Chapter 349

Chapter Three Forty Seven: The Great Demon’s Choice (For flowers, tickets, subscriptions, customization)

“Now that your strength is clear and you can completely solve the storm in front of you, why do you have to raise a bet on us? Wouldn’t it be better for you to solve this big problem yourself?”

One of the big demon couldn’t help but suffocated a bit, and asked such a question.

Indeed, in this situation, Zhao Quan’s own strength can easily overcome the storm in front of him.

But now that he is still saying so many useless words here is simply wasting his time.

“Compared to doing it myself, I’m more willing to do it myself, and I feel even more happy if you go hard.”

Looking at these big monsters in front of them, in the constant struggle for their own life and death, it is simply quite happy.

These big monsters now clearly did not expect Zhao Quan to give such an answer. This is completely based on their own happiness, based on the suffering of others. It is extremely bad, but now they have nothing to refute. language.

This is also the most powerless time for the Great Demon right now.

“Yes, my happiness is so bad, but the current situation is that you have to continue to give your own strength for my bad ideas. Isn’t this a problem caused by your own strength? Why do you say so many useless words here now, or you really think that while you are constantly kidnapping others morally, you can make others surrender you willingly.”

Zhao Quan has so many bad ideas now.

But what makes the monster the most helpless is that Zhao Quan also has the corresponding strength to realize his bad ideas one by one.

And these big monsters clearly want to keep resisting Zhao Quan, but now they can only say a lot of useless empty words, they don’t even dare to resist Zhao Quan.

“You are telling me so much now, some and not a whole lot, but in fact, you don’t even dare to do it against me. It’s ridiculously ridiculous…”

These words Zhao Quan said, the big monsters now have no power to refute them.

Because they suddenly discovered that Zhao Quan’s words are somewhat similar to moral kidnapping.

But they also found that the words Zhao Quan said are not unreasonable.

When they have absolute power, they also have absolute right to speak, and they don’t even have the right to speak, how can they conduct their so-called resistance?

“Don’t think that you really have so much power, but it’s just that the talent is better.”

These rebuttal words spoken by these big monsters now.(Read more @

For Zhao Quan it is more like a joke.

That’s right, Zhao Quan now indeed has an absolutely powerful talent.

What is even more frustrating is that Zhao Quan also has the ability to turn these talents into reality.

And these big demons would only be beside them, speaking some extremely sour words, and they seemed to be unable to do anything.

“You don’t seem to make any efforts except for talking so much here.”

Zhao Quan tilted his head and said, there was a bit more ridicule in his voice.

The other big demons are now rushing over like crazy. They are angry at the words Zhao Quan said because they don’t have absolute strength.

“I will give you these two options now. If you don’t want to face those storms directly, then I will end it directly. You may be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. I want to see that kind of state Among them, what kind of strength do you have to tell me those useless nonsense.”

This seems to give them the conditions to choose, but these options are more like none, they don’t want to choose any of them.

“Could it be that there are no other options?”

One of the big demon asked expectantly, even in his expression, there was a bit of ardent expectation. They are true now, and hopefully asked such a ridiculous remark.

“Are you now negotiating terms with me? Or do you think you are strong enough to even negotiate terms with me?”

Zhao Quan shrugged and asked every word, even a little bit of ridicule appeared in his voice.

The current Zhao Quan is a bit of murderous intentions, instead of jokingly uttering these words like before.

These big monsters naturally heard the murderous intent in Zhao Quan’s words, and they also had quite obvious reactions. They subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water, and their expressions were silently more panic.

“We are willing to fight those storms.”

If they continue to fight those storms, they might still have a chance to survive.

But if they are stubborn and resist Zhao Quan, then maybe Ke is facing the challenge of a mortal body.

They don’t have such an ability yet, so naturally they don’t dare to say so much, useless nonsense.

“¨ˇYou have to be prepared now, after all, I won’t tell you too much useless nonsense.”

Zhao Quan was not surprised by their choice. After all, in the threat of death, not everyone can maintain the peace of his face.

Before facing countless murderous intents, their hearts naturally became quite clear about how they should choose graves.

“If we now agree to an unequal treaty like yours, you should at least give us some preferential treatment.”

One of the big monsters gritted their teeth and said, even a bit of anger on his face was unavoidable. For them, Zhao Quan is now simply forcing him (Wanghao Li) to make choices.

“Want me to give you some special treatment? Of course it is not bad, but you are not worthy of it.”

Zhao Quan’s face was clearly smiling, but the words he said made people shudder.

Zhao Quan’s current performance is like a huge monster, showing an extreme ridicule at them every minute and every second.

The eyes of those big monsters turned red, and there was a bit of angry murderous in their eyes.

They are really right now and want to completely kill Zhao Quan here, but it seems that they don’t have such a strength at all.

“We have now agreed. What do you want to do with such an unequal treaty?”

One of the big monsters involuntarily took on a somewhat angry expression. They have now signed such an unequal treaty, but Zhao Quan seems to have never chosen to forgive them. .

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