Chapter 814 God Gathering Palace

When Wu Chen and the others woke up, they saw a lot of hidden weapons that had been fed with poison piled up beside Luo Xue.

Sun Zhigan walked closer, looked at the pile of hidden weapons like a hill in surprise, and asked Luo Xue and Xuan, “Sister Luo Xue, Sister Kai’er, where did you get so many hidden weapons?”

If this pile of hidden weapons were judged by people under normal circumstances, three or four of President Ge’s subordinates would be buried in it. At least, Wu Chen and the others can now confirm that there must be so many people in the position corresponding to this pile of hidden weapons.

But they can’t see the silhouettes of these people now.

Xuan gave them a wry smile and said to them: “I don’t care, all the hidden weapons in your storage bags are from Sister Luo Xue.

Gera subconsciously closed his storage bag, but released it in a flash.

“I then remembered that there are no hidden weapons in my storage bag, hehe. 99

Luo Xue and Xuan immediately rolled her eyes at her, good guy, fortunately there wasn’t, or else they would have to blame the police if they lost something.

Wu Chen said with tears in his eyes: “All these hidden weapons are poisoned, and it will be a bit difficult to think about not hurting people’s lives in the future. Going back, I have to buy a batch of detours that are not poisonous.”

“No.” Luo Xue said, pointing to his storage bag. “Actually, I just took out half of your hidden weapons.”

“When we encounter some bad guys, we can’t just tolerate it blindly.” She continued, pointing to the people in the yard. “When dealing with them in a while, I think it’s better to use poisoned ones.”

Wu Chen and Sun Zhiqian put some of the poisoned hidden weapons into their storage bags, but they didn’t take much.

Grapiao also took some, but not much, obviously she was not very used to using hidden weapons. Put some away now, probably just to save it for later emergencies.

As for Luo Xue’s talk of using poisonous hidden weapons to deal with President Ge’s people here, everyone didn’t answer them at all, because it was impossible.

Looking at the starlight in the sky, it was already close to two in the morning.

At this time, all the people in President Ge’s yard started to stagger.

“Xuan’er, what are you going to do?” Wu Chen asked Xuan.

Xuan nodded and said: “I’ll be ready in a while, when the time comes, Sister Luo Xue will just put away the water element environment. Leave the rest to me.

Seeing that a faint pink aura began to emerge in her palm, Wu Chen and the others already knew the means she was going to use.

There is nothing easier than letting these guys fall down and take a nap. With Xuan’s current strength, it is quite handy to use the poison-proof beads to display this ability.

Luo Xue nodded when she saw Xuan’s side to indicate that she was ready, and then quickly completely released the water element environment.

At this moment, those who were affected by the environmental state before, immediately became aware of it.

Obviously, if this state is suddenly withdrawn during the day, it will inevitably attract too much attention.

Just when these people looked at Wu Chen and the others, the pale pink aura around Xuan had already spread out.

Even Wu Chen, Sun Zhiqian, and Glapiao couldn’t hold on to the drowsiness toxin for too long. Naturally, these people couldn’t hold on for long, and they didn’t even hold on.

As long as they are enveloped by toxins, they will immediately go into a state of coma and fall to the ground one after another.

Even if people in the distance hear the sound, it is useless, because at this moment, Xuan is like a fairy who is spreading light pink smoke. Unexpected speed spread.

“The ability brought by the Lingzhu is so powerful?”

Wu Chen had to be amazed by Xuan’s performance, because he never thought that such a scene would appear in front of him.

Under Xuan’s precise control, Wu Chen and the others were not affected by the light pink poisonous mist at all.

After Luo Xue stopped, she jumped up and hugged her and kissed her.

“Sister Xuan’er is too powerful, I didn’t expect this Poison-Proofing Bead to be so powerful, it’s much better than my Yangbo Water Bead.

“There is no elemental spirit bead that is particularly powerful. It depends on when and how to use it.” Gera said with a smile. “Also, it depends on who is using it.

Undoubtedly, if the special police absorb this kind of poison-proof beads in a timely manner, the effect of the poison-proof beads can be fully exerted.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“I don’t think we need to tout each other here? Sun Zhigan said dumbfoundedly. “Although all the people in the City Lord’s Mansion are asleep, we have to leave here to continue our journey.

Wu Chen immediately greeted them with a smile, and several people took Snowball, Jinyu Mouse, Dalan and Xiaolan and left the City Lord’s Mansion directly.

Since someone reported to President Ge that Wu Chen and the others were in the City Lord’s Mansion, President Ge gathered almost all the people in the City Lord’s Mansion.

Under this circumstance, Xuan’s faint pink drowsiness and poisonous mist spread out, almost killing all of President Ge’s staff.

If you don’t take the opportunity to leave Kaikai City at this time, how long will you wait?

After they left the City Lord’s Mansion, the street was very quiet. Apparently, the people who had been exposed to the hot sun all day during the day all went home to rest Akatsuki.

When Wu Chen and the others came to the city gate, they found that the city gate was finally closed this time.

However, these could not stop them from walking, and they easily crossed the city wall and went to the outside of Yesterday City.

Since Luo Xue’s water element environment status is now available, as long as he leaves Huicheng, President Ge basically dreams of finding them.

But in order not to cause too much trouble, Wu Chen decided to speed up and head to the next city.

In this regard, no one objected, and it was obviously only more comfortable to travel at night in the desert.

When the sun rose the next morning, Wu Chen and the others easily came to another city in the west.

“We have adjusted the time here for two days, and then we will go directly to the mountain range where the Temple of the Gods is located.”

Wu Chen decided to make final adjustments and additions in this city. After all, once you enter the mountain range where the Palace of the Gods is located, there will be no other cities.

On the first day, it is natural to buy the materials needed in all aspects.

For this very good solution, they are all people with good money, naturally they don’t need to care about anything, just buy it.

But in the afternoon of the second day, Luo Xue, who went out to hang out, brought bad news.

“President Ge is going to kill the people in Huicheng.” Ding,

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