Chapter 858 Unbearable

Obviously, if everything depends on the older generation to lead the way, how can you go out of your own way.

Gera Piao nodded, “I also know this truth, but like now, when will we be able to find the three magic weapons. What’s more, even if we find it, it may not be appropriate to ask us if we are not.”

Although there are no restrictions on the attributes of each person, the weapons used by each person are different.

It is even more difficult to find a magic weapon that is the same as the weapon that he has cultivated for many years.

“Didn’t Xiaoyu find another baby, let’s go and see now,” Luo Xue is now the only one who remains excited after receiving the news of Jinyu Mouse.

“How far is this time, and what is it?” Wu Chen asked her.

Luo Xue frowned, “Xiaoyu can’t tell, although the effect of induction is not very strong, but this thing is completely different from the ones we found a few days ago.

“Oh, that might be something new, let’s check it out.

Xuan was also a little moved. After all, they found a lot of things in the past few days, but none of them were magic weapons.


Now that it’s something different, it’s really possible.

Glapiao and Sun Zhigan were all interested, and asked Luo Xue and Jin Yushu to lead the way.

The five of them followed Jinyu Mouse forward, not too slow, and soon came to the foot of a very high mountain.

“Xiaoyu said that the thing is behind this mountain, and we need to turn over it.”

Luo Xue looked at the height of the mountain, stuck out her tongue and continued, “How about we go around?”

This mountain is the highest mountain they have seen in the range they have walked in the past few days. If you really want to turn over on the top of the mountain, it is not impossible, but obviously it will also be a little dangerous.

A large piece of snow has already appeared on the top of the mountain, indicating that the height of the mountain has exceeded a certain limit.

“Forget it, it’s not that we have no way to get there, or it’s faster to climb the mountain directly.” Gera Piao is not worried about this, but hopes to see the treasure on the other side of the mountain as soon as possible.

If they are really magic soldiers, what should they do if they make a detour and go late and are snatched away by someone (babc).

Wu Chen, Xuan, and Sun Zhiqian all agreed with Glapiao’s suggestion, and Luo Xue had to take Da directly up the mountain.

The hillside was not too steep, and when they went up the hill, it was relatively stable. But as the climb continued, the temperature became lower and lower, and the last few people had to change into heavy clothes.

Although it is said that practitioners themselves are not too afraid of severe cold, it is necessary to see what the situation is.

The top of this mountain is still high above the snow line. After getting here, it is not just the temperature that will be affected.

“It’s strange, how come there is such a big snow mountain on the edge of Wanling Yunchuan?”

Sun Zhiqian asked: “Is this mountain range a little too long, and it’s impossible to see the end just by visual inspection.

Sure enough, they have all reached the snow peak now, but from here, along the sides of this tall mountain range, there is no greenery except for the snow peak that is farther away.

Not only that, they looked back at the range they had already walked, and found that this mountain was at least three or four times higher than the tallest mountain over there.

“The mountain has risen suddenly, and the environment is relatively extreme. It seems that we may be entering the inner area of ​​Wanling Yunchuan.”

Wu Chen quickly gave the answer. Starting from this unseen mountain range, it was obvious that the edge range of Wanling Yunchuan was isolated from the inner area.

Although this could not be done by human beings, Wu Chen and the others felt very shocked by such a strong regional division.

“I hope that after we cross this mountain, it won’t be like this all over there.” Yi said with a little worry.

Wu Chen shook his head and said, “That shouldn’t be possible, but the elevation of the overall area definitely exists.”

The high mountains in this divided area have already reached this level, so even if the terrain on the other side is to ease, it must be much higher than the edge area of ​​Wanlingyunchuan as a whole.

Grapiao suddenly asked Wu Chen, “Brother Chen, the closer we get to the Palace of the Gods, the higher the terrain, right?”

“It’s useless to think so much now, let’s quickly cross this mountain and see what that special treasure Xiaoyu found. 99

Wu Chen didn’t want to waste time on this topic, because no matter what, they needed to go inside.

Since this is the case, why should you care about the height of the terrain.

In order to obtain their own breakthrough and strength, it is obvious that no matter how high, big and difficult the front foot is, they will not choose to give up, but will work hard to overcome and defeat the foot.

The five people did not dare to stay on this snowy peak, and all of them swept directly towards the top of the mountain.

However, when they reached the top of the mountain, when they looked behind the mountain, they couldn’t help but be shocked.

But behind this high mountain, it is actually a huge mountain in a closed state, surrounded by towering peaks. At the same time, there is a city of ice and snow in Wanling Yunchuan, which has always been rumored to have no human living area.

“How can there be a city here?”

Looking at the city completely covered with ice and snow, Sun Zhigan asked in astonishment.

But even Wu Chen and the others couldn’t answer this question.

“Xiaoyu, isn’t the breath of the treasure you found in this city of ice and snow?”

Luo Xue hurriedly called Xiaoyu and asked her questions.

Jin Yushu was shivering from the cold, feeling unbearable with only one head exposed, but still answered Luo Xue.

After Jin Yushu returned to the storage bag, Wu Chen asked Luo Xue, “How is it, what does Xiaoyu say?

“That baby’s breath is indeed here, but it’s probably a little difficult for us to find that baby here.” Luo Xue said with a frown. “It’s really cold here.”

In fact, the five of them have already noticed that, with their strength, they can actually feel the cold.

Undoubtedly, the area itself is problematic.

Coupled with the sight of an ice and snow city in front of him, it was even more surprising.

However, Wu Chen didn’t choose to back down and said to them: “Since Xiaoyu said that this place is precious, then we can’t miss it. If there is a magic weapon here, wouldn’t it be regrettable for the rest of my life.

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