Chapter 823 Divine Bird after the Wind

After hearing Wu Chen’s words, President Ge burst into laughter.

“Boy, don’t you know who you are talking to? Are you still trying to teach Laozi a lesson?”

“To tell you the truth, there’s nothing wrong with what Glapiao said. Laozi just wanted to accept all of them together with the spirit beads. What do you plan to do?”

President Ge’s face already showed a completely undisguised greed.

Judging from his appearance, he wanted to use the control of the people of the city to coerce Wu Chen and the others into throwing their hats, so they had to surrender.

And now, Wu Chen and the others finally understood. It turned out that President Ge completely controlled the people of Huicheng in the environment of the earth element made by Hunyuan earth beads. lights.

When Wu Chen and the others came here for the first time, Eye City was in the water element environment of rippling water beads, and it was the same situation.

Luo Xue, Xuan and Glapiao became extremely angry when they heard President Ge’s words.

This is simply provocation of their dignity, if he hadn’t now known that the Yicheng people were in his hands, I’m afraid Luo Xue and Xuan would have already started and killed the Quartet.

“Wu Chen, are you sure?” Luo Xue suddenly asked Wu Chen to persuade him.

Obviously, Luo Xue would never believe that Wu Chen would agree to President Ge’s request because of this matter.

Not to mention the relationship between Wu Chen and Luo Xue, even the friendship with Xuan and Glapiao would not make Wu Chen abandon them.

Luo Xue asked Wu Chen if he was sure, because there was only one purpose, and that was to attack President Ge.

But if you want to do something to President Ge, President Ge will definitely hurt the people of Yicheng who are in the earth element environment.

This certainty is whether Wu Chen can restrain or kill this bastard before President Ge hurts the people of Yicheng.

Xuan, Ge, and Sun Zhiqian all set their sights on Wu Chen.

Wu Chen looked at President Ge who was in front of him, holding the Primordial Earth Bead in his hand, and couldn’t help showing a sneer.

“If you want to get rid of him, you don’t need any assurance at all, and you don’t even need to prepare.

President Ge’s eyes widened immediately, he held the Hunyuan Earth Bead tightly, and yelled at Wu Chen: “Wu Chen, don’t you know that as long as I destroy this Hunyuan Earth Bead, then the In that environment, the people of Yicheng would all die.

He knew that he really had no chance of winning against a powerhouse like Wu Chen.

It is precisely because of this that President Ge wants to threaten Wu Chen with the people of Yicheng in order to get the three girls.

But he didn’t expect that Wu Chen would say something like that at this time. He thought that Wu Chen didn’t know what the current situation was, so he followed Wu Chen to explain it.

However, Wu Chen still had a sneer on his face and said to him: “I know, but I want to ask you now if there is a chance to destroy this Primordial Earth Bead.

“Also, if you put down the Primordial Earth Pearl now and take the initiative to admit defeat, I can spare your life.”

“But if you go your own way and want to destroy the Primordial Soil Pearl now, I’m sorry, you will probably die in the next moment.”


After President Ge heard Wu Chen’s words, he immediately burst into laughter, but his hand holding the Hunyuan Tuzhu became tighter and tighter.

He looked at Wu Chen grimly, and said, “Boy, are you trying to gamble with the lives of Yicheng people?”

Wu Chen was not talking to President Ge, but just pointed the long sword in his hand at him.

Luo Xue, Yu, and Sun Zhiqian in the back were all ready, and even Gera had the idea of ​​​​doing it, but it was a pity that she would feel pain if she was lucky, so she had to stand there to protect herself.

Seeing Wu Chen’s performance and other people’s postures, President Ge knew that it was impossible for him to use threats to occupy these three girls and the spiritual beads on her (babc) bodies. what to do.

“Good one!” President Ge stopped his laughter and said with an extremely gloomy expression.

“Then I’ll show you now how the people of this city died in front of you.

After speaking, this guy immediately wanted to grab the Primordial Earth Orb with his other hand, intending to destroy the Spirit Orb.

The environmental state of the earth element is created by this primordial earth bead, so before all the people in Huicheng are restored to their normal state, if this primal earth bead is destroyed, the environmental state will collapse directly , everything will be annihilated.

After seeing President Ge’s actions, Luo Xue, Xuan, Ge, and Sun Zhigan all narrowed their eyes slightly.

But Wu Chen didn’t feel nervous at all, and still just pointed at President Ge with the long sword in his hand.

Just when President Ge’s hand was about to touch the Primordial Earth Orb and use the aura of both hands to destroy the Spirit Orb.

A huge shadow shrouded President Ge’s head.

He was startled suddenly, as if he had thought of something, and when he was about to dodge, it was too late.

A pair of huge claws caught on President Ge’s arms with great precision. Only two “clicks” were heard, and President Ge’s arms immediately bent down in a strange posture, but they did not completely break.

However, the Primordial Earth Bead in his hand rolled down at this moment.

Wu Chen’s figure flickered for a while, as if he had started, but he still didn’t move, but he left his hand-painted behind.

“Brother Sun then, hand over the Hunyuan Earth Pearl to you and absorb it head-on.

By this time, even the divine bird after the wind had already re-flyed into the night sky and disappeared, and President Ge fell to the ground and let out a terrifying cry.

Luo Xue, Hexuan, Glapiao, and Sun Zhiqian did not expect that Wu Chen would only catch the Hunyuan Earth Bead with his hands.

As for the task of hooking President Ge, it was completely completed by Da Lan who had already ignored them.

In fact, Da Lan’s blow itself has already been deviated. If it is directly caught on the head of President Ge, I am afraid that President Ge will not have time to scream there now.

Those of President Ge’s subordinates who had reacted, all moved around, and Wu Chen and the others rushed over together.

“Sound like a river.”

“The rain is falling.

“Heavy load.

“The rain hits the bananas.

Although there are a lot of these people, in the eyes of Wu Chen and the others, they are really not valued. Let them kill them, but Wu Chen and others directly chose to fight back. In an instant, no one could get close to them.

“Kill one by one and kill them for me—”

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