Chapter 841 Is the Palace of the Gods gone?

Perhaps many people feel that the so-called entering the temples of the gods, and comprehending and accepting the gifts of the gods in the temples, there is no district police.

But in fact, when Yun Rui asked this sentence, he already gave Wu Chen and the others an answer, which was completely different.

In fact, it should be said that this is relatively easy to accept, but Wu Chen and others were most shocked by the conditions that Yun Rui said was hooked to the Temple of the Gods.

Everyone needs an assistant that can be called an artifact, which is simply tantamount to despair.

In such a long time, only Wu Chen had an artifact on his body. If it wasn’t for the fact that he wanted to fully activate this artifact and possess divine power, I’m afraid he wouldn’t even think about entering the temples.

But now, Luo Xue, Xuan, Sun Zhiqian and Glatou all need to have an artifact, and then they can go to the temples of the gods.

Such harsh conditions are obviously difficult to achieve, not because their strength does not allow it, but because they simply don’t know where to go to get the divine weapon.

The artifact that Wu 10chen got was what he, Luo Xue and Juxing Shenmo, who went to the Sea of ​​Despair, got it under the test of life and death.

“Does everyone really have to have an artifact to get around in order to break through the Palace of Gods?” Wu Chen asked with a frown.

Yun Rui nodded, “Wu Chen, I know you think that the strength of the five of you has reached the peak and is no worse than anyone else. However, you don’t know the situation inside the Palace of Gods.”

“Although I don’t know, but after all, the external situation is very clear. I am not used to you young people now. After all, it is always good to have goals and work hard.”

“But I only have one request, that is, please protect my daughter, and I will hand her over to you one by one.

“Mother-one-one” Gera didn’t expect that at this time, his mother would say enough things to Wu Chen.

She suddenly looked very shy, and her handsome face became rosy.

“Silly girl, do you really think I can’t tell, what kind of thoughts do you have for this so-called master?”

Yun Rui sighed, “However, I also know Wu Chen, you seem to have a very good relationship with this girl Luo Xue, right. 99

Wu Chen and Luo Xue suddenly looked at each other, their expressions were somewhat unnatural, but they still held hands together.

Certain things cannot be concealed from Yun Ci. You are someone from the past. Although there has not been much Grape Cloud Mansion for so many years, she still has a good eye after all.

“Well, I’m not forcing anything, it’s still the same sentence, take good care of my daughter, and I don’t want to ask more about how the relationship between you will develop.

“But you have to remember that if you accept it, you are responsible, understand, lad?”

Hearing Yun Rui’s words, Wu Chen involuntarily frowned, but nodded anyway.

“I understand, Aunt Yunci. Don’t worry, even now, I will be responsible for Sister Ge and ensure her safety.

The words have already been said for this sake. In fact, how Wu Chen chooses, whether it is Yun Rui or Gera, is naturally clear. But this is just Wu Chen’s choice, but it doesn’t affect Gera Piao.

After Wu Chen and the other five explained things about the Palace of Gods and Wanling Yunchuan, Yun Rui did not stay any longer.

She smiled at Gera: “Okay, now what you are going to do when you are young is up to your heart. 9

“I heard that in Baihuo City, your father’s property is going to be taken away? Ah, don’t ask his wife if she agrees. 33

After speaking, Yun Rui took several of Yun’s senior figures and set off directly from outside the city of Wanlingyun City, in the direction of Baihuo City.

“Mother, you have to be careful.” Glapiao shouted to Yun and the others.

Yun Rui didn’t look back from the front, just raised her arm and shook it a few times, and shouted to this side: “Don’t worry, your mother is also a peerless powerhouse on the wall between the two beads, you still have a long way to go. Can catch up as a mother.

“What? Aunt Yunci turned out to be a strong man on the wall of the Shuangzhu Pavilion?”

After hearing this, the police said that Wu Chen, Luo Xue, Xuan and Sun Zhiqian were four, and even Gera himself was stunned.

Gera murmured a little: “I don’t know what happened to that one-by-one, when did she absorb another elemental spirit bead in addition to Huabi Jinzhu?

Well, even the daughter, Gera, doesn’t know, and the others don’t even know.

But Wu Chen and the others know one thing, that is, those old brothers who go to you are probably going to regret their bowels.

Luo Xue, Xuan, Sun Zhiqian and Glatou only absorbed one Spirit Orb each, and their strength and cultivation had reached the peak close to that of ordinary people.

One can imagine how high Yun Rui’s status in Yun Rui used to be.

It’s no wonder why 70 or 80% of the people who came to express condolences and attend the funeral of Mrs. Yun came to Yun Rui.

Such a powerful Shuangzhu Pavilion Bi powerhouse is said to be in Wanlingyun City, even if there are many in the entire continent, there may be only a handful of existences.

As a result, Yun You’s people have squeezed Yun Rui away with their own hands, and took away many of Yun’s veterans.

There is such a person who goes to Baihuo City to receive Gera’s father’s property, what is there to worry about.

Even now, if Glapiao chooses to return to Baihuo City together, even if President Ge is still alive, there is no need for Wu Chen and the others to worry.

However, looking at the 883 wraps, Gerakan had no intention of chasing after him. Obviously, he still chose to continue to go to the Palace of the Gods with Wu Chen and others. After all, no matter how strong Yun Rui is, it is only her mother’s ability.

As Yun Rui said, the current Gera is still far from her mother.

Grapiao’s eyes suddenly became firm, and he turned to Wu Chen and said, “Master, let’s go to the Palace of Gods now.

Wu Chen shook his head with a wry smile, “Sister Ge, how many times have I said it, you better not call me master.”

“Hey, when I call the master, I will never face my inner feelings for you. Otherwise, I would like to call you dear, but I don’t know if Sister Luo Xue will answer. 9)

Good guy, the change in her name is really a bit too big, and she almost killed Wu Chen directly.

Especially Luo Xue smiled and nodded in agreement, “Of course I won’t refuse, or else you call and listen, I’m also curious, what kind of reaction Wu Chen will have.

“Forget it, this title should be reserved for the guy who really wants to be my man in the future.”

Glapiao gave Wu Chen a sad look, and said, “Now, let Sister Luo Xue call her master that way.”

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