Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.

At this horrible scene, countless people looked shocked at the beginning, and gasped.

Shen He was not stupid either. He lost his eyes and knew how powerful he was, and his body was shaking suddenly.

After showing the Tiankui step again, the body is constantly blurred and twisted, and layers of love are in love, as if

Walk through the space.

Get away from Jiangyuan quickly.

However, Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded again, if it was like a dream demon.

“Offended me, do you think it’s over if you lose a pair of limited eyes?

Jiang Yuan yelled, stepped out, the ground under his feet cracked inch by inch, in his small body

As heavy as a star, the density of the body is even more terrifying than a neutron star, fierce and brutal.

One appeared beside Shen He.

“You” Shen He exclaimed, knowing that the iron plate was mentioned, just what he wanted to say.

Jiang Yuan was whistling unexpectedly behind him, rushing out countless arms in a dense crowd, all of a sudden, he


Then there was a roar, exploding from Jiang Yuan’s mouth.

“Tear Me”


Almost the moment the sound fell, the violent tearing sound, like a torn rag, sounded

Through it, Shen He was directly torn apart into countless pieces. Die.

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