Chapter 879

This time, Wu Chen, Mao, Sun Zhiqian, and Luo Xue were all stunned. They didn’t expect that there would be so many good things within the range of Dark Snake Vine.

Although these things can only be regarded as icing on the cake for them now, but no one will dislike too many treasures.

Luo Xue didn’t clean up these things at all, but just hugged Jinyu Mouse for a while and kneaded the fluffy fur.

“Wow, our Xiaoyu is really powerful, it is estimated that all the treasures in the dark snake vine have been searched.

On the other hand, Wu Chen was rude. He handed the spirit stones to Xuan, Glapiao and Sun Zhiqian according to their different attributes.

The rest is collected by myself, anyway, Luo Xue can use it and give it to her.

“According to the state of Xiaoyu’s search, then there must be no good things here. He smiled.

Gera just finished absorbing the wood-type elixir, and unexpectedly got a few wood-type spiritual stones. He was really looking out, “Looks like, we must let our Xiaoyu look for treasures outside in the future. 33

There is such a benefit in ~, who can not like it.

However, after a few people packed everything up, they didn’t stay here forever.

Judging from the situation on the Wanling Yunchuan map, they had not yet gone far before they encountered this dark snake vine. In order to get to the first marked location as quickly as possible, they had to speed up – detour.

Although these other good things are equally pleasing, their current main goal is the magic weapon.

Wu Chen and the others couldn’t enter the Palace of Gods until they found the magic weapon that everyone used.

Jin Yushu did not return to Luo Xue’s storage space, because it continued to lead Wu Chen and the others, and of course continued to find treasures that might be encountered along the way.

It’s just that after they have killed the dark snake vines here, because of the dark snake vines, they can all move forward easily for a long time and within a large range, without worrying about any danger.

Speaking of which, this dark snake vine is actually a plant monster, and its abilities are not as weak as Wu Chen and the others have seen.

First of all, the attack of the stalks of the dark snake vine can extend to a long distance, which can already kill what it wants to hunt in a very far place.

Secondly, that is, the protection ability of this dark snake vine tree demon is very strong.

Just imagine that only Luo Xue’s Divine Weapon Sword Ji can break through its protective layer of black light, how strong the protective ability must be.

So, in fact, Wu Chen and the other five people completely occupied the effect of the attribute, and the tyranny of the magic weapon, and then successfully killed the dark snake vine.

Because of its own strength, the dark snake vine is very tyrannical, so the scope it occupies is not small.

The Jinyu Mouse ran out for so long before and collected all the treasures, which explains all of this. You must know that the speed of the Jinyu Mouse is not slow.

Under such circumstances, now that they continue to move forward, there is a considerable distance, and they are still within the sphere of influence of the dark snake vine, and they are not worried that other monsters will be hooked.

After the five of them followed Jinyu Mouse out of this area, they were not able to be cautious for a while.

Until Jin Yushu reminded them, and the monsters began to appear in front of them, Wu Chen and others were shocked.

“My God, this state is not very good, next time you have to remember, you must not be so slack.

While Wu Chen was on guard, he hurriedly made a review and reminded others.

Everyone nodded their heads, after all, they did not pay much attention to this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Jinyu Mouse is more cautious, although it may have something to do with Jinyu Mouse being timid, but it also reminded them.

If the rhyme here is similar to the dark snake vine again, or a monster more powerful than the dark snake vine, then the five of them are likely to have encountered danger or even harm now.

This is a very serious problem that must not be taken lightly.

“Wu Chen, hurry up and admit your mistake, because you almost broke into the monster’s lair without notifying you in advance.

Luo Xue immediately pointed out his “mistake” to Wu Chen.

Wu Chen said dumbfoundedly: “Okay, I’m the captain, I admit my mistake. Why don’t we change the captain, Luo Xue, what would you like to be this captain?”

“Cut, I will never be the captain. If I find a problem, I will be complained by the team members.” Luo Xue slyly refused directly.

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Who of us dares to complain about you, doesn’t this save you from complaining about me later.” Wu Chen said with a smile.

Luo Xue said with a wicked smile: “Then you are wrong. If I were the captain, I would still reprimand you, the team member, for what to eat and not to observe the surrounding situation carefully.”

Wu Chen was immediately speechless, “Can you still do it? You can’t always put the mistake on me.”

“Then what can be done, do you have the nerve to complain about my sister Xuan’er and sister Ge?” Luo Xue provocatively said to Wu Chen. “Of course, if you complain about Brother Sun, then I have nothing to say.

Hearing Luo Xue say this, Wu Chen was completely speechless.

In other words, no matter what, it was Wu Chen’s fault if he encountered a problem.

Xuan smiled and said to Wu Chen: “Brother Chen, don’t take it to heart, Sister Luo Xue is just joking with you.

Wu Chen certainly knew that Luo Xue was joking, otherwise, he would never let Luo Xue put all the “mistakes” on his own head.

Several people all laughed and didn’t take this kind of thing to heart.

But nonetheless, the cautiousness of several of them returned once again. In any case, safety must come first after all.

Although the Jinyu Mouse found only a monster that was not too strong, but if it was attacked by surprise, it would also cause a lot of damage to them.

Within the range of Wanling Yunchuan, the lowest-level monsters are also much stronger than the strongest outside.

This is why, the only people who can truly enter Wanling Yunchuan and leave alive are those who are outstanding.

A master like Gera’s mother, Yun Rui, has the ability to penetrate deep into the surrounding of the Palace of Gods, and also be able to retreat completely. Otherwise, people with slightly weaker strength can basically only become a corpse in this Wanling Yunchuan.

“Should we use these monsters to practice our hands by the way?” Grapiao said suddenly.

Wu Chenying said sullenly: “Forget it, it’s all promotion anyway, we’d better not provoke the monsters in Wanling Yunchuan.” Ding,

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