Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 564 - Zhentian Zhong Protecting the Human Race (217)

Chapter 564 – : Zhentian Zhong Protecting the Human Race (217)

“I’m leaving first, Human Race still needs you to take care of it.” Jiang Yuan patted the haunting Hong Zhen. In an instant, his breath shook, violently turning into a beam of light.

Directly tore the space and got in.

After Jiang Yuan left for a long time, Hong Zhen woke up slightly trembling and looked down at the Zhentian Bell in his hand.

The god of Zhentianzhong, with big eyes, looked at him suspiciously and cutely.

Looking at each other, Hong Zhen felt a sense of fainting, his eyes tingling slightly, and he quickly looked away.

He is just a broken star realm, and the god of the heavenly bell is a god of the heavenly creature, a weapon used by the god of heaven, with terrifying power, one blow can collapse the sky, exterminate the common people, crush everything, how terrible. You. Hello.” After Liang, Hong Zhen couldn’t help but stammered hello.

There was a smile on the little guy’s face, and the milky voice said, “Hello!”

Hearing the kind voice of the little guy, Hong Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. He was most afraid that the other party could not communicate well and had a weird temper. That would be troublesome. Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen. “What’s your name?” Hong Zhen squinted, not daring to look directly at the other party.

“I don’t know. After my father created me, he has not paid attention to me and has not given me a name!” The little guy said aggrievedly, his small eyes started to redden with a hint of grievance.

Hong Zhen was stunned for a while, and couldn’t help but said: “Then I will give you a name! How about it?”

“Okay! Okay!” When the little guy heard it, he became excited, his bulging hands kept clapping his hands and he was very happy, and his big eyes narrowed into moon crescents. Hong Zhen thought for a while and said, “How about calling you Jiang Hong?”

“Jiang Hong.” The little guy raised his eyes, thought about it, and said happily: “My father’s name is Jiang Yuan, and my father asked me to follow you in the future. Your name is Hong Zhen, Jiang Hong is very good.

“Just like it, just like it, ah huh

Hong Zhen looked at Jiang Hong’s innocent appearance, smiled knowingly, and couldn’t help but said: “You have been with your father for so long, do you know what realm your father belongs to? And what kind of gods did he just say? ?”

Jiang Hong smiled and said: “Uncle Hong Zhen, you are so stupid! Zhentian fetish is talking about me, and I am Zhentian fetish!” Hong Zhen was stunned.

Jiang Hong continued: “Father has reached the level of martial arts gods a long time ago. It’s very powerful. When I was still ignorant, I remember that many people would respect their fathers, and (bcdd) my father had a huge influence.”

“What is it called Tenghong?

Hong Zhen looked at the little guy thinking hard, and couldn’t help but brighten his eyes: “Sheng Hong? Is it Xing Ting? Do you know which Star Ting it is?”

Xing Ting is already the strongest power Hong Zhen can think of. As for the Tenghong Purple Mansion, he dare not think about it! Those forces are almost like legends, myths and stories.

Legend has it that in the Purple Mansion, there are as many great sages as feathers.(Read more @

You know, there is no great deity in the human race today, and in his mind, it seems that only Jiang Yuan is the great deity.

And he could know the realm of the Great Venerable, or it was because Jiang Yuan came back to show the power of the Great Venerable last time. What kind of star court? “The little guy thinks hard, he hasn’t cared much about it.

“Yes. How many Star Courts?” Hong Zhen couldn’t help but look forward to it.

“It doesn’t seem to be Star Court.” The little guy thought for a long time, and finally shook his head.

Hong Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: “Even if it’s not the star court, it’s a big power under the court, it’s incredible, it gives us the face of the patriarch.”


The little guy shook his head directly, frowning and said: “Dad’s power is very powerful. It used to be Star Court! But it’s not anymore.”

“First-Class Star Court.” Hong Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn’t help but excitedly said: “Are you sure it is Star Court, then do you know which Star Court is now.”

“Now the Purple Mansion, everyone says that Dad’s power is called Tenghong Purple Mansion!” The little guy said innocently.

Almost when the little guy’s voice fell, Hong Zhen’s eyes suddenly widened.

He exclaimed directly: “What. Zifu, God of Tenghongzi!”

Hong Zhen felt that he was going crazy and gasped unbelievably.

He is not a little white about Tianjie now, he is not empty and white, he knows a little bit, in Tianjie, the star court is divided into nine ranks, above the nine ranks, there is a coercive side, which rules countless large areas of the purple mansion.

You know, there are countless star courts in this big domain of rule.

Among these star courts, just take a student out of the universe and put them in the universe. They are all geniuses, geniuses of each race, like the prince of the ancients, with a noble status.

And Jiang Yuan actually created a purple mansion.

When he thinks of this, he feels fainted.

You have to know how long it has been since Jiang Yuan entered Tianjie! No matter how fast you improve, you can still have it

Such a terrifying force is simply unthinkable to the extreme.

Finally, Hong Zhen couldn’t help but tremble: “Then how strong is your father?”

As soon as the voice fell, he coaxed and hurriedly said, “Wait, let me catch my breath.”

With that, he hurriedly took a breath, forcibly calming his trembling heart, he was really afraid that his heart was beating too fast and his heart rhythm was irregular.

“Dad has reached the god of martial arts now, very powerful.” When the little guy said this, a trace of pride appeared on his face, and you were proud.

However, Hong Zhen was stunned, looking at the little guy without knowing why, he was very puzzled: “What realm is the martial arts god?”

In Hong Zhen’s memory, after a few small realms in the Broken Star Realm, the Great Venerable went up, and the realm in the Great Venerable seemed very vague to him.

As for the superior, he didn’t think about it, but he didn’t even dare to think about it.

“Uncle, you don’t even know what the martial arts gods are!” The little guy looked at Hong Zhen curiously with a pair of innocent eyes. Hong Zhen’s old face blushed, and he nodded silently.

The little guy explained: “The Great Venerable is divided into the Supreme Great Venerable, with four stages, after which it gathers yang power and becomes the Great Realm of Nine Suns, but the Great Realm of Nine Suns is actually just an excess.

“Strictly speaking, the Nine Suns Realm is actually the realm of perfection of the Supreme Lord, and above it is the martial god, reaching the top of the warrior, so it is called the god

The little guy talked eloquently. Although he was born not long ago, he was born with a strange god, and he knew it, and a lot of knowledge would naturally be known.

Hong Zhen stood there blankly at the moment, his brain was almost blank.

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