Chapter 853

Xuan patted Sun Zhi next to him, and smiled at him: “Why are you still dumbfounded, sister Ge took the initiative to tell you to confess.

“This one one one this—” Sun Zhigan stammered a little, he didn’t expect to say such a thing at this time.

When Gera saw that he was in this state, he was a little angry.

“If you don’t like me, just tell me directly, it’s not like this girl can’t find anyone else to ask for it. 99

“No, sister Ge, listen to me, in fact, of course I like you too.”

No matter how slow Sun Zhiqian is, he has already reached this time. If he doesn’t know how to seize the opportunity, he is not a fool.

He didn’t care whether Gera really couldn’t get love from Wu Chen, and chose himself. In short, the main Glapiu is not deceiving himself.

However, looking at Glapiao’s blushing face, Sun Zhigan knew that she was definitely not joking with herself.

Just when Wu Chen, Luo Xue and Xuan were going to see what would be said between Sun Zhiqian and Gera, they suddenly heard the woman suddenly thank them.

“Thank you, thank you—”

The five of them turned around to look at the 900-strong woman, and found that she was kneeling beside her son, and they kowtowed.

Luo Xue hurried over and helped her up.

“Auntie, don’t do this, we don’t need to thank you.”

“No, I must thank you,” the woman said. “Hey, you don’t know, I thought my son would be completely helpless.”

“If he falls into a demon because of this, I will be the first to make him a ghost under the sword. Unexpectedly, you helped him get rid of the demon sword.

The magic sword “?” Luo Xue was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Wu Chen here.

Wu Chen was also a little confused. He looked at the three people around him, Xuan He Ge, and Sun Zhigan, but they were also confused.

“Don’t worry, let’s talk slowly first, what the hell is going on.

After the woman finally told all the facts, Wu Chen and the others really didn’t know what to say.

It turned out that this sword is indeed a magic weapon. But it was an uncontrolled situation in the early years because of the killing. In the end, he was sealed within the Golden Stone Domain by his previous sword master.

The reason why Zhou and your people were able to enter the Golden Stone Domain is because the previous sword master was yours.

Those who have explained it to Zhou can enter the Golden Stone Domain to investigate the situation of the Divine Weapon. But if the hostile energy on the divine weapon does not dissipate, it cannot be used by anyone, even if it is a question of attributes.

But in recent years, Zhou has been hit hard by the matter of Jinshiyu Divine Armament, and gradually withered.

If there is no better improvement, I am afraid that Zhou will be completely kicked out from the state of the upper-class family.

Therefore, the current master of Zhou thought of a way to find someone to try to obtain the magic weapon, although the hostility on the magic weapon has not completely dissipated.

However, he also inquired that if he could not eliminate the evil spirit of the divine soldier, he could directly demonize the divine soldier.

As for the process of demonization, it has obviously been seen by everyone now, that is, increasing the suffocation on the magic weapon, making it gradually and completely lose the attributes of the magic weapon, thus becoming a magic weapon.

That’s why this woman just said it was a magic sword.

Wu Chen looked at the magic weapon that fell on the ground, and said: “The hostility on the sword has indeed increased a lot, but it is easier said than done to turn the magic weapon into a magic weapon.

“It is said that there are so many killings now, even if it is ten times and a hundred times, it may not be able to become a magic weapon.

“You must know that the real magic weapon is even stronger than the magic weapon. The reason is that the formation conditions of the magic weapon are more severe, and it is accompanied by extremely large slaughter and blood.

Xuan said helplessly: “Anyway, this magic weapon is a bit of a waste now (babc).”

Sun Zhiqian asked: “Isn’t there a better way to get rid of the hostility in the magic weapon?

“There are ways, but they don’t necessarily work, and the conditions are equally harsh.” Wu Chen told them. “So, it’s better for us to give up this magic weapon, so as not to be like this brother. 11

The reason why the woman thanked Wu Chen and the others was actually only one, and that was that they did not kill her son just now.

At this time, after explaining all this, her son finally woke up a little, and he didn’t know everything.

His face was dazed, and because he used a divine weapon with a body without a foundation of cultivation, he was extremely weak at the moment.

Wu Chen sighed and said to him and the woman: “You’d better get out of here as soon as possible, and don’t go to Wanlingyun City again. The farther you go, the better, and don’t let people recognize you. 33

At this moment, the illegitimate son of the Zhou family, who has lost the control of the magic weapon, cannot make Wu Chen and the others think of killing him.

What’s more, his mother is still watching over him here.

Fundamentally speaking, this matter is actually Zhou’s problem. The mother and son have always been victims.

They were very grateful to Wu Chen and others, so they slowly left here step by step and walked towards the other direction of the Golden Stone Domain.

After watching them leave here, Gera fluttered to the magic weapon and said, “Master, what are you going to do with it?

“Sister Ge, if you really plan to be with Brother Sun, don’t call me Master again, Brother Chen.

Good guy, Sun Zhigan was called their brother, but Grapiao called him master.

Unless Gera is just joking with Sun Zhigan, otherwise, the title is a little too confusing.

Glady’s face was blushing again, and he looked at Sun Zhigan over there, who called Wu Chen “Brother Chen”

This sound is called Diaokou, but it has two meanings.

One is that she admitted that she really liked Sun Zhigan and planned to get along with him seriously. The second is to show that she finally no longer continues to pretend to be a servant in front of Wu Chen.

Although Wu Chen has never regarded her as a slave, but Gera is more stubborn, and now it has finally changed.

But after this matter is finished, what they need to deal with now is the magic weapon on the ground in front of them.

It stands to reason that even if it is a magic weapon with a hostile spirit, it is quite a powerful thing. As long as it can suppress the popular spirit, or eliminate the hostile spirit, it can be used normally.

But now the hostility of this magic weapon has increased a lot, so that Wu Chen and the others are not very sure that they can temporarily suppress it.

“No, it’s better to bury it and become a disaster for the world.”

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