Chapter 870 Endless Thunder Prison

After hearing Luo Xue’s words, Xuan, Ge, and Sun Zhiqian all looked at Wu Chen in surprise.

“Yeah, I feel that the improvement of this cultivation base is simply too much.” Xuan shook his head and said.

Glapiao frowned, “It seems that there is no additional bonus effect from the Spirit Orb at all, it’s just equivalent to absorbing the energy of the Spirit Orb. 22

“That’s right, at least compared to the improvement effect of our cultivation base, it is exactly what Sister Ge said.” Sun Zhiqian also said.

Wu Chen hurriedly smiled and said, “You may remember it wrong. In fact, my improvement is not small now.”

“No, no, how could there be so much difference?” Luo Xue still pulled his arm and said, “Wu Chen, tell us the truth, did you encounter any trouble when absorbing the floating lightning beads? “”Nine Zero Zero”

Obviously, Luo Xue felt that Wu Chen must not be able to fully absorb the energy of the Leizhu, and this kind of performance will continue.

However, although Wu Chen knew that it was caused by his lack of attributes, he had no way to tell them directly.

Under Luo Xue’s insistent questioning, in the end Wu Chen had no choice but to say to them: “Okay, I’ll confess. Actually, Youdian Leizhu and my body attributes are not related to each other.”

“Ah?” The four of them were all taken aback and their expressions changed drastically.

“What are you kidding?” Sun Zhigan said with a frown, “Brother Chen, you don’t know that absorbing the spirit beads of different attributes says that there is no way to get the best improvement, and there is even a danger of being backlashed. 33

Luo Xue even smashed his fist directly on his body.

“Are you–are you crazy? What should I do if something happens to you?

Wu Chen hurriedly grabbed Luo Xue’s little hand in his own, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, “Listen to me.”

Immediately, he was not concealing his attributes, and completely explained it to all of them.

“No attribute? Oh my God, what a strange attribute state.” Glapiao’s red lips were startled.

Xuan Ye was also a little stunned, “Without attributes, that doesn’t mean Brother Chen can actually absorb any kind of Spirit Orb.”

Luo Xue immediately waited for him and said: “Okay, it turns out that you have been lying to us all the time, saying that those spirit beads don’t ask about your attributes, it’s simply fake, and you just want us to absorb them.

“Hey, it’s not for outsiders, they’re friends anyway.” Wu Chen smiled shyly.

“But then again, Brother Chen’s doing this will help us all.” Xuan smiled, “It’s just that if you get the Spirit Orb in the future, Brother Chen can’t be more humble.”

Wu Chen nodded and said to them: “It must be, anyway, there is no way for you to absorb the spirit beads again. 9

Most of the ontology attributes of each person are in a single state, that is, each person has only one attribute, so naturally there is also one kind of interrogation attribute spiritual beads that can be absorbed.

In this case, the number of Spirit Orbs that each person can absorb is only one.

Although theoretically speaking, the number of times this kind of absorption of spiritual beads is not limited, it obviously puts a great burden on the body of the absorber. If you don’t have a strong enough physique, forcibly absorbing the second one will cause great physical damage.

Therefore, from this point of view, even if Wu Chen, a guy with no attributes, wants to absorb the second Spirit Orb, it is quite dangerous, unless he can ensure that his physique is strengthened.

Although they had finished talking about this matter, Luo Xue and the others still did not let Wu Chen go.

“Okay, now that you know what’s going on, then you can show us your Lightning Beads.

Wu Chen was suddenly depressed, “I don’t need this, I know that I haven’t gotten such a big improvement in my cultivation.”

Luo Xue said angrily: “How can it be done? The more it looks like this, the more you should show us a detour. Otherwise, how do we know if you have really absorbed Yudian Leizhu? completely.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I’ll show you guys. Still, keep your distance. 39

Luo Xue, Hexuan, Glatou, and Sun Zhiqian didn’t care at all, and immediately left Wu Chen’s side.

Wu Chen didn’t want to show it, mainly because he didn’t want to show off his abilities and didn’t want to waste his spiritual energy. But since their first-level request, Wu Chen couldn’t beat Luo Xue, so he had to agree.0

“The Thunder Prison is intertwined.

After he shouted violently, he saw a flash of lightning rapidly spreading around him. Immediately afterwards, these lightning flashes were indistinguishable, quickly forming a lightning area with a height of several hundred meters.

In this area of ​​lightning, the huge lightning formed a very destructive offensive, and all the trees and rocks covered in it were completely turned into powder in almost an instant.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xue, Ding Deng, Gera, and Sun Zhigan were all stunned.

“My God, if someone was inside, wouldn’t they be stunned by the lightning?”

Xuan smiled bitterly, “It’s more than Mazu’er, I’m afraid I can’t even see the bones. You know, the thunder attribute can almost be judged as the attribute with the strongest attack power, not to mention the martial skill that Brother Chen uses Jilai. ”

“No, then this is a little too strong.” Luo Xue shook her head and said, “Let’s go, let’s ask.

She immediately noticed that something was wrong, and after Wu Chen had collected all the thunder and lightning, she went directly to him.

“Wu Chen, hurry up and tell us if there is something wrong with your Thunderball. Otherwise, you won’t be able to ask about the Thunderbolt attribute, how could it have such a powerful power.”

Hearing what Luo Xue said in 1.2, Xuan, Glatou and Sun Zhiqian suddenly realized.

If you want to use attribute martial skills or magic spells to exert great power, it is obviously not only because of your own strength, but also has a lot to do with the strength of the spiritual beads absorbed, as well as the bonuses of different attributes.

Now Wu Chen’s performance of Yunlai’s thunder and lightning power is undoubtedly a little too strong, not like what he should show.

Wu Chen nodded, “That’s right, there is indeed a small circumstance, that is, the floating lightning ball that I absorbed happened to be overflowing.

Only then did the four of them understand that the Spirit Orb in the overflowing state was absorbed and naturally could exert more power.

“I hate it, when can we get an overflowing Spirit Orb to absorb it?”

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