Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 121: New threat

Tang country, somewhere.

In the special countermeasures headquarters, at the long table for a dozen years, the faces of nearly a hundred transcendents all carry a trace of anxiety and embarrassment at this moment.

They are constantly circulating the information they just sent, with different expressions, but everyone's forehead is covered with sweat.

In the huge command post, only the heavy breathing of everyone and the rustle of paper.

"Have you finished reading?" In the command center, the middle-aged man standing in the center frowned, without any expression.

"Xingtian Tower, what is this thing..." Luo Ming stood up, completely unable to believe that the information he just saw was true.

"What's the matter?" Xing Yue's voice was low.

"This kind of thing is a strange animal?" Luo Ming took a deep breath. He pointed to the photo on the document, and cold sweat couldn't help streaming down his forehead.

Everyone present also held this question like Luo Ming, and they looked at Xing Yue together.

"Yes, this is a strange animal. The photos were taken by Xiong Guo using the latest drones at very close distances without any processing." Xing Yue shook his head and replied.

Everyone looked at each other and murmured, these things are strange beasts?

It's so **** nauseating, what kind of crazy thing is made out of plasticine?

"It doesn't look like they look like what a normal person can imagine, but they are extremely powerful. They are not afraid of any small and medium-sized thermal weapons at all. The only thing they are afraid of is us."

"Lao Xing, you said, these people who have dozens of eyeballs and secret fear patients have seen disgusting things that are absolutely unbearable, I'm afraid we are extraordinary?" Ta Liwei was surprised on the sixth day.

"Yes, bullets, rockets, and armor-piercing bullets can't help them, especially swords and the like. But after a few of the elemental transcendents of the bear country went up, they simply used elemental attacks to kill them."

"It's really fake..." Li Wei looked at Luo Ming next to him, and the two of them stared at them with big eyes.

"There are now three batches of reports of strange animals in the bear country, and the American country has sporadic sighting reports, and the sighting reports are gradually increasing. Maybe one day they will also appear in the Tang country." Xing Yue continued.

"Uh, Xingtian Tower, I see from the information that they are all more than a dozen appearing as a team? It seems that there are many types." Luo Ming asked again.

There are more than 30 photos in total, and these disgusting and strange looking monsters have been taken from various angles. It is really difficult to find one that is the same.

"Yes, the same thing was witnessed by the American country, but they didn't provide us with more information."

Listening to Xing Yue's explanation of this strange beast, the high-level transcendents present were all whispering.

What the **** is this strange beast?

Where do they come from? What are you going to do again?

"They all suddenly appeared in a certain place. Because they didn't have any concentration of spiritual energy, when they were discovered, they could not accurately find their origin. As for their purpose, it was very simple." Xing Yue sighed. "destroy."


People or creatures they encounter, even mutant creatures, will be swallowed with disgusting, sharp teeth, turning them into pieces of flesh and blood.

The transcendents looked at the data, and it was clearly recorded there that the two small cities in the bear country, as well as a nearby green and safe spiritual realm, were brutally killed by this group of things, and most of them were killed. eaten.

It's really a very evil and terrifying creature.

"Therefore, the above asks us transcendents to wake up 120,000 points of spirit before we find any alien beasts in Tang, and be truly prepared!"

Xing Yue said, snapped his fingers, and the information in everyone's hands instantly turned to ashes.

"For this reason, we transcendents must always be prepared. When guarding against and monitoring all spiritual realms in the country, we must also have an absolute awareness of guarding against alien beasts that may appear. We must not let them become mutated creatures and treat us. Something that humanity poses new threats!"


Everyone looked at each other, and they all smiled bitterly.

It's not just a mutant creature, now there is another enemy.

Why is it so difficult for humans?

Moreover, this strange beast is only afraid of elemental attribute attacks, and there are not too many elemental attributes that Quan Tang can find out.

There were quite a few in the era of the Transcendents' Association before, but Zhai Yu gave a battle to explain it over there.

But if it weren't for this matter, the Nine Heaven Tower would not have been built.

Therefore, at present, counting the eight heavenly towers of the nine-layered heavenly towers, that is to say, less than a hundred people have elemental attributes.

And one of the most powerful...

Still crazy.

After the countermeasures were over, everyone walked out, but Luo Ming was left alone.

Xing Yue came to Luo Ming's face: "How is that person's current state?"

Luo Ming was stunned, then sighed heavily, and shook his head: "What else? It's crazy every day. It's noisy and noisy in that room. There is nothing else in his mouth except those three words."

"'s a pity." Xing Yue nodded, "Originally, he should have become the hope of mankind. As a result..."

"I thought he would have trouble at that time, but I never thought he would be crazy. I was also going to be enthusiastic and excited by his speech. As a result, who would have thought that there was nothing in that spiritual realm? Alas."

"Yes, even though our Ninth Heaven Tower or Tang Guo has almost surpassed everything else in the world, this battle is really weird. Originally, I did it well. The worst preparation, the result..."

At that time, everyone was prepared for the worst.

Perhaps the A-class demon spirits in the spiritual realm will be born, and the world will also be destroyed.

However, A and other demon spirits did not appear, and the transcendents and soldiers also captured it very and even no one died there because of it.

The only loss was that Zheng Guodong, who had just become the world's first B-class transcendent, went crazy that day.

"Yes, that battle... think about it now, it's too weird." Xing Yue frowned, "If there are even B and other demon spirits there, we will not allow us to besieged there, we will definitely fight to the death. However, nothing like this happened at all."

"Hey, maybe there was no such thing as B and other demon spirits and A and other demon kings at the beginning, or even C and other demon kings. We were also..."

"There are class C, but no one of us has ever fought with a demon spirit of class C." Xing Yue took out a document and handed it to Luo Ming.

After Luo Ming finished reading briefly, his eyes widened: "The difference in the concentration of aura before and after is so much!"

"Yeah, it's a level difference. From the area where the demon spirits such as C may exist, to the area where the demon spirits may exist, it is just a matter of one night." Xing Yue said, shook his head again, "I will take this The person was notified of the incident, but that person did not react at all. Xiao Liu from the Reiki Detection Division also said about it, but he was still unmoved. What do you think?"

"Xingtian Tower, um, I don't think this kind of thing is suitable for us to talk about?" Luo Ming looked around, a little embarrassed.

"Normal communication, I'm afraid of something." Xing Yue smiled, "Our Ninth Heavenly Pagoda, it seems that many things are kept in the dark. Just like this time in the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm, like an obedient dog, the dog Do whatever the master says you want to do."


"What the dog owner thinks, the dog doesn't know. The dog knows to rush out and then take the frisbee back. He doesn't know what the frisbee is made of. When it is held, it will die." Xing Yue said with a sneer. Get up, "Dog, don't know anything."

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