Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 575 - Killing the Weathered God (57)

Chapter 575 – : Killing the Weathered God (5/7)

He is most afraid that what they are doing now will be known by the academy and send the gods to arrest him.


Bi Jing Academy has a clear stipulation that the gods cannot attack weak races for no reason.

It was found that the conviction was directly based on whether the circumstances were serious or not.

Although it will not die, the punishment is indispensable, and it will even be drawn out of one or two laws.


This is the most terrible thing.

“Jiang Yuan, why did you come suddenly, but it just so happened,-starter, we put the whole

All the creatures on the planet were arrested, and then there will be credit. ”

“Previously, Changkong said to strip off your merits and benefits, but now you are making contributions,

I’m helping you with good things.

Feng Hua smiled faintly, with a kind smile on his face.

However, Jiang Yuan stared at him blankly.

Slowly, the smile on his face gradually became stiff, and his voice became heavy.

Said: “Jiang Yuan, what do you mean?

“It’s nothing! It’s just killing you.”

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, Jiang Yuan’s body moved abruptly, leaping out quickly.

It was a long distance away, and appeared in front of the other party in an instant.

The law is activated when the body is golden.

The body expanded wildly.

1. Coming up is the third stage of bursting out with all strength, without reservation, qi, blood and golden body.

Boom boom boom-

A terrifying voice, 500 burst out from Jiang Yuan in an instant, his body soaring wildly,

It reached the level of tens of millions of meters in an instant.

But the next second, directly surpassed, soaring to the 20 million level in an instant.

The weathered complexion suddenly shook, his eyes shrank, and his voice exhaled in horror: You, you

The volume? Are you not a martial god, but a king.

His thinking has entered a misunderstanding.

The size of the general martial arts gods, no matter how many laws, will always be only ten million meters.

Beyond this volume, then there is only one possibility, that is, beyond the martial gods,

Reach the second stage of the gods, the realm of the kingly gods.

Whether it is a martial god, or a king, or even an emperor, they are all gods.



The volume of Jiangyuan is still increasing, and it has been transformed into a hundred million meters in a blink of an eye, even if it is so

It keeps increasing, as if there is no end to it.

Weathered with his mouth open.

I stared blankly at Jiang Yuan’s expanding volume.

Just breathe time, reach the level of tens of billions of meters, and this level has reached the sky

The fourth stage of the gods, the holy way of the gods.

“You. You” Weathered with his mouth open, looking at Jiang (Beff) Yuan almost sluggishly.

The film is chaotic, almost impossible to think.

At the same time, on Jiang Yuan’s body, there was an extremely terrifying breath, and he almost moved

Can’t play.(Read more @

At this time, Jiang Yuan, with a gain of 30 times, the power of three hundred laws is equivalent to

The power of three million days.

“You, you are not a martial god, you, you, you reach the fourth stage of the god, the holy way

God, it’s not right: Why do you want to hide your strength, so deep

Weathered brain thinking fast, terrified.

As if thinking of something,-I was horrified and said: “Are you from the sky?

People from the outside world of Qijie, you have mixed into the three thousand domains, what are you planning?”

He looked at Jiang Yuan in horror, thinking that he had penetrated everything and became even more frightened.

However, Jiang Yuan didn’t talk nonsense with him at all, and his powerful strength allowed him to be able to pierce-cut.

The terrifying aura always shocked the entire body within 10,000 light-years.

Almost countless stars have to be pushed out of their original trajectories.

Capture the past in a flash.

Almost without even thinking about it, the weather turned around and ran away.

In his eyes, Jiang Yuan is just a demon, such a terrifying power as the holy gods.

It can sweep everything, no one can beat it.

However, he just moved.

Jiang Yuan raised one foot and straddled him in one step.

The huge body, like a legendary god and demon, is extremely huge, even if

The weathering of tens of millions of meters seemed extremely small in front of him.

The big hand caught it all at once, overwhelming the sky, the breath was stalwart, extremely scary, and suffocating.

Weathering means that the world is sealed off, and all the laws of the entire galaxy are condensed at this moment.


Although it was just an illusion, it still made him frightened.

The regret in my heart suddenly turned over.

He had set up gloves with Changkong Yueming, ready to kill Jiang Yuan, dividing his rules,

Fortune with him.

But he didn’t think about it


Jiang Yuan is actually a terrifying figure in the fourth stage of the god, the realm of the holy god, right?

However, Yingzang’s huge conspiracy was mixed into the world of the Three Thousand Domains, and what was planned.

At this moment, my intestines are really regretful.

I can’t wait to slap myself a few times and provoke this kind of character.

Now there is nowhere to escape, so stop immediately and prepare to beg for mercy.

But just turned around.

Jiang Yuan’s big hand grabbed his head all at once, and his five fingers turned into five dragons and died.

It bit on his neck and pulled it all at once.


The huge head was directly bitten off.


Jiang Yuan’s palm suddenly squeezed, and he smashed the opponent’s head, pinching it with two fingers.

Small creatures.

It is not a real creature: it is a weathered god of life.

“Jiangyuan God, no, no Jiangyuan sage, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I would

I will follow you around, follow you, and do my best to help you accomplish your grand plan

Weathering struggles with brains, concentrates his thoughts, and quickly begs for mercy, for fear of being pinched to death on the spot when he is too late.

Jiang Yuan looked at him indifferently, his other hand stretched out and directly clenched into a fist, as if holding

What’s wrong, just pull it.

I saw the power of the law, drawn from the head of the weathered natal god.

“No, no, I know everything about the academy, I have lived in the academy for thousands of years, what

I know all the hidden things, and I also know how to enter the Apocalypse realm. ”

He shouted again and again with painful weather, his expression was painful, and he gasped with air-conditioning.

All the power of the 13 laws was drawn out, and he was simply drawn out on the spot.

The ribs are the same, the pain is dying, the sweat is utterly white, and the face is pale and bloodless.

However, Jiang Yuan didn’t say a word at all, and extracted indifferently.

The force of a law was first pulled out, turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into him.

Of the body.

“You can’t swallow it, you can’t swallow it!” the weathered horror yelled, panicked

Measures: “You can’t just swallow it like this! It’s not good for you, you don’t lack this at all.

A little bit of law. ”

“And the power of the law is on you, you need to spend a lot of time to refine, at least

It will take tens of thousands of years. When you return to the university, you will be found out immediately. ”

“School rules, killing the gods is a felony!”

The weathering and wailing kept on, watching his own law be swallowed by Jiang Yuan, Jane

In pain, his own flesh was cut off, and it was eaten up deliciously on the spot.

I received a huge shock inside.

But soon, he was shocked that he couldn’t even speak.

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