Chapter 816: Ferocious Beast Threats

In order not to reveal their identities, Wu Chen and the other five were not in a hurry to rush to Yicheng in the daytime.

After coming out of the city on this side, they first walked along the road to the side of the city. Although there were not many people on the road, there were still a few, and no one would be able to tell their identities.

What’s more, when you travel in the desert during the day, you have to wrap yourself up and go around.

In this way, even if it is possible to use the composition of personnel to judge Wu Chen and their identities in the message, it cannot be done.

Under the deliberate delay and change of course by Wu Chen and the other five, there were no other people before and after them.

“Do we need to do this?” Glapiao really didn’t understand. “Master, with the strength of you and us, even if President Ge’s eyes and ears see our actions, you don’t need to worry about their interception at all.”

Wu Chen shook his head, “I’m not afraid of their interception at all. 11

“But I don’t want them to know right now that we have rushed to the city. In that case, we can’t do anything secretly.

If the other party knows about his actions, even if it is impossible to determine the actual time to arrive at the city, President Ge will be able to make more preparations.

It’s even possible that people who didn’t threaten Yicheng in the first place would make a gesture just to make a statement.

You must know that there must be a brave man under the reward.

Wu Chen and the others in Bicheng basically have nothing to do with each other. As long as President Ge spends money, they will definitely find someone worthy of the question.

Luo Xue raised her eyebrows in love and said, “But even if we hurried to Yicheng quietly, President Ge wouldn’t be able to find someone suitable for acting.

“That’s at least a little less likely, because when he uses his own thinking to figure out our behavior, he will subconsciously think of us as the kind of people who are similar to him.

In other words, President Ge will think that Wu Chen and Glapiao will not go back, or that they will not show too violently.

Therefore, before it is determined whether Wu Chen and the others are rushing to the city, he may not find someone to accompany them.

But if they knew that Wu Chen and the others were rushing over, in order to attract their attention, they would definitely do that.

Several people nodded and understood Wu Chen’s thoughts.

Sun Zhigan said, “What about now? Shall we fly straight into the air?”

“After all, it’s very far from the city, so I still need the flying rope.” Wu Chen nodded and said. “However, we have to fall when we see Huicheng, and enter the forward state. 93

When the five of them lay down, it was already afternoon, so when Yukong flew to the vicinity of the city, it was actually night.

Even when the sky was dark, Wu Chen still didn’t let a few people fly too close.

“Big Blue and Little Blue, you two go to the city and take a look at the situation first.” Now Grapiao and Big Blue and Little Blue have established a very close friendship.

Before leaving Dalan and Xiaolan’s range of activities, it was obvious that these two alien birds would not leave her side.

They understand human nature and understand human language, and now it is just time to send them to take a bird’s-eye view of Huicheng from a high altitude.

The big blue and the small blue took off immediately and did not cry. When flying in the air, there was no sound at all.

Wu Chen praised: “When I was at the lake in the oasis, when they appeared, I knew that they were definitely not simple. Looking at their flight and concealment ability, even in the daytime, I didn’t see their shadows directly. No.”

“Now in this kind of night, they have fully exerted their powerful hidden advantages. 99

“If only we could have such an ability, we would quietly fly into the Yicheng to kill President Ge.

Luo Xue made a gesture of wiping her neck.

Gera shook his head and said: “Even if we have that ability, there is no way to kill President Ge quietly.”

“Why?” Xuan frowned, “Could it be that this President Ge has some special ability?”

Speaking of which, everyone actually knew very little about President Ge’s situation, and it was all just what Gera Piao told them.

Hearing Xuan questioning himself, Glapiao also thought for a moment, and then said to them: “I once heard that someone also assassinated this bastard. But after that assassination, I heard that President Ge was not dead, but the person who assassinated was not dead. Also disappeared.

Wu Chen said: “That means the assassination failed at most, and it was discovered and dealt with by President Ge. We don’t need to worry now, if he is surrounded by him, let Xuan’er continue to poison them.

Xuan smiled and said, “No problem.

At this time, the five people can no longer see the shadow of Dalan and Xiaolan, and they have long since quietly arrived in the sky above the city of yesterday.

And they did not continue to waste time, and under the cover of the night, they came to the city wall of yesterday.

They didn’t go near the city gate. Even if President Ge didn’t really attack the people in Yicheng, the city gate must be controlled by his people. Only in this way, President Ge can immediately know whether Wu Chen and the others are welcoming them.

Wu Chen and the other five are relatively intelligent beings, and this little trick will definitely not be successful.

“Luoxue sense it and see how many people are on the city wall here.” Wu Chen Luo Xue said.

867 “Above the city wall? There’s no one at all.” Luo Xue didn’t need to wait for Wu Chen to ask, she had already sensed the situation on the city wall here.

“No one?” Several people were all stunned.

Although Yicheng had been controlled by the aquatic monsters for a long time, it was not that there were no guards in the city. When they left before, they also sensed some people guarding the city gate.

Wu Chen couldn’t help frowning, “Could it be that this President Ge has really attacked Yicheng?”

The city defense personnel will definitely not leave their posts without authorization easily, even within the territory of a sand country, there will still be the threat of monsters.

“Master, now that no one is near the city wall, why don’t we just go in and check it out. 93

Gera was rather happy, after all, no one would know that they had sneaked into the Yicheng quietly.

Now that they have all been hit here, Wu Chen and the others just want to solve the problem, and it is impossible to be directly frightened by such a situation. Wu Chen just hesitated for a moment, and immediately took Luo Xue, Mao, Guerra and Sun Zhigan across the magic city wall.

When he came to the top of the city wall, Wu Chen took a step to observe the nearby areas in the city.

“Why is it all dark in the city at this time?”

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