Chapter 874 The body of the python

The tree stalks that fell on the ground twisted, making people look like thin snakes, and it was very uncomfortable to look at.

As for that sword qi, it didn’t stop immediately after cutting off these tree stalks, but continued to cut ahead.

Several big trees fell down one after another under the sword qi’s overwhelming momentum.

Seeing this effect, Luo Xue said to Wu Chen and the others with a smile: “How about, this kind of magic weapon is the coolest, and it directly knocks down the opponent.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Chen, who was behind, suddenly raised the divine artifact staff to a height.

In an instant, the colored protective energy layer quickly appeared beside the five of them.

At the same time, at the moment when the energy layer just appeared, he could not help but tremble a few times, and the luster also dimmed a lot.

Xuan, Ge, Sun Zhiqian, and Luo Xue were all surprised for a while, only to see that there were no less than dozens of tree stalks lying around.

Wu Chen’s protective energy layer was almost directly breached because of so many attacks.

“Luoxue, don’t be distracted, sense the location of the tree demon’s body. If we don’t kill this guy, we won’t be able to leave at all.”

They can attack them with so many tree stalks anytime, anywhere, and it is conceivable that their current situation is very bad.

If you want to get rid of this tree demon’s attack now, you must either leave the area as soon as possible, or kill the tree demon.

But judging from the quiet state of the opponent when they cast the tree, it is not so easy to escape, and because they did not notice it before, they may have already entered the central area of ​​the tree demon.

Luo Xue’s face changed suddenly, she also knew that she was a little carried away just now.

If it weren’t for the protection of the divine weapon and staff in Wu Chen’s hands, I’m afraid even Sun Zhiqian’s “Heavy Sky” would not be able to withstand such a blow, and it would definitely cause several people to be severely injured again.

“Okay, leave it to me, I will find this guy and kill him.”

Luo Xue immediately unfolded her perception ability, and quickly followed the direction of the rhythm of these tree strips to track the location of the tree demon body.

After calming down a little, Xuan Ze immediately said to Wu Chen: “Brother Chen, you can actually track down this tree demon.

“Oh? My perception ability is not as strong as Luo Xue’s.

“No no.” Glapiao also seemed to think of something, “It’s not the perception ability, but the power of thunder and lightning in you, Brother Chen.”

Wu Chen was stunned, “The power of lightning?”

He also quickly understood the meaning of Xuan, you must know that the tree itself is a thing that can conduct electricity.

Why do we remind everyone not to stand under trees to avoid the rain when there is a thunderstorm?

It is precisely because of this principle that trees become conductors of electric current, which will cause great harm to people and creatures around the trees.

“I really didn’t think of this, thank you sister Yi’er for reminding me.” Wu Chen immediately became happy.

The divine artifact staff in his left hand continued to maintain the protective energy layer, and when he unfolded his right hand, a strong lightning force flashed between his five fingers.

“Hey, let’s see if these trees can withstand my power of lightning.

Soon, Wu Chen immediately released the power of thunder and lightning in his hands.

After the power of thunder and lightning was attached to those tree stalks, it immediately caused those tree stalks to be hooked for a short period of paralysis.

Immediately afterwards, the power of these lightning bolts will immediately walk along these tree stalks, following the position where the body tree demon is located.

It seems that the tree demon felt the influence of the power of thunder and lightning, and at the same time, all the tree stalks were recovered.

Wu Chen sneered, “I didn’t know your situation before, can I still let you run away now? The power of lightning, go ahead and find it out for me.

He raised his hand directly, and simply let go of the power of thunder and lightning, and let the power of thunder and lightning follow the tree stalks by himself.

At this time, Luo Xue obviously hadn’t found the real body of the tree demon. After all, the opponent’s strength was not weak, otherwise, they would not have been able to pose such a threat to Wu Chen and the others.

Wu Chen immediately jumped into the air and said to the others: “Quick, follow the direction of the power of thunder and lightning, and directly catch up with it.”

At this time, since all the trees have been removed, they don’t need to worry about being dragged on their legs again. Therefore, the five people immediately chased after the bright lightning flashes.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Although the tree demon was not slow to retract the tree stalks, but with the power of thunder and lightning attached, it could not use five people at all.

It didn’t take long for Wu Chen and the others to chase the power of thunder and lightning, and they saw a huge low tree appear in front of them.

What is the name of this tree, Wu Chen and the others can’t see enough. But the appearance of this tree is quite disgusting.

I saw that the crown of this tree was not more than a dozen meters in height, but it stretched around dozens of meters in width.

On its canopy, there are all kinds of stalks everywhere, and each stalk looks like a thin snake.

The most important thing is that this guy’s trunk also looks like a snake’s body, but because it is too low, it seems that there is only a severed body of a giant python.

“My God, what kind of tree is this? That smell is hooked from this guy, and it smells bigger here.

Glapiao said in surprise: “Why does it all seem to have something to do with snakes?”

Luo Xue frowned, and then they said: “I remember, I seem to have heard a legend of a dark snake vine, could it be related to this guy?

Wu Chen and the others have all heard of the legend of the dark snake vine.

It is said that there is a very special kind of snake, they will all live together in their own groups. As the population continues to grow, a vine-like state similar to a tree is formed.

“In terms of form, it is more like a dark snake vine. But according to legend, snakes are composed of vines, but this is completely a tree demon or a vine spirit. Apart from looking like a snake, it is similar to snakes. But it doesn’t matter.”

After taking a dignified observation, Wu Chen said, “However, let’s treat it as a dark snake vine for the time being. After all, the legend may not be accurate, maybe it was just made up with this kind of thing.”

Xuan gave a wry smile, “We can talk about it as anything, but the question is what method do we need to use now to kill this huge dark snake vine?” Ding,

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