Chapter 325

Chapter Three and Two: Killing the Enemy

As monsters, of course they also have their own way of communication, and they can even avoid being understood by Zhao Quan altogether.

However, they couldn’t help their eyes when they said this. They looked around and paid attention to Zhao Quan, which directly exposed all their thoughts.

Zhao Quan naturally noticed such a look. The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and there was a little more indifference in his eyes.

He wanted to know what other moths the monsters in front of him could make out.

“You obediently suffer directly to me.”

One of the monsters was the first to be unable to bear his emotions, and just after they had just talked about it, they rushed forward directly, like a mad dog.

The monsters next to him, after seeing his appearance, twitched their mouths silently, screaming badly.

They originally wanted to fight an unexpected victory, but what the big demon in front of him did was to completely fail all of their ideas, which made them bear it.

“Damn idiot.”

One of the demon beasts gritted his teeth and glared at him, even his face was filled with unconcealable anger.

Zhao Quan just curled the corners of his lips coldly, and there didn’t seem to be any warmth in his eyes.

“You still dare to provoke me now. It seems that you really don’t know how to write the word failure? It’s ridiculous.”

In the eyes that Zhao Quan said calmly, only endless coldness remained.

The monster beast hadn’t noticed what was wrong now, so he directly took his own steps and rushed forward with a hideous face, even the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose hideously.

“Dare to stop our footsteps, you are dying, now let us die right away.”

The madness of that monster beast didn’t seem to affect Zhao Quan, Zhao Quan’s eyes were cold, and the look in the monster beast in front of him was even more indifferent.

“Who died, maybe now, don’t talk big words so early, if you fail, there will only be endless ridiculousness left.”

Zhao Quan said calmly, and the monster did not seem to be able to understand what Zhao Quan meant in his words.

In that short moment, the monster beast rushed in front of Zhao Quan, constantly waving its paws with a hideous face.(Read more @

“It seems that you still want to kill me. It’s a pity that you don’t even have this strength, so you should kneel down for me obediently.”

Zhao Quan finally moved his hands. Without being gentle, he raised his arm directly and slowly, and the powerful pressure swept across the entire linden tree fiercely.

The entire linden tree is now trembling slightly, and the people who have already climbed on it are not vigilant. In just a few seconds, they are almost thrown off.

They grabbed the tree trunk in front of them in embarrassment, and even their eyes were a little scared.

They didn’t even think that when they were about to climb up now, some people would dare to hinder them.

“Who the hell is it? How could he have such a powerful force?”

It is a surprising thing to make the whole Bodhi tree tremble slightly.

And Zhao Quan, who they thought had no power to bind a chicken, now burst out with such a powerful force, how could this make them bear it.

“Impossible, it is impossible for you to have such a powerful force!”

One of the monsters’ eyes trembled a little, and he subconsciously said, even with a little more fear on his face.

“Why can’t I have such a powerful force? Or do you think I am a person who has no power, then I must follow your ideas?”

Zhao Quan suddenly asked slowly, even the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. There was a little bit of indifference in those eyes, clearly quite calm words engraved in this moment, but let those big words The demon didn’t have any ability to refute.

“Damn it, in that case, let us see how strong you are.”

These few big demons now have no way to accept such a fact.

They were struggling with hideous faces. Now even if they don’t want to admit this matter, this matter is naked in front of them, and there is even no way to refute it.

They seem to have forgotten one thing, that is, their lives are still in Zhao Quan’s hands, and what they are doing now is more like a constant death.

“Your life is still in my hand, and you dare to say these words in front of me. It seems that you don’t put me in your eyes at all.”

Zhao Quan suddenly lifted his foot and stepped on it fiercely.

This time he even took on the offensive of Reiki, an extremely powerful force, and the sudden attack made people unprepared and somewhat unbearable.

Those big monsters had a hideous face, and subconsciously took a long breath, but even so, they had no way to calm their body and strength.

They fell directly from above.

“This is the end of the fight against me.”

There was only endless indifference in Zhao Quan’s eyes, and the corners of the lips slightly outlined, with a look that made people a little frightened.

The remaining big monsters next to them, only a little bit of fear remained in their eyes.

They didn’t expect Zhao Quan to kill the big monsters immediately. Before they had imagined, the big monsters seemed to die directly in front of them.

“Is there anyone else who wants to try? Why don’t you just come over together, let me see how much you guys dare to challenge me over and over again?”

Zhao Quan didn’t smile at all in his words this time, but a bit more powerful, and there was a bit more indifference in those eyes.

Among the remaining few people, none of them dared to suddenly rush forward to provoke Zhao Quan. After all, the price of provoke Zhao Quan just now, they have already closed their eyes.

“What should we do? Let’s run now, or just run quickly.”

It is very important for them to obtain bodhi fruit.

But now if they take their lives as a pledge, they still chose to save their lives without hesitation, instead of bodhi fruit.

After all, Bodhi fruit can be obtained at any time, but once they lose their lives, then even the treasures they have recently acquired will disappear. .

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