Chapter 821

Glapiao knew that now Wu Chen would not easily let others ask him, but Da Lan, as the god bird after the wind, could help him in the air.

Wu Chen didn’t speak either, and charged directly towards President Ge, while the big blue in the air swooped down quickly.

In order to ensure that he would not be shocked by President Ge’s body, Wu Chen did not wait until he was close to him.

Of course, President Ge also knew that after he had injured Gela Piao, Wu Chen and the others would definitely know their abilities, and they did not continue to pretend to be incompetent.

“Come on, come with Laozi and take this kid first.”

Although President Ge himself is not weak, he still hasn’t decided to face Wu Chen’s attack alone.

At this time, the people who were hit by the big blue a little bit have also stabilized their bodies. After hearing the greeting from President Ge, they all rushed towards Wu Chen’s side.

Wu Chen wasn’t afraid of these people, but after they blocked him, it would be difficult for him to pick up 10 people close to President Ge.

President Na Ge is really a bit cunning and cunning. In this case, he still stands behind to watch Wu Chen be besieged by everyone.

As for Wu Chen’s martial arts with Jilai, no matter how large the range is, it would be more difficult to hurt President Ge.

As long as this guy is not restricted enough, it is quite simple to avoid Wu Chen’s range attack.

Even, as long as it wasn’t an overly powerful attack, President Ge didn’t bother to dodge. After Wu Chen’s sword qi approached him, he would immediately be dissipated by the khaki halo that appeared on his body.

From this, it can be seen that the strength of this President Ge’s own cultivation is at least not lower than that of Sun Zhigan, the worst among them.

The most important point is that he really has the protection of the Primordial Earth Bead on his body, otherwise, even the sword qi caused by Wu Chen’s ranged sword skills would not be so easily followed by him.

Wu Chen couldn’t help frowning, and while repelling those who blocked him, President Ge continued to attack.

It seems that he can only kill in front of President Ge, and take the opportunity to control it.

With this idea in mind, Wu Chen intensified his attack and speeded up his attack.

On Wu Chen’s body, there is also a piece of soft armor for self-defense, but he will not completely rely on the soft armor to resist the damage that hits him. No matter how small the attack was, Wu Chen would try his best to dodge.

Only those unavoidable seams use soft armor to withstand blows, but he will avoid any attack that may have a control effect.

Now Wu Chen saw that President Ge actually relied on his possession of the Primordial Earth Bead, and he just asked the earth to face the damage of his range of sword skills, and the number of dodges was not very many, so he immediately took it into consideration.

“Rough fingers and wind palms.”

“A hundred feet tore the river sword.

At the same time, Wu Chen’s attack here began to find more targeted changes, and the big blue diving down from the air was not idle.

When it rushed to the top of Wu Chen’s head, its wings fluttered, and two strong winds suddenly rushed down from both sides of him, blowing those who attacked Wu Chen directly.

Everyone was a little surprised by this scene. After all, it seemed that these two strong winds were not as big as Cai Hai, the room that was burning after it.

But what they didn’t know was that these two winds that didn’t seem to be very strong actually belonged to Da Lan’s fierce attack.

Previously, the wreckage of the burning room was blown away, mainly using a kind of ingenuity, but the strong wind blowing down now is a more targeted attack.

Originally, there were many subordinates who didn’t take Dalan’s two strong winds in their eyes, but this time they were even more embarrassed.

The people around Wu Chen were completely blown away by these two strong winds.

The person closest to Wu Chen has already taken off, and the person who is farther away is also blown by the strong wind, making it difficult to approach.

“Good job, Dalang.

Wu Chen didn’t expect this divine bird after the wind to have such an ability. He thought that when he used the wind, he could only attack everyone. It turned out that it could also use its wings to control different Fang Lu, and choose which people it would attack.

“This flat-haired beast—”

After President Ge saw Da Lan’s performance, he was very angry.

He himself has the protection of the Primordial Earth Pearl, and his strength is not weak, and he is still a long way from Wu Chen. But that doesn’t mean he is safe. Seeing Wu Chen’s previous performance when assisting Grapiao’s attack, he knew that he would not be Wu Chen’s opponent.

Seeing that Wu Chen was killing himself, he naturally wanted to ask others to intercept Wu Chen and try to intercept him halfway.

But what I didn’t expect was that those subordinates only formed the first wave of interceptions on Wu Chen, and then they were all blown away by Da Lan in this way.

How could Wu Chen waste such an opportunity, with his feet a little and his body bent forward, he directly killed President Ge.

In desperation, President Ge had to face Wu Chen in person. Fortunately, there were a few people around him who could give him some help.

Da Lan waited for an opportunity in the air, and wanted to continue to help Wu Chen, but after Wu Chen and President Ge and others were completely together, it did not have such a convenient hooking opportunity.

At this moment, those 867 gangs who were blown away all reacted, and immediately organized people with bows and crossbows to attack Da Lan.

Moreover, many people are capable of volleying. If they want to deal with the big blue thistle hand, they do not necessarily need a weapon like a bow and crossbow. They fly directly to the big blue to deal with it, and there is no problem with consciousness.

All of a sudden, on the ground, Wu Chen, President Ge and others made a mess, and in the air, a big blue bird called the Queen of the Wind and a large number of President Ge’s men called Zhou Zhou.

The entire Huicheng City Lord’s Mansion was extremely lively.

But Luo Xue and Xuan wouldn’t watch Wu Chen and Da Lan being besieged from behind. They handed over Glapiao to Sun Zhigan to take care of and protect them, and they rushed out immediately.

“The sound blade is like a river.”

“The rain is falling.

Both of them have the ability to strike at a very long distance, as well as a wide range of attack effects. Before they could rush to Wu Chen and Da Lan’s side, the sound blade and the hidden weapon had already quickly killed President Ge and President Ge’s men.

While Sun Zhigan supported Glapiao, he carefully observed the situation around Luo Xue and Xuan, and was ready to assist them in their protection at any time.

After all, President Ge still has some subordinates who did not directly join the battle.

Seeing the situation at this time, President Ge finally changed his face, and gradually stepped back from the battle.

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