Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 117: Up close threat

The mountains are ups and downs, reckless.

   Thick clouds and mist drifted over the canyon, converging, forming a whole spectacular sea of ​​clouds.

  In the canyon, the fog is lingering, the ancient trees are towering, and the trees are lush.

   And among the towering dense forests of this canyon, there is another lake, clear and transparent, like a mirror.

   When Lin Ming came into this gorge last night, he thought for a moment that he had returned to the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm.

  Linghu Lake, streams, mountains, and towering giant trees up to a hundred meters high could not help but give him this illusion.

   However, this place is broader and more dangerous than the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm.

   Moreover, Lin Ming could clearly perceive that less than sixty kilometers away from him, he was already the center of Shu Province, where Rongcheng City was!

  Even if there is no breath perception, Lin Ming also knows roughly through the reconnaissance of the red shadows that he is in the spiritual realm closest to Rongcheng City. When you cross the mountain on the east side, you can see the vast Jianghan Plain!

   Although this distance is not within Lin Ming's ideal range of 20 or 30 kilometers, it is also close enough to the big cities where humans gather.

   Now, he can realize tens of millions of people within 200 kilometers of this perception radius through perception!

   Their every move, every word, Lin Ming knew everything!

   Lin Ming also understood that his perception system seemed to be more than just "powerful".

   Moreover, he can also develop more functions based on this ability in the future.

   Now, Lin Ming has easily found this secret place near Rongcheng City, where the nuclear warhead was fired, through perception, and can even perceive dozens of high-level human beings who are about to leave by plane at Rongcheng City Airport!

   This kind of thing was impossible to imagine before.

   At that time in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm, the humans that could be encountered were extremely limited, and the amount of information obtained from those humans was also extremely limited.

   is completely different in this gorge. He can easily judge their profession, character and everything by relying on the dialogue between those humans.

   Among these tens of millions of people, he can use the method of elimination to continuously separate ordinary people and extraordinary people easily, and he can also completely separate those important people from ordinary people.

   Lin Ming used this to completely lock in nearly 20,000 of them in a very short time.

   These nearly 20,000 people will be able to provide him with all the actions and intelligence of the human side that he wants to know!

   Moreover, this information is updated extremely quickly, and it is also convenient for him to start operations in the shortest time.

   This seems to have reached a pretty good place.

By the side of this small lake, Lin Ming sighed while piercing the root system into the soft soil, allowing the bamboo roots to extend down to nearly two kilometers before stopping, and the rest of the root system was also radially moved first. The entire spiritual realm area is completely controlled within a radius of more than 40 kilometers.

Using his extreme resurrection ability, Lin Ming soon began to grow again after the main trunk that had been cut in half by his own blood blade. After reaching a height of nearly 80 meters, hundreds of branches also protruded from it. , Open branches and loose leaves.

   Soon, with almost no effort, Lin Ming became the same giant bamboo again when he was in the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm!

In this canyon, huge trees with a height of hundreds of meters abound, but he is also extremely inconspicuous, and not far away are green bamboo forests, almost every tree can reach a height of fifty to sixty meters. Let him not simply be seen by others.

   Lin Ming overlooked the entire canyon.

   Steep cliffs, streams, rocks, dilapidated temples, broken railings.

   wild flowers, fairy grass, birds, insects, fish, beasts.

   Natural conditions seem extremely superior.

   is even much stronger than the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm that he thought was quite good.

   Looking at those ancient temples and plank roads, railings and steps, Lin Ming inferred that this place seemed to be originally a scenic spot, but after the spiritual energy was restored, it was directly transformed into a spiritual realm.

   Except for him and his subordinates, the most powerful mutant creature in this spiritual realm is a panda at level six, which surprised Lin Ming.

   It turned out that the recovery process of Wan Zhuhai's spiritual energy seemed to be more powerful.

   After all, the mutant creatures there are not his subordinates, there are also many existences close to the first order, but here is actually so much worse.

   Could it be that it was because it was closer to Rongcheng City, so it had been wiped out by the Association of Transcendents or the Nineth Heaven Pagoda?

   Regarding this, he has no way of knowing it yet. However, this would also allow him to expel and destroy them without having to spend so much effort.

Among the    subordinates, most of them have not reached the first order except for the ones they collected at the beginning.

   If there is one level all over here, these guys will have to rely on him or the pack of wolves to hunt again.

   But Lin Ming also discovered that the mutant creatures here are not of high level, but the number is extremely large, which dwarfs the Wanzhuhai Spiritual Realm.

   It’s not so good, I saw hundreds of elks coming to drink in groups on the other side of the lake.

   Lin Ming was not polite, and directly ordered the wolves to howl and lead the pack of wolves directly to them, hunting.

   After a long journey here, I have to let the subordinates eat and drink before talking.

   After the pack of wolves went out, Lin Ming looked at the other subordinates.

   At this time, after the heavy rains of the day before and yesterday, they followed their long journeys and climbed over the mountains to come here. They were indeed a little tired, most of them were resting under him.

   Especially the mutant wolves that are about to give birth, and Bai Qi, whom Lin Ming has been paying attention to, are lying on the dry ground that he has specially cleaned up.

   If it weren't for the sudden attack of the they might be able to give birth to new life in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm, and then slowly raise them up.

   However, humanity struck, completely breaking this hope.

   If I didn't leave at the beginning and chose to die, maybe the subordinates are facing a Wanzhuhai Spiritual Realm full of despair and death.

   Lin Ming felt that his original choice was quite correct.

   not only brought his subordinates, but also came to this place where he was in a strategic countermeasure, food was more abundant, and the environment was more suitable for survival.

   also made those crazy humans rush to the air, completely missing his goal.

   Even, he even made Zheng Guodong, an extraordinary person like B, a lunatic.

   Lin Ming learned of this information from the human high-level man who was in the plane.

   For him, although Zheng Guodong is insignificant, it is also a potential threat.

   Now that this human being who can only speak beautiful words and has an extreme personality is crazy, it is also a good thing.

   Lin Ming didn't want to talk to this guy again, and kept hearing the so-called "Wan Zhuhai" three words.

   Another thing, Lin Ming also learned something worth noting from the mouths of these high-level officials.

   different animals.

   In those high-level mouths, this thing seems to be completely different from the currently known mutant creatures.

   But they only appeared in the bear country, and there is no information about sightings in this Tang country.

   Different animals...

   Lin Ming seems to think that if this thing is true, then there may be more fun in the days to come.


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