Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 104: Named and discarded

Lin Ming waited for a while, Xiao Si and the others brought the pack of wolves, Ah Ban Ah Dian, the four giant birds, and the two shrikes all returned under it, bowing their heads respectfully.

In the hearts of many animals, this huge bamboo is not only their owner, but also the greatest guarantee behind them.

No matter what happens, this huge bamboo can dissolve one by one.

It also allows them to inhabit and survive in this valley.

Lin Ming looked at the huge number of subordinates under him, remembering how he looked when there were only the little cute snakes and little wolf cubs around him at the beginning, and he felt a little emotional for a while.

Little cute snake, two hundred and eighty-three wolves headed by Xiaoyi, giant panda, little golden snake, giant bear full moon, lynx Afei, jackal and Adian, hyena bigfoot, hyena white unicorn, blue Peach, red peach, green peach, three giant kiwis, two egrets, two red-crowned cranes, four blood finch, two shrikes, two-tailed fire fox, small tortoise, one tortoise, and one big river prawn.

This is now all his subordinates.

Saying more is not too much, saying less is not too little.

Leaving aside the quantity, the quality is actually pretty good.

Except for the little tortoise, tortoises, river prawns, blood finch, shrike, and two-tailed Firefox, all the other subordinates have now risen to the first level!

Even if the waste wood is like the big feet of the hyena, Bai Qi's day and night exercises have successfully promoted to the first and third levels!

The subordinates, the weakness that Lin Ming had to take care of everywhere in the past has grown into one after another demon spirit!

Lin Ming even felt that on the land of the entire Blue Star, this might be one of the places with the most demon spirits like C.

And if it weren't for preventing the concentration of aura in this spirit territory from being too strong, at the speed of their previous primary one, I am afraid there should be at least a dozen B-level demon spirits in this spirit territory!

Now, all of his subordinates' levels, Lin Ming had been stuck to the highest level seven.

Afraid of humans?

No, this is not to be afraid of humans, but not to start a full-scale war with humans now.

Think about it, Lin Ming is a Demon King of Grade A, and many of his subordinates are Demon Spirits with elemental attributes. If you want to resist the long battle, there is no problem.

As long as he wants to, he can easily let humans know what the end is.

He can make any enemy close to him within a hundred kilometers into pieces under the attack of bamboo roots;

He can also make all breathing life within a hundred kilometers disappear instantly;

He can even withstand the bombing of nuclear weapons and recover in a short time...

But it doesn't make sense.

Hard Gangping A doesn't care if it is his character, but it is really stupid to fight directly with the biggest opposition right now.

Human transcendents have a large number and a large base. Although they are not as powerful as mutant creatures, their abilities are diverse and even extremely threatening.

Like the previous one that can directly lower the realm of mutant creatures within a certain range to the next level, if there are a few like this, won't they play for nothing?

What's more, even if he can resist a hundred nuclear bombs, his subordinates like Xiaoyi can't even hold half of them.

Therefore, before finding a solution that can shield the subordinates' aura concentration, at present, they can only be raised to the level of this level 7 or 8. If it is higher, it will be dangerous.

However, if he really wants to find a way to shield his subordinates' excessive aura concentration, he also has tools that can quickly raise his subordinates to the second level.


Lin Ming has accumulated quite a lot of this stuff.

Usually, the subordinates would hunt those mutant creatures and bring them back for Lin Ming to kill, and then Lin Ming would take out the soul pill and put it away.

And Lin Ming himself would also look for some monsters that entered the ninth level, about to break through to the first level, to kill them.

One way to do this is to control the collective level of the entire spiritual realm, not to make it higher, and there will be some top-notch mutant creatures.

The second is that the soul pill bred in these mutant organisms that are about to enter the first order will not cause the subordinates to happen like the fish in his pond because of the excessive aura concentration, and those of Zhai Yu's subordinates become The situation of monsters like human beings.

Lin Ming now has nearly five hundred soul pills in his hands.

These Pill Pills are enough for their subordinates to gain a lot of aura, so that their aura can be upgraded to the second order, and become a B-class demon spirit that makes humans terrified!

Moreover, this would be a real B class demon spirit, not a semi-finished product made by Zhai Yu, or a B class from the evil way of the outer door.

After all, the real B grade will not be completely unable to control reason, and the concentration of aura will not rapidly weaken over time.

Even so, Lin Ming still felt that some of his subordinates were not so perfect.

For example, I once gave a name in embarrassment.

No matter what the little cute snake, what little one, two, three, three, big feet, big fat, etc., they are pretty...not imposing.

In comparison, the red shadows and snow brocades of the egrets, the ink armors and ocher feathers of the red-crowned cranes are much more appropriate.

This is actually not a very important thing.

But as the subordinates gradually became stronger, some even evolved to the point where they didn't look like they were originally named.

It is like a little cute snake, it is now more like a little silver dragon, without many "snake" characteristics, not to mention, always called this somewhat naive name, it is really inconsistent with its current strength.

So, it's better to rename some subordinates.

First of all, let's start with the little cute snake.

Little Meng Snake is now a small silver dragon, but it can emit a strong fragrance. Although he can't smell it, he can't ignore this. Then call it "Qinchun".

For the small one, Lin Ming arranged them from the original small one to the small seven according to their elemental attributes and their respective auras. They are: Feng Xiao, Feng Shi, Feng Yan, Yan Si, Thunder Silence, and Yan. Looting and poisoning.

Xiao Qi's name is slightly feminine, because it is indeed a she-wolf.

Next came the panda fat. This guy Lin Ming thought for a long time and there was nothing too good about it. It's better to call it Fatty. This name was specifically used to describe it.

Hyena Bigfoot, according to his character that he likes to go hiking near the Lingxiao Peak, is "crossing the mountain".

Lynx Afei, an assassin-type character, is called "Jing Ji", and the two jackals, which have always been inseparable from the lynx, are called "spot guard" and "point guard".

The three-headed macaques, who have raised their realm to the first order, are now separated from the petite and weak image of the past, and they are completely three-headed giant monkeys.

Just as Lin Ming had guessed before, the color of their hair is also the color of the element attributes they possess.

Blue Peach has the attribute of "ice" and can condense ice cones in the air, regardless of the outside temperature. Lin Ming named it "Ice Soul"

The heart of hearts has the "fire" attribute, and Lin Ming named it "Zhaoyuan" just like Xiaoliu, which is now Yan Rui.

As for the green peach, the power contained in it is quite valued by Lin Ming. It has the attribute of "wood". It can rely on the power of plants to attack and defend. It is quite popular. Lin Ming has high expectations for it and gave it the name "Huaikui". .

Little Golden Snake, give it the name "Golden Scales", I hope it will not be a thing in the pool in the As for the two egrets, two red-crowned cranes, and the current names of the subordinates such as the iguana white unicorn and the giant bear full moon. Okay, keep it.

As for the remaining pack of wolves, the slow-growing little tortoise, and the remaining subordinates, they did not meet the requirements in terms of strength for the time being, so the names and the like still came slowly.

Lin Ming, who had done this, felt as if he had fought a war with humans, feeling a little tired in his spirit.

He didn't expect it to be so hard to name.

This incident is really embarrassing. His original name is abolished.

Hundreds of bamboo branches descended to the ground, and the spiritual liquid contained in them was the most wonderful compliment to these subordinates who have been working hard.

Looking at the mountains, Lin Ming had many thoughts.

Human beings have not been here for a long time.

What happened outside?

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