Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 108: Desired answer

Lin Ming looked towards the unfathomable blue sky.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, he does not know how many aura concentration detection satellites exist.

The Reiki Concentration Detecting Satellite, this thing is a machine made by human beings with scientific and technological power, who combined technology and aura in the era of Reiki Rejuvenation.

If this troublesome thing didn't exist, he would be very relaxed.

Those transcendents who want to know the concentration of aura in this place must sneak into the center of the spiritual realm.

In that case, it might be impossible for humans to know where he is for decades.

But human science and technology will also accompany them to move forward in madness when they feel the crisis.

From the extremely bulky box-type Reiki concentration detector to later miniaturization, miniaturization, and even hand-held Reiki concentration detectors, generation after generation was updated.

Finally, there appeared a Reiki concentration detection satellite that could fly in space, and from the beginning it could only shoot and detect things similar to hotspot maps. In the previous battle, Lin Ming learned that it could already take normal satellite images. .

Where will it evolve afterwards?

Lin Ming couldn't guess.

But he knew very well that as long as he didn't take the initiative to expose it, it might not be easy for humans to find themselves in this densely vegetation valley.

At this moment, he has hidden all his figure beside a few giant trees up to a hundred meters high.

The role of sunlight for him is simply some evolutionary points, which are not indispensable, and although the huge trees around him are dense, sunlight can also be projected from the gaps.

Coupled with the powerful force of "breath concealment", the concentration of the aura of A etc. has become one-tenth of the original. Even if it is as powerful as that of the aura detection satellite, he will never find his bamboo, which is the sea of ​​thousands of bamboos. The real overlord among them.

But the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm is now among those human beings and has become a target of public criticism.

If it is said to the human side that the first time Captain Zheng brought people to detect the concentration of spiritual energy, four people died and went back home, it would be a simple incident.

That second time Captain Zheng brought some troops and was almost completely wiped out by him again, it has already attracted attention in the "Transcendents Association".

And at that time, he was promoted from Tier 1 to Tier 2, which also caused short-term fluctuations in aura concentration, which also made humans alert.

After that, the Silver Poison Heavenly Dragon of the B class demon spirit appeared, and disappeared in the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm in a short time. Judging from the news from the human side, this also puzzled them.

Finally, when he was promoted from the second to the first level, the aura concentration that burst out in just a few seconds, if detected by the aura concentration detection satellite, would definitely attract human attention. And panic?

After this, the soldiers led by Zhai Yu suppressed the territory, which is the best proof.

The whole winter of silence on the human side proves that they are holding a big one, rather than just throwing this piece of doubt aside.

The reconnaissance aircraft that has been appearing in the past two days is also a signal released by mankind.

With a high probability, they will use a military force that has never been shown before, and a large number of extraordinary people to carry out a carpet-style complete clean-up of the Wanzhuhai area.

Lin Ming also knew that from the beginning to the present, he hadn't done everything perfectly, otherwise, things would not have progressed to this point.

Therefore, he finally decided to move from Wanzhuhai to another place before the arrival of the human army.

This is not to say that Lin Ming is afraid of humans, he just doesn't want to always be in such a passive state of defensive counterattacks.

If you are always passive, it would be too passive.

Nuclear bomb? Sorry, I'm really not afraid.

Even if the nuclear bombs flying all over the world only have a small root system, it is only a matter of a few minutes to grow back into the original appearance.

Moreover, he still has a killer move that is useless.

Lin Ming felt that his Class A Demon King was an existence that humans should be afraid of.

As for the location of the transfer... he had already thought about it.

Lin Ming looked towards the sky.

The four small black spots that gradually appeared in the extreme distance gradually grew larger and became clearer.

After a while, Chi Ying and his subordinates hovered and descended, and they, carrying Yinlong Qinchun, soon fell to the ground again.

Yinlong Qinchun, Giant Monkey Bingpo, Zhuoyuan, and Huaikui, all crawling on the ground, lowered their heads.

"Tell me all the terrain and information you see." After packing up various nouns and meanings so that these clever subordinates, they quickly understood the meaning of these things and exchanged ideas. Some things that are a little more difficult are naturally not a problem.

"Master, what the subordinates saw was a lot of forests and mountains, even far away." Yinlong Qinchun said.

"Master, what the subordinates see is similar to what Qin Chun saw!" Bing Po nodded.

"Master, the subordinates also grumble." Zhuo Yuan also said.

Lin Ming looked at the last Huai Kui.

"Master, the subordinates saw the weird white and gray things that the master said. They are very big, there are many humans in them, and the trees rarely grumble!" Huai Kui reported immediately!

"Which direction?" Lin Ming knew that the information he wanted had already arrived.

"It's in the southeast, not far away." Huai Kui replied immediately.

Lin Ming has a spectrum: "From here to that direction, there are many forests like here?"

"Master, many, many, grumble!"

Lin Ming knew it.

To the southeast, it happens to be the exit of the valley, where Xiaolizhuang was once, and if you go there, you will go straight to the direction of the Yinyu Mountain Spiritual Realm.

If you go straight ahead in the direction, it seems that you will not pass the central point of the nuclear explosion.

Lin Ming once learned from the conversations with the humans led by Zhai Yu that the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm is only a few hundred kilometers away from Rongcheng, the center of Shu Province. Perhaps the place Huai Kui said is Is Rongcheng City?

If so, that would be great.

Strategic countermeasures.

If you want to move, it is not a simple move, you must have a purpose and Lin Ming's purpose is the so-called strategic countermeasure.

Okay, human beings want to use nuclear bombs against demon spirits? Like nuclear bomb rain?

Then I moved to the vicinity of your most densely populated huge city, dare you still dare?

Humans may not think that if they scratch their brains, the demon spirits such as A, who are looking for them, will leave from this ten thousand bamboo sea spiritual realm and come to their densely populated areas?

Since the strong and the weak are fighting, since they want you to die, you must use some special methods.

Moving to this place very close to the location of the big city was a strategic countermeasure that Lin Ming could think of.

If mankind knew he was beside the giant city and suppressed it with the rain of nuclear bombs...

The human race might really be hopeless.

That being the case, when the night comes, head to the vicinity of that huge city!

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